Wait no, that's too focused. The story in anything Japanese is dumb. Period.
I'm struggling to comprehend how dumb this post is.
Edit: Also, OP. Hurry up and update the OP already. The achievement and trophy lists would be a good place to start.
Whatever, Japanophile. :P
Trophy lists in the OP would be pretty boss. Something for me to dig through while I'm stuck here at work.
None of the local stores here are showing this being in stock and I'm starting to get worried. I just know if I walk in and ask it will play out like that episode of the Simpsons where they're in the Australian bar and Marge just wants a cup of coffee.
Me: "I'm looking for MGS HD collection."
Biscuit: "MW3 is right over in the display."
Me: "No, MGS.."
Biscuit: "Right, MW3."
I don't have a PS3, so I doubt I'll be able to play MGS4. How dependant is understanding it to Peace Walker? If there's nothing I need to know, i'll just wait in hopes that I'll get it someday, like I did with MGS3 (and its finally paying off!)
Storywise, PW follows what happens in 3, more or less, and certainly won't require 4 to play.
If you wanted to break it down chronologically, it'd be
MGS3 - Portable Ops - Peace Walker - Metal Gear - Metal Gear 2 - MGS - MGS2 - MGS4
Not counting anything else canon/non-canon or unreleased. So 4 is basically the end of the series, and would be more relevant to the direct events in 2, if anything. (Well, it really tries to tie into everything, but generally speaking)
Brainiac 8Don't call me Shirley...Registered Userregular
Guys what the fuck is going on in the video game world. I had almost NO backlog a month ago. Sales galore, plus insane releases and now suddenly I'm sitting on:
Condemned: Criminal Origins (0% done)
Dead To Rights: Retribution (65% done)
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions (90% done)
Shadows of the Damned (0% done)
Assassins Creed Brotherhood: The DaVinci Dissapearance (0% done, need to complete before 11/15)
Assassins Creed Revelations (11/15)
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (11/15)
and I neeeeed this. I can not, in any fathomable way, justify purchasing it. But MGS1 was the reason I got a PSX, and I went and got bleem!cast for my Dreamcast to play the shit out of it again when it came out. I didnt get a PS2 until way, way late, but MGS2 was more than likely the game that spent the most time in my oXBox. I 100% it. I loved the shit out of it, every second.
You and me, Vow. When it comes to MGS2 - we're like this.
That being said - I have never played any MGS beyond 2. Never even seen 3. I have no idea what a Peace Walker even is (should I read a wiki about MGS4 before playing Peace Walker?). I need this collection, but honestly we're looking at like a 100 hour investment once I get it, so it looks like I'll be having to hate myself while I hold off for awhile. And hopefully I can snag it for like $15 by the time I'm done with all the above...
No wiki'ing. Play through them. 3 and 4 are epic. I've never played PW until last night.
Also - I'm glad I'm not the only one who got Shattered Dimensions... Gamefly Sale?
Haha yup. My god the game becomes a grindfest. I have one Ultimate level left and the end. Also Shadows of the Damned came from the Gamefly sale too. I forgot I even HAVE Darksiders which belongs on that list from a glyde sale too. The good thing was with the exception of the games coming on 11/15, Shadows of the Damned was $14.99 and everything else was under $9.99.
I don't have a PS3, so I doubt I'll be able to play MGS4. How dependant is understanding it to Peace Walker? If there's nothing I need to know, i'll just wait in hopes that I'll get it someday, like I did with MGS3 (and its finally paying off!)
I don't know if this has been addressed, but you don't need to have played MGS4 to be on board with Peace Walker. PW continues in continuity from MGS3 (there's another game between the two, but let's not worry about that -- you don't need to have played it either).
The continuity is disjointed -- MGS 1/2/4 are basically in a straight line going from 19XX to 20XX, then MGS3 jumps back into 1968. Portable Ops and Peace Walker take place in the 1970s. Their story informs a lot of plot points in MGS4, but I don't think anything in them is dependent on things you learn in MGS4.
Anyone get this yet? I'm waiting for impressions, as I'm probably not getting my copy from Newegg until tomorrow.
Reading the Ocelot stuff, I'm also wondering if they're going to re-dub in MGS2...
Liquid's voice coming out of Ocelot.
