Hey everybody, I wanted to know if it was possible that damage sustained to the PCI-e cord going from the power supply to my GPU could cause playback issues on video? Whether it's streaming online or a video file on my harddrive, it's stuttering, halting, and forcing me to skip forward and back a bit to get it running again. It seems to just hang if left alone.
This just seemed to start quite recently. Since I took the side off my case some time ago (for cooling purposes--the old card ran hot as hell) and lost the screws to put it back on, the guts are exposed. Now, my pet rabbit who's basically free-range, a decision I'm regretting and reconsidering, decided that the PCI-e cord sticking out looked tasty, and so nommed on it enough to cause some damage. The inside of the cord is partly exposed, essentially.
Now, there's no sparking or anything, and games
seem to run fine so far. This has led me to believe that it's possible there's a driver conflict or a codec problem. It's worth mentioning that driver installation said it had some problems, but wouldn't tell me what they were, and games never had any problem running.
Basically, I'm asking if one of the two PCI-e cords being damaged could cause problems like what I'm seeing. Any thoughts?
Here's what I'm talking about:
That's a Corsair tx650, by the way.
Like I said, it very well might not be the issue, but you should never use exposed power cabling.
Fake edit: like this - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812198022