This is stupid, but
@Sal needs it to be shared with the world. Spoilered for NSFW content.
[12:46 AM] tomtom: sal i am officially a bad kid now
[12:46 AM] tomtom: i did....something bad
[12:46 AM] tomtom: saturday
[12:46 AM] sal: wha...
[12:46 AM] trenog: did you dance in the pale moonlight?
[12:46 AM] sal: what did you do tom
[12:47 AM] tomtom: well
[12:47 AM] tomtom: when a man and a woman are super drunk at a club
[12:47 AM] sal: oh
[12:47 AM] sal: that doesn't sound bad at all!
[12:47 AM] tomtom: well ill let you fill in the gaps. but there was a bathroom involved.
[12:47 AM] tomtom: im not proud
[12:47 AM] trenog: tom, did you sanitize?
[12:47 AM] muse: sure you are
[12:47 AM] sal: you look proud
[12:47 AM] muse: you are telling us
[12:47 AM] muse: smug face
[12:48 AM] trenog: he is kissing a telling
[12:48 AM] muse: lookit that
[12:48 AM] tomtom: well i mean yeah im pretty happy about it but man
[12:48 AM] trenog: lookit that
[12:48 AM] tomtom: crwth put them feet away
[12:48 AM] trenog: crwth's feet got the most class in this chat
[12:48 AM] muse: this pm thread is hilarious
[12:49 AM] skull_man: I could probably make bathroom sex happen tonight
[12:49 AM] skull_man: but I think it would just be confusing
[12:49 AM] trenog: skull man, do not make love to a toilet
[12:49 AM] skull_man: all knocking the good towels over
[12:49 AM] trenog: the toilet is not of age
[12:50 AM] trenog: pervert
[12:50 AM] tomtom: look all im saying is that sal asked what i did
[12:50 AM] skull_man: good bath salts all fallin on the floor
[12:50 AM] tomtom: i had to brag a little
[12:50 AM] tomtom: you know, front
[12:50 AM] tomtom: stunt
[12:50 AM] sal: you did good tom
[12:50 AM] crwth: so ask him then!
[12:50 AM] tomtom: crwth
[12:50 AM] tomtom: did you hear the Great News
[12:50 AM] skull_man: all gettin yelled at for not changing the roll
[12:50 AM] crwth: ??
[12:50 AM] tomtom: scroll up
[12:50 AM] skull_man: all I told you I saw ants
[12:50 AM] natek: thomas is being extra smug, crwth, you should know what he did
[12:50 AM] natek: silly
[12:51 AM] crwth: oh cool tom
[12:51 AM] tomtom: in a club bathroom, crwth!
[12:51 AM] tomtom: i swear to all that i hold dear that i did the cooking dance in the club
[12:51 AM] sal: did you use protection
[12:51 AM] sal: that is important
[12:51 AM] tomtom: i didn't do...that
[12:51 AM] muse: we are just LOOKING OUT FOR YOU
[12:51 AM] sal: ...
[12:51 AM] tomtom: i didnt do much, it was mostly her if you follow me HEH HE HEH
[12:51 AM] muse: you dumb fuck!
[12:52 AM] muse: your dick will rot off now
[12:52 AM] tomtom: protection was not necessary given the events that transpired
[12:52 AM] muse: the odds are not in your favor
[12:52 AM] muse: just fall off in chunks
[12:52 AM] trenog: an album cover eh?
[12:52 AM] muse: like termines
[12:52 AM] skull_man: tom is a lame lay pass it on
[12:52 AM] tomtom: i think her mouth was clean! true story!
[12:52 AM] muse: *termites
[12:52 AM] sal: oh i see
[12:52 AM] sal: just a mouthski
[12:52 AM] sal: not the whole shebang
[12:52 AM] tomtom: yeah.
[12:52 AM] sal: i thought you were pro tom
[12:52 AM] tomtom: im not gonna bang somebody in a bathroom
[12:52 AM] tomtom: i have class
[12:53 AM] muse: dick leprosy?
[12:53 AM] natek: thomas were you sitting on the toilet?
[12:53 AM] tomtom: no i was standing
[12:53 AM] natek: okay good
[12:53 AM] sal: sitting and taking a shit
[12:53 AM] tomtom: yeah sittin n shittin
[12:53 AM] sal: for maximum efficiency
[12:53 AM] natek: was gonna ask
[12:53 AM] trenog: does tom kiss the lady for a job well done?
[12:53 AM] tomtom: ha
[12:53 AM] natek: if you put pieces of tp down
[12:53 AM] tomtom: not this time trenog
[12:53 AM] natek: so your bum wasnt touching
[12:53 AM] tomtom: not this time.
[12:53 AM] tomtom: that wasnt no lady
[12:53 AM] tomtom: that was a ho
[12:53 AM] natek: oker
[12:53 AM] skull_man: you got a beej while sittin on a toilet?
[12:53 AM] sal: standing
[12:53 AM] tomtom: skullman i was standing up.
[12:53 AM] tomtom: cmon.
[12:53 AM] sal: he was standing on the toilet
[12:53 AM] skull_man: standing on the toilet?
[12:53 AM] natek: standing on the toilet
[12:54 AM] trenog: well a ho's gotta know that it's a blow then a go
[12:54 AM] skull_man: standing IN the toilet
[12:54 AM] tomtom: yeah standing on the toilet tank
[12:54 AM] tomtom: she was splayed on the seat
[12:54 AM] natek: no she was in the tank
[12:54 AM] skull_man: standing on the walls
[12:54 AM] sal: standing with the toilet
[12:54 AM] tomtom: okay yeah good call nate
[12:54 AM] sal: the girl was just a third party
[12:54 AM] skull_man: dancing in the moonlight
[12:54 AM] tomtom: this is the new version of the story
[12:54 AM] skull_man: tom
[12:54 AM] skull_man: did
[12:54 AM] tomtom: what.
