The 5th Penny Arcadian Warhammer 40,000 League!
The Pick up Game League!
You can play this:
Or this:
Images from here:
Download the VASSAL wargaming application from
this link here.
Download the 40K module V40k 5.4-e: from
this link here. There is a new group of people working on this module, you can check the bugfixes, download the latest release, and keep up with plans for future revisions here: is a link to some premade maps..You load them as a saved game, there might be an error that is was saved with a previous version, but it will work. Also, if the scatter die doesn't work right you can replace it from the models tab.
Here is a link to an old user guide, some of the options have changed, and the screens don't look exactly the same, but there is a lot of basic information there that will help you get a feel for the module.
If you want to BFG, Download the BFG module VBFG 2.2 from
this link here.
Time period: Until the next person starts a league.
Ok, here's the deal, I got really busy after the BFG league fell apart, and the new forums caused a lot of disruption as well. I still don't have a ton of time to run a complicated league, but I think that maybe we need to try something simple this go around. So, just arrange a game with another forumer, post the results here and I will keep track of them. I will rank the list by win-loss percentage, with a minimum of 3 games in order to be ranked.
40k Rules: Have two lists for two game sizes, 1000 pts list for a quick game or if you are just learning Vassal; And a 1500 pts list for a normal 40k game, at the point limit
God GW intended.
BFG rules:
Fleet list of 1500 points, from one of the standard fleet lists on the GW website. If you and your opponent know the 2010 rules update, and would prefer to use it, you can, but as it is not yet official, I would rather use the rules as written on the GW website.
You CAN change your list, since this is just a pick up game league. You CAN swap out armies, just make sure your opponent knows what army you plan to use beforehand. There is not a need to post your army list since it can change between games, unless you want help with it, but you do have to show your list to your opponent when the game starts.
Rule disputes: If something crops up in a game that cannot be conclusively settled, post it here and I'll make a ruling on how it should be played within the league.
Anything that needs to be further clarified? Did I leave anything important out?
When you signup please post your Army, time zone, and the best day and time for you to play.
I am going to do two separate lists, since the 40k and BFG games are NOT linked this time around.
40k Players:
Name...........40k Army.......Time Zone
Eldercat..........DA.................GMT -5
OtakuD00D......DE.................GMT -7
Moridin889.....BA/DE..............GMT -?
Last league, just for my reference
Law................IG..................GMT -5
Gabriel Pitt.......IG(traitor).......GMT -5
Mazzyx...........Orks...............GMT -6
Halos...........Tyranids.............GMT -0
Skarsol...........SOBs..............GMT -6
Leaf..............Eldar...............GMT -8
Pollo Diablo......IG(traitor)......GMT -4
Last league, just for my reference
Gabriel Pitt:......0..........0/0/0....0
Pollo Diablo......0..........0/0/0....0
BFG Players:
Name...........BFG Fleet.....Time Zone
Eldercat..........IN/SM.........GMT -5
Last league, just for my reference
Law................IN..............GMT -5
Gabriel Pitt.......Chaos........GMT -5
Mazzyx...........Orks...........GMT -6
Halos...........Tyranids.........GMT -0
Leaf..............Eldar............GMT -8
Last league, just for my reference
Gabriel Pitt:.....0..........0/0/0....0
That's cool I teach people pretty often. Do you have skype? Makes it SO much easier.
8am Central? So that's... 0800+900=1700 until 1300+900=2200. That's actually perfect for me. I won't be up until around like 1900-900=1000 (10am) your time more than likely, so right around 11am or noon your time. If you've got skype PM me your login and I'll add you to my list when I get off work in a few hours then we can just touch bases tomorrow when I wake up.
My name on Vassal is the same as on here. If I'm not on by 11am and haven't left you a message on here, either I'm still sleeping or something came up with work (I'm deployed) and can't get to a computer. Do whatever you feel you gotta do at that point.
Anybody free tonight for a game? Like, after 12a eastern?
So we rolled a random map and it was a 4x4 but we were both ok with it. We rolled pitched battle annihilation. I was Dark Angel Deathwing, he was Slannesh Chaos Marines.
