So my old router died a bit ago and I went and got a new netgearN300 router from my local best buy.
Ever since I've gotten it my torrents will not download at all. I've tried port forwarding several different ports and looking for hours online and I can't seem to get it to work at all.
I'm using uTorrent as my program and before this I had no problems with anything downloading.
"1. Configure a Custom Service specifying a name and the ports to be forwarded.
2. Configure a Port Forwarding Rule using the Custom Service from Step 1 and point it to a specific computer."
The same search resulted in someone commenting that Netgear made it more complicated than on your average router, so I guess simple port forwarding like on every other router doesn't cover it, you need to add a service as well? Again, this is without personal experience with the router. There's a site called that may or may not help you with this (but you need to know your exact router model, because according to their site's listing, N300 is not specific enough).
I say this not to be the "no problems here" guy and make you want to punch the internet, but just to raise some skepticism about the theory that Netgear routers require some special, more-complicated procedure lest it turn out to be a wild goose chase and the actual issue is something simpler/more fundamental like Echo suggested.
I guess I should note that I use BitTorrent rather than uTorrent, although I doubt that would make a significant difference...
Good luck though, hope you can resolve the problem.
Secondly, check whether your forwarded ports are actually open to the internet with an open port checker service. Do the same the other way around - make sure you can open a connection to the outside world over your nominated torrent ports.
It might be worth your while to very temporarily set your torrenting machine as the DMZ host (if the N300 supports that) to check whether any manner of port forwarding is operating correctly.