According to Kojima, that was a mistake, which I guess makes sense as he's trying to make the possessed arm thing less silly while also making it sillier.
But I'd be bummed to lose out on Cam Clarke's awesome deliveries.
Regarding the whole arm thing, after reviewing everything it seems like you can take one of two views on it.
1: Ocelot really did get possessed during MGS2, went "What the fuck?!", and pulled the arm off. Only to turn around and say "Actually that wasn't such a bad idea..." and hypnotize himself.
2: He was totally faking the entire time. The only thing I don't really get is why he would still remove the arm.
I don't think the games invalidate either theory. In fact, there's just barely enough to make the whole possession thing somewhat in the realm of possibility. So you're free to believe whether it really happened or not.
"The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
Anyone get this yet? I'm waiting for impressions, as I'm probably not getting my copy from Newegg until tomorrow.
Reading the Ocelot stuff, I'm also wondering if they're going to re-dub in MGS2...
Liquid's voice coming out of Ocelot.
According to Kojima, that was a mistake, which I guess makes sense as he's trying to make the possessed arm thing less silly while also making it sillier.
But I'd be bummed to lose out on Cam Clarke's awesome deliveries.
Oh, man, and I thought I had a grip on it back in my previous spoiler.
Now he was NEVER possessed, and he was faking it so Snake can get stuff done? "Hey, I'm going to trick a bunch of computers into thinking that I'm being taken over by a ghost, that'll distract them"!?
I... What...
Hideo Kojima is what M. Night Shamalyan evolves into, and that's not a compliment. Good thing the gameplay's so all-around awesome.
I'm still waiting for a Foxhound-centric game, by the way. They weren't always bad guys.
GNU Terry Pratchett
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | Battle.net: FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
Spoilered until images are unborked.
Dr_KeenbeanDumb as a buttPlanet Express ShipRegistered Userregular
Christ almighty, scoring a copy of this today has been an ordeal. The final straw was when I chose to soil my shoes by setting foot in the local Best Buy. Before I even went in I made sure to check the website to verify that it was in stock and it was. I made a beeline for the PS3 games and spotted the 360 version along the way and breathed a sigh of relief.
In the PS3 one of the sales biscuits was busy trying to sell some fat redneck couple some service plans or some shit. Right in the middle of the god damn aisle. Right at the 'M' section and also where their little New Release shelf is. I tried to poke my head in their and these fuckers just would not budge. I'm not a small guy either - I'm 6'2" and about 210lbs and most of that ain't fat - so it isn't like no one saw me there.
This went on for like 10 minutes before finally they all moved the fuck out of my way, probably so he could sell them $130 PS3 updates installed by the Geek Squad, what a steal!
I scoured the shelves and found nothing. I flagged down another sales biscuit and actually had to explain that I wasn't looking for MW3. So now this person thinks I'm some pillow-fucking animu. I didn't have time to explain that I already own 2 Modern Warfare games and they're all the fucking same and I have a beast gaming PC with Battlefield 3 anyway because my lunch break was quickly flying away. I left the store empty -handed.
Except my hands weren't empty, I was on my smartphone. On the Best Buy website. Buying the game they 'didn't have' and going for the in-store pickup. I just got the email telling me to pick it up.
Picked this up today. The artbook's pretty nice. Not anywhere close to being in the same sport as the Valkyria Chronicles Design Archive (then again, nothing else comes close), but in a slightly shoddier ballpark than the Altier/Ar tonelico/etc artbooks. And it gets points for being a sexy has hell harback. The art is fucking great, but it has no artist/designer notes and lacks any rough sketches and/or multiple versions of designs. 4 out of 5 stars.
I am so glad people will actually be playing Metal Gear Solid 5 thanks to this. Game has yet to get the love it deserves for being the best MGS game. (MGS3 being second.)
Speaking with Eurogamer at E3 in Los Angeles this week, Matsuhana explained that the studio had decided against including the 1998 PSone classic in the forthcoming Metal Gear Solid HD Collection as both its gameplay and visuals are just too dated.
"Obviously, we wanted to include it and make it a complete collection. However, as you know, Metal Gear Solid 1 was for the PSone. It has a very, very low polygon count," he explained.
