We've all been there. You go to the movies, watch that flick on a whim without knowing a lot about it beyond the fact that it seems fun, and then you enjoy yourself immensely. You go home, look at the reviews, and the thing got obviously panned by critics, moviegoers, or both. You know you shouldn't have enjoyed it even before looking; this thing was bound to be bad, and honestly it kind of was, but you liked it anyway.
OR -- you liked the movie, and got home only to discover that seemingly nobody liked it except you and a very select few others, but you have no idea why! Maybe you have bad taste, or, just as likely, the thing was aimed at a very specific niche group of people and you just happen to be a part of that niche.
Now, a piece of media that has been vindicated over time or a cult classic is not what I'm talking about here. This is for the games, television shows, movies, art, and other media that makes you suspect you may actually have bad taste, or at least a blind spot with regard to this one piece. For example, this phenomenon has bled into SE++, where Pony Love is now rampant (and, I understand, contagious. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and cosplay). It is a rare example of a large group of people embracing something that is objectively terrible, yet they love it anyway.
Now, I sort of expect the odd person to come in here and defend their love of Ultraviolet. This is okay; we're not here to judge you. Okay,
I'm not here to judge you. I can't speak for the rest of them. But if you know it is bad and that is
why you love it, that is something else. Any piece of media you wish to defend and discuss should have some sort of quality that you see as
good which causes you to enjoy it on its own merits, not on a so-bad-it's-good basis. Troll 2 is not a guilty pleasure; it is the result of Obs and Satan's love.
I'll start things off.
Johnny English is a movie that has a
33% score on Rotten Tomatoes. It is criticized largely because it is compared to Austin Powers and other spy film spoofs that came out around the same time. But I say who cares about those! I don't watch a movie to compare it to another one. I watch a movie to be entertained, and Rowan Atkinson entertained me in this movie. I know that his brand of humor isn't for everyone, but I was genuinely perplexed at the near-universal panning it got on release. For me, even if the joke is old, a new telling can be made fresh or funny in the
way it's told, so I enjoyed myself thoroughly. There's a sequel to this movie coming out, too! I'll probably end up going to see it, even knowing it will be reviewed into the ground.
Please don't make this a poll thread. Defend your guilty pleasures with words! Tell us
why you consider it a guilty pleasure, or why you expect to be mocked for liking a thing, or
something other than just posting a video game title or a movie poster.
but they're listening to every word I say
Especially when it's used to refer to something that is enjoyed by literally millions of people.
A true guilty pleasure would be something along the lines of "I really enjoy murdering the elderly".
I'm guessing nobody needs to be reminded why romance novels are a guilty pleasure?
But if you are afraid to admit you like something, there must be a sizable-enough group to make you fear the admission. I don't really think it's cowardice; it's more like an awareness that you may be part of a small minority that likes something, and you don't want to be judged because of it.
Not wanting to be judged for your opinions amounts to cowardice.
In the interest of not thread-shitting, I fucking love a capella bands.
Yes, like the shitty college fad from around 1998-2002.
Love that shit with all my heart.
I've never read romance novels, but I have to imagine there are good ones. My friend who used to work at Half-Price Books with me used to stock the romance novel section, though, and he used to toss the funniest-looking ones over the shelf to land next to me. Titles like, "Erotic Invitation" and "Faking It".
I don't think you're threadshitting, but I also disagree. Oh well.
To elaborate, I guess I also don't think people who don't go around making sure everybody knows their exact political stances are cowards either. Sometimes you have to get along with people, and inviting ridicule or derision isn't always something we want to do.
I though Somebody to Love and Never Say Never by Justin Bieber were good songs.
Also, I really enjoyed Sucker Punch which Rotten Tomatoes did not like.
Steam: FallenDestiny *** XBL: xDestinyx3
Got me like baby baby bay OH!.
I don't know if that is either of those songs but stab my ears out.
but they're listening to every word I say
Also I think people hate Harry Potter because they secretly want Lord of the Rings to be the books that all the kids love.
I guess I'm drawing a line between keeping your possibly unfavorable opinions to yourself and presenting them with some mitigating factor so it makes it seem like you hold your opinions ironically.
I also think that anyone who seriously ridicules you for your opinion on what's enjoyable art should be kicked in the taint.
Okay... I take back what I said about serious ridicule... SAVAGE GARDEN? :P
+1 on that.
Steam: FallenDestiny *** XBL: xDestinyx3
"The Italian Duke's Virgin Mistress"
"The Billionaire's Bride"
I have seen those at Kroger, and I have never bought any of their books.
Kroger must be your guilty pleasure.
Ever since I left MI for MN grocery stores got significantly less rat infested.
but they're listening to every word I say
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
I like romance novels too, don't read them much if at all though but that's more because I read so many other books than any ill will towards the genre.
I usually make a half-hearted attempt to be icked by rom-coms but man I love a good one. I went to the movies with a friend last week and we accidentally sat in the wrong theatre and a bunch of trailers for romance movies came on and I went "yeah, I'd probably watch all those". Not without a girl though, not because of my manliness but because it would make me feel sad
Still, it's one thing to like something because it is entertaining in some way and another to know that it has some kind of objective value. I could love XXX with Vin Diesel, but that doesn't make it any "good". At least not in every possible sense.
but they're listening to every word I say
I love XXX with Vin Diesel, matter of fact anything with Vin Diesel.
Also Steven Seagal but neither of those are guilty pleasures.
I think it's more that guilty pleasures are things that go against what you think is your image you broadcast to the rest of the world.
I like to cook them just enough to be done, then roll them up like a burrito.
Probably why I weigh like 15lbs more than you. :P
Sims is addictive. I completely understand you.
Steam: FallenDestiny *** XBL: xDestinyx3
Highlander the tv series. You can't hide a sword under a hoody! Yet I cannot look away!
And... I don't know if I have any guilty pleasures. Mainly because I dont feel guilty about anything I enjoy.
You are aware M*A*S*H is a critically-acclaimed television series, generally regarded as the epitome of the genre by nearly everyone with an opinion on the subject?
Guilty pleasures : InigoMontoya.jpg
Highlander, however... I can see that. The sped-up swordfight scenes were pretty great/bad. Like the one with Richard Moll.
I'm hoping it doesn't pull an Ace Ventura, but if it does, oh well. It's not supposed to be high art.
I was expecting the reverse response (mash bad highlander good). I'll try harder next time!
Maybe it's different in Canadian. :P
But yeah, one day I was just flipping through the channels and I come across this show with a bunch of lovely ladies on it so of course I stopped. It did make me appreciate that there is some aspect of skill and thinking involved with modeling..at least at the top.
The two J's are just simply awesome though.
Enlist in Star Citizen! Citizenship must be earned!
It is horrible and stupid, and I love it.
I went to the IMDB page for Highlander once, and there were people arguing about the mechanics behind hiding a sword in a coat. A popular theory is that the swords are essentially sheathed in a bag of holding and don't take up the actual amount of space they would in "real life." It was fucking bizarre.