Roommates are always a gamble in my mostly craigslist experience. What is it about living with your friends that didn't work for you? Make note of that and just make sure the next roommates you get are the ones that work for you. Or at least are willing to work out some sort of compromise.
I found my roommate through kijiji and that worked out great for me. When I was in uni, I posted in the hallways and on their online posting system (which wasn't free, but was only $20 or so)
if there is a social sports club in the area, those are usually good places to look. If they have bulletin boards or whatever. this is like beer league softball/kickball/etc
I've only ever done the roommate thing with a close friend, but if you're the person on the lease, and this isn't a college roommate sort of deal: you may wish to ask for references from their previous accommodations, and ask to see at least a month (and preferably three) worth of pay stubs to verify that they can reasonably be expected to make rent on time.
Saves a lot of hassle from the point of view of a landlord.
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Saves a lot of hassle from the point of view of a landlord.