"While at the time the game was something new and refreshing, just bringing it as is into HD probably wouldn't have that much meaning to us. We're doing two and three with a certain work flow where the goal is to take that game, preserve it and introduce it to a new generation. We can't really take that approach with Metal Gear Solid 1 because it's very dated at this point."
the lack of analog buttons means I can't figure out how to lower my gun without firing it though
there's probably some part of the huge (digital) manual that explains it, I bet
FreiA French Prometheus UnboundDeadwoodRegistered Userregular
Does the 360 have pressure sensitive buttons? I remember that being a pretty big thing (especially when it comes to accidentally cutting throats in MGS3)
Does the 360 have pressure sensitive buttons? I remember that being a pretty big thing (especially when it comes to accidentally cutting throats in MGS3)
No, they're digital.
Another disappointment about the Xbox version is WHERE THE HELL ARE MY AVATAR AWARDS
half the reason I got the xbox version is so my lil' avatar guy could have a Shagohod
it's not THAT big a deal, but still
Dr_KeenbeanDumb as a buttPlanet Express ShipRegistered Userregular
I briefly played around in each game to see how things are. 2 and 3 are smooth. ...Maybe too smooth. And sharp. It's such an odd thing to say, but even stuff like text is just so sharp and defined. I don't think my brain has properly acclimated to the new HD environment we now live in.
As for Peace Walker, there are still a few little niggling details here and there that remind you that this was a PSP game. But god almighty, this is a whole other world of improvement. I'll actually be able to play, enjoy, and beat this game. So looking forward to it now. Hell, might even be able to try the multiplayer at some point, if anybody's down for that.
"The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
Argh, you are all making it so hard to keep myself from getting this. I'm planning on hold off till the Vita version.
Dr_KeenbeanDumb as a buttPlanet Express ShipRegistered Userregular
Wow. Don't play Peace Walker until you've beaten 3 as it lays out pretty much the whole thing right off the bat.
Peace Walker is...odd. But I think I'm going to love it. I'm getting slight reminders of XCOM and that's never a bad thing. The fact that it's obviously a PSP game is making it a bit rough to swallow though.
Peace Walker is...odd. But I think I'm going to love it. I'm getting slight reminders of XCOM and that's never a bad thing. The fact that it's obviously a PSP game is making it a bit rough to swallow though.
It's certainly got a more 'bite sized' feel to it than a standard MGS game, and the base/soldier management aspect of the game is completely out of left field compared to the console games. But eventually it starts to grow on you, in that obsessive compulsive 'I need more soldiers for my army of DOOM' way. Once you get the Fulton recovery system upgraded and you're comfortable with it, the skies will be crowded with your enemies-become-friends.
Actually, I admit I just think it's hilarious to sneak up on some unsuspecting sap, hold him at gunpoint, and then hear his terrified scream as the Fulton yanks him into the wild blue yonder. Never gets old.
Woo, game shipped. Gonna take a whole week to get to me though.
How easy is Peace Walker to grasp? I gather its not your typical MGS game.
Same boat as you on the shipping. If this wasn't such a busy gaming time, I might be upset.
Peace Walker is pretty easy to grasp, all things considered. The base management is probably the most complicated 'new' aspect of the game. The controls are going to be worlds easier to deal with on a proper PS3/360 controller, though. The PSP controls were passable, but wonky. A second analog stick will solve those problems immediately.
Since I don't have a PS3, how does the trophy list look in the OP? Is it formatted alright?
EDIT: Should I start a Gamertag/PSN ID list for Peace Walker co-op in the op?
Looks fine, though you could probably just link all the Achievement and Trophy Lists. It'd give you space for the Gamertag/PSN lists, which I think would be a good idea.
I briefly played around in each game to see how things are. 2 and 3 are smooth. ...Maybe too smooth. And sharp. It's such an odd thing to say, but even stuff like text is just so sharp and defined. I don't think my brain has properly acclimated to the new HD environment we now live in.
As for Peace Walker, there are still a few little niggling details here and there that remind you that this was a PSP game. But god almighty, this is a whole other world of improvement. I'll actually be able to play, enjoy, and beat this game. So looking forward to it now. Hell, might even be able to try the multiplayer at some point, if anybody's down for that.
MGS2 already ran at 60fps though. Unless you played the Xbox version, then I imagine your experience would be a bit different to the norm.
