Hi Guys
I have a little bit of a problem that has really been bothering me a lot lately. I have started playing a bit of MW2 online, and noticed that I died a lot because I did not see my enemies. I scratched it off as being a noob and continue playing. Recently I downloaded the BF3 Beta, and the same thing happened. I would play and suddenly I get killed because I did not see the enemy that was in front of me. Thinking back, the same happened when I was playing Medal of Honour (reboot) and Bad Company 2 multi player on PC a couple of months ago.
So, after getting my ass handed to me in BF3, I decided to fire up some Halo Reach, and did not have any of these issues with seeing my enemies. Obviously with Halo though, your team colours are much more "visible" in the sense of Red and Blue.
Now I have jumped between PC and Console games, and this problem seems to follow me around no matter what platform I play on. Is this just down to me being a noob, or maybe my eyes are not "trained" to look for the correct things? I have also noticed that when I play on a map that is "lighter" I tend to see the enemies easier, but as soon as I play a night map, or inside a dark building this issue creeps up.
Please note that I'm not talking about being killed from behind or anything like that, I'm talking about enemies that are off in the distance that I cannot see.
You could just bump up the gamma if you tend to see things better when they are lighter as well.
You should also play around with the color settings on your monitor/video card. Increasing the contrast while decreasing the brightness can help you distinguish colors better.
Orrrr...how good is the connection you play on? Is lag a possibility? It is possible that there really was not anyone there, and you got shot by the apparently empty area!