To anyone who's beat the campaign already. Would you mind pming me and explaining something about the end to me? I just beat it and am slightly confused on something.
zychi on
proyebatGARY WAS HEREASH IS A LOSERRegistered Userregular
I'm pissed tonight because I bought a computer mouse from woot last week, with no package at my door with fedex claiming it's been delivered.
It's too late to go ask my neighbor who probably signed for it.
That_GuyI don't wanna be that guyRegistered Userregular
This is the first forum post I am typing up with my shiny new and currently undirtied Razer Black Widow. Holy shit is it loud but its so awesome!
I have one coming from Dell in a couple of days. Picked it up for 55 bucks shipped.
Not too shabby. What switches? The Black Widow has Cherry Blues which are clicky and pretty fucking obnoxious if you bottom out, especially on the keyboard but the fucking board sounds and feels amazing. Holy shit this is going to spoil me on keyboards and wake up my parents all night long. X3
Oh shit, the game should be at my house by 3pm! But I have class at 4! What to do!?
I skipped class for the beta, and we're going over something semi important so I really dont think I should skip my first class...I could skip my second one though...
Oh shit, the game should be at my house by 3pm! But I have class at 4! What to do!?
I skipped class for the beta, and we're going over something semi important so I really dont think I should skip my first class...I could skip my second one though...
The question you should ask yourself is if you are a soldier or simply a goose....
Fondor_YardsElite Four Member: HydraRegistered Userregular
Put in an app with the 102, Fondor_Yard. Now I just need to get the game running...
Secrets, lies, and tragedy. The trifecta.
3DS Code: 5043-2172-1361
Xbone Tag: Salal al Din
So, I am apparently a vehicle whore. In my defense, I'm absolutely terrible at infantry combat. Thermals and TOW missile on the APC is just so very very good
Currently 5pm here in Australia. I woke up at 5am to play this and haven't stopped. SP complete, was pretty fun, but Multiplayer?! Hooo-eeyyyyy, there goes about 1,000 hours!
Oh shit, the game should be at my house by 3pm! But I have class at 4! What to do!?
I skipped class for the beta, and we're going over something semi important so I really dont think I should skip my first class...I could skip my second one though...
The question you should ask yourself is if you are a soldier or simply a goose....
Got you. I'm heading to sleep now, if I haven't added anyone thats posted their names feel free to post here. I'll try to check when I get up. You can also PM me and i'll check those as well.
CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
Applied to join 102nd (and I think maybe 101st, but it might be full?).
Not sure if it's going through or not, I'm getting no indication that it is. Fervently clicking!
proyebatGARY WAS HEREASH IS A LOSERRegistered Userregular
I don't like how multiplayer is more GPU demanding than singleplayer. I can easily handle 60fps+ high settings with 2 HD4870s, motion blur and all for singleplayer, yet I studder every time I move at all on multi because of motion blur.
It sounds like other people are getting stuttering, too, Nvidia or AMD. We should compile a list of settings that have helped resolve that.
For me, disabling Vertical Sync and Catalyst A.I.'s Surface Format Optimization has helped somewhat. It's still there, though, but less frequent and obvious. It's also worse in single player than multiplayer.
Xbox Live, PSN & Origin: Vacorsis 3DS: 2638-0037-166
I'm in love with the mobile-aa. So easy to rack up the kills. And apparently its an awesome infantry killer, longest headshot - 234m. I was surprised anyway.
I'm in love with the mobile-aa. So easy to rack up the kills. And apparently its an awesome infantry killer, longest headshot - 234m. I was surprised anyway.
Bullets move so damn quick there is almost no bullet drop. So good long range.
WarcryI'm getting my shit pushed in here!AustraliaRegistered Userregular
40 minutes to go. Can someone link me instructions for that Korean VPN thingo? I have no knowledge of proxies.
I just picked it up at game stop. is it supposed to be downloading something on steam? I thought it installed from the DVD..
xbl tag: Dynamis King
MineCraft: Menetherin
Steam: Vloeza_SE++
The_SpaniardIt's never lupinesIrvine, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Wow EA you suck. I come home with my disk PC copy. I put in the disk, and key, then hit install. The game starts up Origin and starts downloading. That's not right... I try again and it starts downloading again. I can't get the damn game to install from the damn disk I just bought. What's the friggen point of a 2 disk box set if it is automatically set to download from Origin when you stick the disk in?!
It's too late to go ask my neighbor who probably signed for it.
I have one coming from Dell in a couple of days. Picked it up for 55 bucks shipped.
Not too shabby. What switches? The Black Widow has Cherry Blues which are clicky and pretty fucking obnoxious if you bottom out, especially on the keyboard but the fucking board sounds and feels amazing. Holy shit this is going to spoil me on keyboards and wake up my parents all night long. X3
The question you should ask yourself is if you are a soldier or simply a goose....
3DS Code: 5043-2172-1361
Xbone Tag: Salal al Din
That is all.
Currently 5pm here in Australia. I woke up at 5am to play this and haven't stopped. SP complete, was pretty fun, but Multiplayer?! Hooo-eeyyyyy, there goes about 1,000 hours!
Oceanic SWTOR Guild - Voidstalker Brigade
There is no reason it would not work and let you play.
Anyone know how to turn OFF mouse acceleration? It's seriously killing me. Raw mouse input doesnt do shit.
this game looks so damn good
edit: nm, its back
Don't see you on the list.
CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
Skipping my second class it is!
XBL/PSN-Polaris314/Twitter/DJ P0LARI5
Try now.
Got you. I'm heading to sleep now, if I haven't added anyone thats posted their names feel free to post here. I'll try to check when I get up. You can also PM me and i'll check those as well.
CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
Not sure if it's going through or not, I'm getting no indication that it is. Fervently clicking!
Fuck the design
For me, disabling Vertical Sync and Catalyst A.I.'s Surface Format Optimization has helped somewhat. It's still there, though, but less frequent and obvious. It's also worse in single player than multiplayer.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
Edit: Or just post once. Fuck Vanilla, goddamn.
Edit 2: Now the second post is gone. My heeaad.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
It looks like the 82nd Arcadians got dissolved after the BETA. Sad. Are we going to have a 360 Platoon for this?
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
Twitter 3DS: 0860 - 3257 - 2516
XBL: JyrenB ; Steam: Jyren ; Twitter
I'm going to recreate it after I pick up the game tomorrow(today). Battlelog won't let me sign in until than.
Bullets move so damn quick there is almost no bullet drop. So good long range.
MineCraft: Menetherin
Steam: Vloeza_SE++