So, party is Saturday, I've got my afternoons to make this costume happen. I am currently thinking being Dr Jekyl/ Mr. Hyde, modernized a bit. From the top down:
Hair: One half neatly combed/ pomaded in place, the other half gelled up as spiky and messy as I can get it.
Face: one half left alone, the other looking haggard/bruised with makeup under the eye, possibly some minor cuts if I can make them look good. I would grow half a set of facial hair and shave it, but it grows too slowly for a weeks growth to be worth it.
Body: Lab coat, one half with blood spatters/torn a bit, possibly scorch marks. I'd really like to make some fake muscles for this side, though I'm not sure the best/easiest way to do this and have it looks good. other half pristine, with a couple vials of colored solutions in the pocket.
Shoes: Thought about doing one normal, one with toes popped out, but that seems like a waste of a shoe/ uncomfortable too.
So, further ideas/refinements? Ideas on making muscles? I know you are an opinionated bunch! Post your own costume worries here if you like as well!
For muscles, you can get surprisingly far by just stuffing cloth into places you want to look bulky. My only concern would be that it might be hard to fit stuffing into the shoulder and sleeves of a lab coat. If you're going to tear the coat apart anyway, then have vertical rips down the sleeves for the muscles to "bulge through."
I'd be a little worried that people will think you're Two-face though. The Dr. Jekyl/ Mr. Hyde thing is good but unfortunately it's also reminiscent of a later, lesser, work by Tommy Lee Jones.