So this might be a bit long, but I'd really appreciate some advice.. I'm bringing this up here because I'm not sure how my friends or family would react if/when I tell them about this girl. We met at a restaurant where her aunt works and I had come in with some friends, I saw her talking to a waitress and laughing/staring at me so i figured, screw it and walked up to her to see what she was laughing about. We hit it off and set up something for the next day, which went great and we've been seeing each other since. It wasn't until our date that I found out how old she was, she had only just turned 18 about 2 months before (I'm 24). Which means had I met her 2 months ago I wouldn't even think of dating her, just because I wouldn't want to tangle with that law.
I usually don't really care about the age difference, its easy for someone who is 18 to be far more mature than someone my age at 24. And that's where I'm concerned with her... As I've started to become closer to her romantically, she's shared with me some close details from her life, she said she was molested when she was 9, and that her last boyfriend raped and beat her. She had never drank or smoked weed until she started dating this last guy and thats where she kind of went off the deep end, until this past month where she moved to live with her Aunt so she could get away from that lifestyle in my town and is how I met her. On top of that, it seems her parents were completely neglectful and emotionally abusive, like to the point that she has no formal education. When she was in 2nd grade her mother pulled her and her brothers out of public school because she didn't like the teachers, so she was 'homeschooled' but it sounds like her mother pretty much gave up during that time but still refused that she went to school, (think Matilda). So on top of her other problems she never graduated from School and doesn't exactly have a formal education.
Just a note now, she isn't 'dumb'. We get along great and she's treated me better than almost any girl I've ever dated. It's not like she can't read or write, she just never had the full formal education like you would expect someone in modern day America to have. She wants to get away from the drugs and alcohol lifestyle from before, which is part of the reason why she probably likes me since I don't smoke or drink.
I don't have a problem with stuff that she's done in the past because well, its the past and the the future is whats more important. My only real concern is just..whether she is mature enough for the relationship I'm looking for. For example when I met her the first time i could tell she was nervous, but I just took that as a sign that she was attracted to me, and now when were together she isn't nervous or anything around me, she tells me everything, but the other day when I introduced her to one of my friends she got nervous again and looked down at the ground instead of looking up at them, and to be honest, it almost felt kind of childish. At the same time I do really like her and I feel bad even thinking of not dating her just because she isn't 'as mature as I want her' to be. She's told me that she wants a serious relationship, like me, and wants to have a family of her own someday so she can not make the same mistakes her parents did. I just, I'm afraid that she..became too infatuated with me too easily..if that makes sense? Also I know she wants to avoid using drugs again, and if she's with me then thats not really gonna happen, so I really feel this desire to keep her clean in that sense and I'm afraid if we did break up then she'd just start hurting herself again.
I'm not really sure what I'm asking here, if any of you have experience with girls who have been in this situation and have some advice or stuff I should be aware of. Or I'd just like to know if you think this is an ok situation with her being so young; I guess you can't really know all the details here but I haven't really told anyone else about her other than, "im dating this girl now' so i've kind of wanted to atleast just write this down and tell SOMEONE about whats going on here so I can get an outside perspective on this relationship..
I say go for it. I mean, maybe try to keep things relatively casual, if you can, until you get to know each other a bit better, but don't let the past, or the present for that matter, stop you form giving it a chance. You never know.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Having the history you say she has, the shyness around new people thing is pretty normal, especially if she broke up with that guy not too long ago.
Don't attempt to save her from the world because over-protectiveness, while sweet-seeming at first, can become an obsession, and anyway you can't really. Don't try to fix her, because it is an awful, shameful, sometimes even scary thing to feel like you're somebody's project. It's better to let her be social in the way she's comfortable being social and let her therapist do much of the rest. Hold her when she wants it and listen when she wants it, but that's really all you can do. Don't try to be her therapist and for the love of God make sure she feels okay with anything physical and never be passive-aggressive if she doesn't want to do anything.
She does have a therapist, right? Because if not she really, really needs to, and the sooner the better. I waited years just figuring it was over and therefore okay, and let me tell you, that shit comes back.
You need to get that line of thought out of your head ASAP if you want a relationship with this girl to go anywhere, it is utterly vital that you keep her experiences with people in your mind at all times, because they will almost certainly be having a serious effect on how she acts, and reacts, to people and social interactions.
If she's not in therapy now, you need to talk to her about getting into therapy sooner rather than later, you also have to be incredibly cautious. Scan your sentences before speaking, look for potential triggers, and avoid them, and above all else do not even think about putting any pressure on her for any form of sexual activity, if anything you should push in the opposite direction and make sure that if you guys are getting down to anything it is not because she feels it is mandatory, or expected, or anything of that nature.
If you're entirely serious about a lasting relationship with this girl, then go ahead.
If you're just looking for someone to fuck for a few months before you move on, then you back the hell off right now, and make it clear to her that it's not her fault.
Don't go down that road. Number one, it doesn't sound like she's looking for someone to keep her clean; she's already taken that step herself by moving out of the bad situation. Number two, it's not anyone else's responsibility to save a person from themselves. If you ever end up feeling like you're the one keeping her clean during this relationship, remember that fact. You can give people advice, but you aren't the one in control of their choices.
Personally, I think the relationship is probably a bit too new for you to be worrying about her maturity and whether things will work out long-term. Just take it easy, learn more about her, and only worry if actual problems start to crop up (drugs in particular, given her history).
As far as sex goes, we're both religious and have talked already about how we want to wait till after marriage, so there isn't really much a problem there, though I'll keep that in mind when we are making out and stuff.
But honest opinion she is 18, she has gone and is still going through some very heavy shit, she is not educated... she needs to get into therapy and get a GED/take GED classes for herself and get her life around before dating anybody. I'd recommend you back off and offer to be her friend and help her get stable and get some therapy and education and see where her life goes from there.
but they're listening to every word I say
What I'm saying is, you're legal and all, so go ahead, but take things really slowly. You know, like maybe wait till next year to propose, sort of thing. Take the time to really get to know each other before you throw yourselves into anything, and do so with the understanding that even a year from now neither of you will be exactly the same as you are right now.
Worrying about people's opinion made me regret some decision that I've made in my past... Ofcourse the fact that you are thinking about it means that you do care and it's actually recommend that once in a while you should reflect on where things are going and what needs to be done.. but rarely will you reach the correct decision or even think about the correct issue when you are worried about you are preceieved by other people.
Also the half your age +/- 7 rule is the golden rule.. never forget that.
Half your age PLUS 7. Not minus. Ever. Unless you're looking to end up on To Catch A Predator. ; )
If shes been through a lot she probably has some issues beneath the surface that she dosent know about. Hell I think everyone could benefit from some form of couniciling. Otherwise she could just be shy.
Can you provide any rational to this opinion? Or is it just how you feel on the matter?
...either is acceptable, I'm just curious if there's any insight you might could share with the OP to help him make his decision.
Unless he's just looking to fuck someone for a bit, then go ahead. But it's likely this relationship doesn't end up in a healthy place.