Speaking with Eurogamer at E3 in Los Angeles this week, Matsuhana explained that the studio had decided against including the 1998 PSone classic in the forthcoming Metal Gear Solid HD Collection as both its gameplay and visuals are just too dated.
"Obviously, we wanted to include it and make it a complete collection. However, as you know, Metal Gear Solid 1 was for the PSone. It has a very, very low polygon count," he explained.
"While at the time the game was something new and refreshing, just bringing it as is into HD probably wouldn't have that much meaning to us. We're doing two and three with a certain work flow where the goal is to take that game, preserve it and introduce it to a new generation. We can't really take that approach with Metal Gear Solid 1 because it's very dated at this point."
couldn't they have used GameCube's Twin Snake version?
also, is the artbook worth it?
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Dr_KeenbeanDumb as a buttPlanet Express ShipRegistered Userregular
I want Peace Walker running on the MGS4 engine...and maybe make the missions bigger with some survival stuff from 3.
If this happens I'll probably end up in the emergency room to have doctors help me get rid of my boner.
couldn't they have used GameCube's Twin Snake version?
also, is the artbook worth it?
Nintendo co-owns that version but it's a piece of shit anyway. Worse soundtrack, voice acting and cutscenes than the original. Worse graphics than MGS2. But worst of all, the new gameplay mechanics completely break the game as they never bothered to actually redesign the level design or boss battles to suit the new mechanics (aside from the tank).
The difference between Shadow Moses in Twin Snakes and MGS4 Act 4 is enormous. The latter clearly had a lot of effort put into it, the former was lazy.
All the other MGS games have plots that are dumb, but adorable. My biggest problem with mgs4 is:
pretty much every protagonist and antagonist wants to take out The Patriots. Maybe somewhere in ALL THAT GOD DAMN TALKING they just could have worked out that they were all trying to do the same thing and fucking stop being so stupid?
But I could have completely misinterpreted it, cause lord knows it made no sense.
All the other MGS games have plots that are dumb, but adorable. My biggest problem with mgs4 is:
pretty much every protagonist and antagonist wants to take out The Patriots. Maybe somewhere in ALL THAT GOD DAMN TALKING they just could have worked out that they were all trying to do the same thing and fucking stop being so stupid?
But I could have completely misinterpreted it, cause lord knows it made no sense.
As much as I loved MGS4, I'll be the first to admit that the plot reeked of "Oh shit, how the hell do we make sense of all these games together, and end the series"?
I think the adversarial conflict going on between 'protagonists' and 'antagonists' was implied to be necessary motivation - As in, if the Patriots didn't think an actual conflict was happening, then the opportunity to strike at them would never have emerged. Plus, it was sort of implied that the same conflict was necessary to motivate Snake and his pals.
How you can fool an AI into believing that you're possessed by the severed arm of a long dead clone is something I'm not going to touch with a ten foot pole, though.
I'm struggling to comprehend how dumb this post is.
Edit: Also, OP. Hurry up and update the OP already. The achievement and trophy lists would be a good place to start.
Whatever, Japanophile. :P
Trophy lists in the OP would be pretty boss. Something for me to dig through while I'm stuck here at work.
None of the local stores here are showing this being in stock and I'm starting to get worried. I just know if I walk in and ask it will play out like that episode of the Simpsons where they're in the Australian bar and Marge just wants a cup of coffee.
Me: "I'm looking for MGS HD collection."
Biscuit: "MW3 is right over in the display."
Me: "No, MGS.."
Biscuit: "Right, MW3."
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Storywise, PW follows what happens in 3, more or less, and certainly won't require 4 to play.
If you wanted to break it down chronologically, it'd be
Not counting anything else canon/non-canon or unreleased. So 4 is basically the end of the series, and would be more relevant to the direct events in 2, if anything. (Well, it really tries to tie into everything, but generally speaking)
How many Metal Gears did Raiden take on by himself? That's all I'm gonna say. :P
Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
PSN - Brainiac_8
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BRAINIAC8/
Add me!
I'd say the naked cartwheeling was more character building. Big Shell looks chilly.
Press X To Podcast
Press X To Watch
Doesn't he catch a cold if you hang around too long? It's been a while, but that's how I remember it.
EDIT: Should I start a Gamertag/PSN ID list for Peace Walker co-op in the op?