[12:54 AM] skull_man: did you press a button
[12:54 AM] tomtom: fraid not
[12:54 AM] skull_man: was there heat coming out
[12:54 AM] sal: press this button to DROP LOADS
[12:54 AM] skull_man: tom did you fuck the hand dryer
[12:54 AM] tomtom: no
[12:55 AM] tomtom: we werent even in a stall!
[12:55 AM] skull_man: man this sounds like hand dryer all the way
[12:55 AM] sal: how was the toilet involved then
[12:55 AM] tomtom: it wasnt
[12:55 AM] skull_man: evidence is pilin up
[12:55 AM] sal: this story is fishy
[12:55 AM] tomtom: the toilet watched
[12:55 AM] sal: ok
[12:55 AM] skull_man: but you weren't in the stall
[12:55 AM] sal: important question
[12:55 AM] skull_man: DETAILS CONFLICT
[12:55 AM] muse: did you put down the little squares across the rim?
[12:55 AM] sal: once you were done
[12:55 AM] sal: did you say
[12:55 AM] tomtom: ?
[12:55 AM] sal: "check please!"
[12:55 AM] tomtom: no i went classier
[12:55 AM] natek: no muse he wasn't sitting
[12:56 AM] natek: his naked bum was in no danger
[12:56 AM] muse: oh that ruins the whole storu
[12:56 AM] muse: *story
[12:56 AM] skull_man: "I would tip you baby but I'm not really very...*flush* right now"
[12:56 AM] sal: he was standing and shitting as far as i can gather
[12:56 AM] tomtom: a player does not sit down on the toilet
[12:56 AM] natek: he was knee deep in a clogged toilet though
[12:56 AM] tomtom: no nate she was
[12:56 AM] muse: I dont know how dudes poop
[12:56 AM] tomtom: out their dicks muse
[12:56 AM] natek: no she was in the tank
[12:56 AM] muse: send me some ethnographics studies
[12:56 AM] tomtom: thats how i poop anyway
[12:56 AM] natek: you were in the bowl
[12:56 AM] sal: we just sort of aim... and...
[12:56 AM] sal: kaPOW
[12:57 AM] tomtom: ill let you guys determine the details okay
[12:57 AM] muse: endlessly fascinating
[12:57 AM] tomtom: lets just say i pooped and climaxed at the same time
[12:57 AM] tomtom: who cares.
[12:57 AM] natek: I think we have determined them rather well
[12:57 AM] skull_man: aim what
[12:57 AM] muse: everything circles back to poop
[12:57 AM] sal: can someone save this chat please
[12:57 AM] muse: okay
[12:57 AM] tomtom: this is your fault sal
[12:57 AM] skull_man: do you have a prehensile colon
[12:57 AM] sal: i think everyone did an A+ job here
Now to try and turn this into a not useless thread.
I don't know when the last embarrassing sexual encounters thread was, and I don't know if the PM counts because I didn't read it all the way, and I don't have any of my own, but
It doesn't matter if you're embarrassing,
Or if you're sexual,
Or you've had an encounter,
Or especial an embarrassing sexual encounter,
You can talk about it here in the:
I would have been pleased if it stopped there.
I am writing them all down.
it was a tawdry affair
but first i had to work it up from flaccid
...and then it went back to flaccid before i could take advantage of what happened in between
but not embarrassing sex that was also humorous
so I'll just be providing the pithy commentary for this thread
[12:57 AM] muse: everything circles back to poop
I skipped to the bottom and was rewarded well enough
I saw it
hubris, tom
will you let dave suffer for your sins
made it allll worthwhile
It's not the best reason for a thread but it got me to make it anyway.
post pics please, some of us are chromeless heathens
Waiting. . .
I don't know why I didn't
you know the kind I mean
It was pretty embarrassing when we all woke up the next day.
Anyways, the only thing(s) I have are me and my-wife-then-girlfriend being caught by her brother, then a month later by mine. Eh, it happens. Mine's done the self-memory wipe, not sure how hers handled it.
3DS FC: 4699-5714-8940 Playing Pokemon, add me! Ho, SATAN!
I was a young lad, still living at home, a few months from graduating high school. My girlfriend and I were in the living room at my parents' house, parents were upstairs. We were watching a movie, started fooling around. She went down on me. Things were going well, I came, and then she sneezed.
Huge mess.
And I just could not stop laughing.
(So I guess it was embarassing for her, really)
GoFund The Portland Trans Pride March, or Show It To People, or Else!
no, I would have done a search if it was
but it is a spinoff board! I'm sure some intrepid detective could find it without much trouble, I can't be arsed myself
it was the Citadel of Truth
Except I've been almost caught by my parents like eight hundred times
Once my mom walked into my bedroom when both me and my lady were bare-ass naked. Somehow in a matter of milliseconds we managed to be under blankets pretending to be sleeping with no bare skin showing.
Also another time she was on top and behind her through an open window I just see the back of my dad's head. I didn't even know what to do in that situation. I'm pretty sure we didn't even stop and just hoped he didn't turn around.
holy christ
thread over
I blame 2am drunk me for that silly act.
Nah, I know there are better stories.
that lantern jaw she's got going on is really off-putting
she's pretty enough I guess
what's crazy to me is that this is the sort of woman, her and michelle bachman, who represents the ideal beauty of the republican party
like, really guys
these crinkled, overpowdered reptiles are the best you can do