Let me lay out my problem in very simplified terms
I have two spreadsheets - spreadsheet "Sarah", and spreadsheet "TS". There's a lot of data on both, but for the purposes of this question let's pretend they look like this:
Every Sunday, the spreadsheet turns out a weekly gross figure into column C of sheet TS.
I need some way of formulating a function for the "Gross" fields on the "Sarah" sheet (the one on the right) that will take the date in column A of the Sarah sheet and search for that date on the TS sheet. When it finds it, it takes that row number and looks in column C of TS to return the value it finds there. So, for example, I need the value in C2 of sheet TS to go in B2 of Sarah, and the value of C9 in sheet TS to go in B3, via function.
Any ideas as to how this might be possible? I was thinking if I could somehow tell it just to add 7 to the row number every time it's looking it might be easier assuming I
manually give it the row number of the first Sunday to start with, but I don't know how to formulate that syntax in Google Spreadsheets.
soo in b2 of Sarah youd do =vlookup(A2,TS!A:C],3,false)