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Razer Blade?



  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    They want you to spend almost three grand on a laptop that can't even run Shadow Warrior maxed, doesn't have an SSD, has a puny 320 GB 7200 RPM drive, and only 8GB of RAM?

    Erm, the specs on the current Razer Blades are much different than the ones on the models that came out two years ago when this thread was started. They run about $2000 it looks like now for a model with a 256GB SSD, a GTX 765M, an i7-4702HQ, and 8GB of RAM (which is perfectly adequate for gaming, most games won't even get anywhere close to using 8GB).

    That said, it's questionable whether that's the best way to invest a couple grand for this purpose.

  • Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular
    You can get all that for much less by going with a custom built laptop. For $2000 I'd want my laptop to have a GTX780 in it, for starters.

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited November 2013
    Gaslight wrote: »
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    They want you to spend almost three grand on a laptop that can't even run Shadow Warrior maxed, doesn't have an SSD, has a puny 320 GB 7200 RPM drive, and only 8GB of RAM?

    Erm, the specs on the current Razer Blades are much different than the ones on the models that came out two years ago when this thread was started. They run about $2000 it looks like now for a model with a 256GB SSD, a GTX 765M, an i7-4702HQ, and 8GB of RAM (which is perfectly adequate for gaming, most games won't even get anywhere close to using 8GB).

    That said, it's questionable whether that's the best way to invest a couple grand for this purpose.

    I hadn't noticed this thread was super Necro'd, mostly because Razer makes garbage and I don't pay attention to their stuff usually. Regardless, those specs are still fucking awful for a machine that costs two grand. I spent that much on my new Sager and have a gaming laptop that can actually, yanno, play games cranked and will last a long time. You'd have to be completely tech illiterate to think the Blade was a good product.

    TOGSolid on
  • GnomeTankGnomeTank What the what? Portland, OregonRegistered User regular
    You're Sager also weighs three times what the Blade does, and is probably three times as thick. This is another case of "Not everyone values what you value".

    If you read the reviews of the Blade, it's widely considered an amazing gaming ultrabook. That's a very niche segment, but an interesting one to fill. If it's a segment you value, then the premium can be worth it.

    Me personally? No, I wouldn't pay it...but if traveled a lot for business and was more worried about a machine that was light, thin and still packed a punch? I'd consider it. I've had a Sager. Small, light or aesthetically pleasing they are not. They are the hulking brute of laptops. If you favor raw power over those other tangibles, then fine, they are a great buy, but not everyone does. Same reason I own a MacBook Air instead of Bargain Off The Shelf Laptop A. For that machine, I valued the sleek, light, thin design over the most power I could cram in to the cheapest plastic shell.

    Sagroth wrote: »
    Oh c'mon FyreWulff, no one's gonna pay to visit Uranus.
    Steam: Brainling, XBL / PSN: GnomeTank, NintendoID: Brainling, FF14: Zillius Rosh SFV: Brainling
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited November 2013
    It's a "gaming" laptop that you just spent 2 grand on and is going to be a fucking brick a lot faster than a proper gaming laptop and can't even keep up with everything out there right now without dialing things back. It just strikes me as a huge waste of money from every possible angle with no redeeming factors and this is coming from someone who travels half the year (sometimes more).

    TOGSolid on
  • DjeetDjeet Registered User regular
    It's not for you. The thread is about razers, if you'd never get one why are you here shitting on them? Maybe if you had a suggestion for something similar?

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    Djeet wrote: »
    It's not for you. The thread is about razers, if you'd never get one why are you here shitting on them? Maybe if you had a suggestion for something similar?

    The thread was about people giving their thoughts and opinions on the Razer Blade, which is what he is doing. It is not the "Razer Blade fan club/owners club thread." (It couldn't be anyway since nobody here seems to actually own one, which is a little telling.)

  • DjeetDjeet Registered User regular
    If you don't take the form factor in account then what is the comparison? You could spend half the price and make yourself a desktop that could crush either.

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited November 2013
    Djeet wrote: »
    If you don't take the form factor in account then what is the comparison? You could spend half the price and make yourself a desktop that could crush either.

    I'm a gaming laptop guy. Due to my job I have to have one if I want to play my stuff when I'm out at sea for half the year. There are a few basic rules to gaming laptops and one of em is to get the best bang for your buck because these things are expensive for the hardware you're getting. You have to purchase with longevity in mind and the Razor Blade is even MORE expensive for the parts in it and will be a brick much, much sooner.

    Besides, in what possible situation would you need a gaming laptop that thin? Seriously. Who or what is this thing even for? Putting it in the world's dumbest, thinnest briefcase that can only fit a couple of folders, an ID card, and what's left of your crushed hopes and dreams? You're not exactly gonna be playing League of Legends or whatever on the train/plane to work. Is this for your hotel room after you've arrived? It is? Then why the fuck didn't you get a real laptop for that? A lot of the stuff that's fun on a communte actually play just fine on a Surface Pro and it's a lot less of a pain in the ass to pull out and play with on the go.

    Seriously, explain it to me. I can see the point of a regular ultrabook because it's a lightweight productivity machine with good screen real estate. I get that and it makes total sense. However that form factor as a gaming rig makes zero sense and other than "aesthetics" and "I'm bad at spending my money wisely" I've yet to see a reason to get one of these. If you can explain it then go for it, I'm totally open to having this explained to me.

    TOGSolid on
  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    gaming laptops have always seemed, to me, to fit the niche of somebody who is using them like a desktop computer, but has to move them around, like from college to home every weekend, or whatever.

    But in that scenario, I don't think the lighter weight of something like this justifies the price. If you want portable gaming that can be convenient on the go, you want a Surface Pro, not a laptop. And if you just need what is effectively a portable desktop, you want one of the serious gaming laptops, weight be damned.

  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    My next machine will probably be a gaming laptop.
    Pretty much because we don't have the space to dedicate to a desk, but I can put a laptop on the kitchen table or console table and put it away if needed. So to me, graphics/horsepower are most valuable. Weight and battery life are of near-zero importance since it will always be near an outlet.

  • DjeetDjeet Registered User regular
    This thing is not for people whose primary concern is price/performance index. There are buyers out there who figure in other concerns than that.

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