I take the last army I had saved in Vassal, which I think is kinds risky:
#Terminator Armour; Twin Lightning Claws
5 Deathwing Terminator Squad (Troops) @ 270 Pts
#Terminator Armour; Twin Lightning Claws (x4); Thunder
Hammer (x1); Storm Shield (x1); Apothecary; Standard Bearer
5 Deathwing Terminator Squad (Troops) @ 235 Pts
#Terminator Armour; Cyclone Missile Ln.; Twin Lightning Claws (x1);
Power Fist (x4); Storm Bolter (x4)
5 Deathwing Terminator Squad (Troops) @ 235 Pts
#Terminator Armour; Cyclone Missile Ln.; Twin Lightning Claws (x1);
Power Fist (x4); Storm Bolter (x4)
5 Deathwing Terminator Squad (Troops) @ 235 Pts
#Terminator Armour; Cyclone Missile Ln.; Twin Lightning Claws (x1);
Power Fist (x4); Storm Bolter (x4)
1 Dreadnought (Elites) @ 145 Pts
Front Armour: 12; Side Armour: 12; Rear Armour: 10; #Searchlight; #Smoke
Launchers; Dread. CCW & Storm Bolter; TL Lascannon
1 Land Raider Crusader (Heavy Support) @ 250 Pts
#Searchlight; #Smoke Launchers; #Power of the Machine Spirit; #Frag
Assault Launchers; 2 Hurricane Bolters; Multi-Melta; TL Assault Cannon
Models in Army: 23
Total Army Cost: 1500
Turn 1: nothing happened, there was some maneuvering and a lot of whiffed shots. Most notable his left defiler failed to pen my LR after a direct hit. Oh, also his raptors plus Lord came in, scattered off the board, but only went back in reserve.
Turn 2: Orange managed to immobilize his right defiler, and made all its saves from the demolisher Battle Cannon in return. BOTH of us thought it was a demolisher cannon, but when he looked it up to tell me the stats it was AP3. Then there was an incredibly lucky shot from the machine spirit in the LR firing the assault cannon at the left defiler, rolled a 6 (rend made it a 7) to pen and then a 6 to explode. Followed by a LC shot from the Dread going through the new gap and wrecking his bottom rhino.
Turn 3:
He got both his reserves in and his outflank was luckily the side he wanted it to come in on. While he was moving I remember to take a pic: His chosen target my Dread instead of my LR and Annihilates it with 4 pens. His raptors fail to connect with their meltas.
My turn taken after I moved a couple units: I decide to use my Command Squad to take out his chosen first since I am scared of 4 meltas and White moves to assist. My Command Squad can't all deploy outside of my dread crater because I am too close to his chosen, so I deploy them 1 inch away and then force the ones into cover that have to, remember this later. Then my LR moves 1 inch and fires mmelta plus bolters plus MS firing the asscan into his raptors getting 2 rends and two failed armor saves from the other 9 shots. My assault: Command Squad rolls snake eyes so my TH/SS doesn't get to participate. Doesn't matter, even though his chosen go before my terminators they whiff their power weapon, and all other wounds get saved. White handily wrecks the rhino. I start to feel really bad for him, and joke that he used up all his luck seizing initiative.
Turn 4: Everything of his moves to engage my LR and Command Squad, meltashot manages to destroy the asscan. His other squad gets out and 3 of his guys shoot at my Command Squad, but I save all of them. His assault: He immobilizes the LR. In my turn the LR mmelta gets one more raptor. My Command Squad roll a 1,2 for DT, and a 3,4 to assault. (it failed) He still has a chance to shoot me off the board.
Turn 5: He moves his rhino out of the way, (unfortunately closer to White and Blue) so that his squad has a clear shot at my Command Squad. That rhino fires its combi-bolter (for the first time ever) and does 2 wounds, that I save. His last raptor with a melta wrecks the LR, things are looking up. His other squad opens up with 30 shots on my Command Squad ... and only does 6 wounds. :shock: I save all of them.
My turn:
My Command squad rolls decent for DT, and Blue moves to assault the rhino. My shooting: After trading whiffs all game Orange manages to explode the right defiler. Assault: BLue explodes the rhino, and I make all the saves from it. My Command squad assaults through cover, last chance for him to inflict some damage: He misses with his power weapon and I save the rest, then annihilate him. I do the math, and the killpoints are 7-2. He would have to table me without losing another unit to even tie. We call it. Final pic:
3 hours total, with a 20 minute break in the middle.
I think his list was fine. I think I just got kinda lucky with both his defilers not being able to assault me, and all his power weapons missing, ugh. As far as tactics, I think maybe he should have landed the raptors and chosen in my backfield or used the rhino to screen from my command squad, and concentrate on white, blue, and orange. That is about the only thing I would suggest different though.