I have an equation for a certain variable, and I'm trying to get it to simplify for long distances. It's proportional to
ln[(a^2 + b^2)/(a^2)]
where a is the distance, so far away, a>>b.
Wouldn't that give ln(1), which gives zero for the whole answer? I must be screwing up the simple assumption that
(a^2 + b^2)/(a^2) ~ (a^2 / a^2) = 1
so that ln( ) is 0 instead of 1.
I also have another equation where it's proportional to
again at long distance, where d>>L1 or L2.
I just can't seem to find any list of assumptions you can make through google, like 1/(1+x) being a Taylor series, or sin(x)~x for small angles or whatever.
Does anyone know a resource like that?
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Your second one is a trigonometric identity.
Atan(x) + Atan(y) = Atan((x+y)/(1-xy))
So that would be Atan((L1/d+L2/d)/(1-L1L2/d^2))
= Atan((L1+L2)/(d-L1L2/d))
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Basically the equations are for various geometries, which I know all cancel down into a basic one for a point-source when taken at a large distance.
So I know that
would have to simplify to 1/d.
I'm just not sure which identities to use to get that.
Same for the first, which needs to simplify to 1.
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the idea was to take the variable you want to put at infinity, say x, and make every instance a dx and then isolate the dx and integrate it from 0 to x.
unless this is some sort of relationship issue where it would be necessary to know that say, L1 + L2 always =1. there is usually some inherent geometric equation that you can use to simplify these things but we'd have to know more than just a proportional equation.
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=series(ln((x^2+a^2)/x^2)) (look at the series about x=infinity)
would imply that the taylor series about x=infinity doesn't approach 1 ever. The general way physicists deal with these sort of problems is to just make a taylor series and ignore the higher terms as they goto zero faster. Hence an argument could be said that for large distances it goes as 1/x^2, but that's obvious anyway.
With regards to 2)
shows that it would go as (L1+L2)/x for large x.
I just noticed too that you say 1 is supposed to resemble a point source? In that case, going as 1/x^2 is correct because that's how a point source diminishes with distance so i would check back at what answers you're expecting and why...
I can go through this in more detail if need be.
So for your first one I'd do as Savant said and figure out the Taylor expansion of Ln[1+x] then set x=(a/b)^2 which is log[1+x] ~= x, to first order.
For the second one I would look at the small angle approximation, sin(x)~=tan(x)~=x for small x, and so instead of inverse tan you'd have 1/x (I think, that seems kind of suspicious and I'm tired)
I wouldn't expect to find tables of common approximations or anything, they're something you just learn to get a feel of as you do problems and think "hey, this is similar to that thing I did before and after a few pages of working and giving up on different approximations I found out that this one worked well"
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If anyone was wondering, it was for the exposure rate of radiation sources of different geometries.
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