The summer season of reruns and good stuff on cable is almost over. I have really been enjoying Louie (hooray it got picked up for a third season!) and Storage Wars.
But it will soon be the time when the networks stop showing their summer crap, and give us back the things we have been waiting for all summer. I for one am looking forward to NBC Thursdays, as ever. Community, Parks and Rec, and the Office will be back. 30 Rock has been pushed to midseason, I think because Tina Fey got knocked up again. Whitney is the new 9:30/8:30c show and it looks super awful.
Also looking forward to ABC Wednesdays. Modern Family didn't quite have a sophomore slump, but it didn't feel improved either. But it was a pretty good show out of the gate, just samey sometimes. Happy Endings grew on me, and I think I'll keep watching it this season. Cougar Town is another midseason starter (boo!).
I am interested in Terra Nova because Sci-fi/dinosaurs/time travel is something I have to at least try. Also going to give Once Upon a Time a try, it's supposed to be a modern day fairy tale mashup thing. Looks interesting, and it's from the writers of LOST!
I am a little interested in Person of Interest, almost entirely because it has Michael Emerson (Ben from LOST). But it's on icky CBS, ew.
EW has a schedule of when stuff is and when it premieres:
What are my fellow couch potatoes excited about for this fall?
This fall means nothing to me.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
I don't know how I'm going to get my Robert Sean Leonard fix now.
also goddammit I have so much fucking catching up to do, gotta plow through a whole bunch of Justified and Breaking Bad
e: oh shit and Kat Dennings has a show that I'll probably check out too
It's not often a good sign for a show. It's also annoying because they start and stop shows willy-nilly
well when you approve new shows for the fall season, you cant assume they are all going to work out because when some of them dont you dont want to be stuck with that show on your schedule for the rest of the season.
So you keep some shows in reserve to premiere in the spring and plug holes in the schedule
Ah, thanks.
That does not bode super well for Awake I think
plenty of shows have debuted at midseason and been big hits
I don't doubt you but doesn't conventional wisdom have most networks not putting their 'A-game' shows as midseason replacements?
There are a lot of reasons to debut things at midseason other than "we think this show sucks." The really shitty ones get dumped off in the summer, for instance.
If you've got a big show coming up that you know is going to be a hit, you can hold off and try to let the new show feed off that, or if there are production issues that are holding it up, or if you've got baseball fucking up your schedule and you feel like you need to hold back til you can have the show not lose like half of the audience that just started watching it because you weren't airing it for like a month
It's not really that simple, especially now since the way current network schedules work is that they are usually built around the big reality shows like American Idol - which don't run all year.
old shows coming back that i am terribly excited for: community, parks and rec, the office, dr. who, boardwalk empire, castle, supernatural, nikita, how i met your mother, raising hope, glee, survivor, modern family, happy endings, ANTM, sons of anarchy, its always sunny, the league, psych
new shows that i plan on dvring that have me atwittipated: 2 broke girls, terra nova, ringer, new girl, i hate my teenage daughter, persons of interest, grimm, once upon a time, apartment 23
i probably need to cut back on tv, maybe?
Going to sleep until next year
can't come soon enough
i have hope for it! though once upon a time looks loads better, i'm willing to be surprised. i am just hoping it takes the whole crime procedural thing to heart, i want a crime show, but with fairy creatures! just like how alphas is a crime show, but with superpowers! (everyone watch alphas!)
I will still go back and watch that trailer because it's so good.
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
so at the very least we will get a rad tv movie out of it
I almost don't want Mad Men to come back after the awful stuff I read.
It's a fantastic show, don't get me wrong, but the creator is such a douchebag that Breaking bad only has one more season, AND Walking Dead might be cancelled, all because the creator wanted more and more and more money than was really needed.
Dammit, Walking Dead is one of the few reasons I even still own a TV.
I would love a miniseries though.
Also what is wrong with you Sweeny Tom.
Archer and Community and Modern Family and lots of other shows on right now are still good
because it's not fully accurate
first of all, the guy in charge of breaking bad wanted it to end soon for story purposes, and the only sticking point would have been him taking it elsewhere if AMC didn't want it
and the Walking Dead is kind of a clusterfuck all on its own
and Chuck, but that's not back til October
oh and I might check out Person of Interest because Michael Emerson's in it
David Simon is the biggest fucking douchebag on the planet, dosen't mean that The Wire isn't a fucking astonishing piece of art.
And yeah, Breaking Bad was only going to last one more year anyway, Vince Gilligan had no interest in dragging the show out for no reason and it's even getting an extended final season with 16 episodes instead of 13 and also The Walking Dead is a fucking trainwreck of a show.