Press X To Podcast
Press X To Watch
I don't know if this has been addressed, but you don't need to have played MGS4 to be on board with Peace Walker. PW continues in continuity from MGS3 (there's another game between the two, but let's not worry about that -- you don't need to have played it either).
The continuity is disjointed -- MGS 1/2/4 are basically in a straight line going from 19XX to 20XX, then MGS3 jumps back into 1968. Portable Ops and Peace Walker take place in the 1970s. Their story informs a lot of plot points in MGS4, but I don't think anything in them is dependent on things you learn in MGS4.
Reading the Ocelot stuff, I'm also wondering if they're going to re-dub in MGS2...
According to Kojima, that was a mistake, which I guess makes sense as he's trying to make the possessed arm thing less silly while also making it sillier.
But I'd be bummed to lose out on Cam Clarke's awesome deliveries.
2: He was totally faking the entire time. The only thing I don't really get is why he would still remove the arm.
I don't think the games invalidate either theory. In fact, there's just barely enough to make the whole possession thing somewhat in the realm of possibility. So you're free to believe whether it really happened or not.
Oh, man, and I thought I had a grip on it back in my previous spoiler.
I... What...
Hideo Kojima is what M. Night Shamalyan evolves into, and that's not a compliment. Good thing the gameplay's so all-around awesome.
I'm still waiting for a Foxhound-centric game, by the way. They weren't always bad guys.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | Battle.net: FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
In the PS3 one of the sales biscuits was busy trying to sell some fat redneck couple some service plans or some shit. Right in the middle of the god damn aisle. Right at the 'M' section and also where their little New Release shelf is. I tried to poke my head in their and these fuckers just would not budge. I'm not a small guy either - I'm 6'2" and about 210lbs and most of that ain't fat - so it isn't like no one saw me there.
This went on for like 10 minutes before finally they all moved the fuck out of my way, probably so he could sell them $130 PS3 updates installed by the Geek Squad, what a steal!
I scoured the shelves and found nothing. I flagged down another sales biscuit and actually had to explain that I wasn't looking for MW3. So now this person thinks I'm some pillow-fucking animu. I didn't have time to explain that I already own 2 Modern Warfare games and they're all the fucking same and I have a beast gaming PC with Battlefield 3 anyway because my lunch break was quickly flying away. I left the store empty -handed.
Except my hands weren't empty, I was on my smartphone. On the Best Buy website. Buying the game they 'didn't have' and going for the in-store pickup. I just got the email telling me to pick it up.
Pants-on-head retarded.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
I am so glad people will actually be playing Metal Gear Solid 5 thanks to this. Game has yet to get the love it deserves for being the best MGS game. (MGS3 being second.)
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
There's a super duper PS3 edition that has it. But us xbox owners....we're not allowed nice things.
From an article a few months back:
pretty much exactly the same as the ps2 version
the lack of analog buttons means I can't figure out how to lower my gun without firing it though
there's probably some part of the huge (digital) manual that explains it, I bet
No, they're digital.
Another disappointment about the Xbox version is WHERE THE HELL ARE MY AVATAR AWARDS
half the reason I got the xbox version is so my lil' avatar guy could have a Shagohod
it's not THAT big a deal, but still
Holster the weapon, that's how you did it in 1. I guess that would still work? I don't draw my gun unless I intend you use it.
Also, holy shit did 3 hold up incredibly well and it runs so fucking smooth! I may never put 4 in my PS3 again.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
As for Peace Walker, there are still a few little niggling details here and there that remind you that this was a PSP game. But god almighty, this is a whole other world of improvement. I'll actually be able to play, enjoy, and beat this game. So looking forward to it now. Hell, might even be able to try the multiplayer at some point, if anybody's down for that.
Peace Walker is...odd. But I think I'm going to love it. I'm getting slight reminders of XCOM and that's never a bad thing. The fact that it's obviously a PSP game is making it a bit rough to swallow though.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
How easy is Peace Walker to grasp? I gather its not your typical MGS game.
I got on their one day only 10 dollar off deal (with free 3 day shipping)
I figured I wouldn't get the game until Friday or so, given that it was 3 day shipping.
but, it shipped yesterday and got here this morning. for 10 bucks less and no tax or shipping. go Newegg!
If so, does that include cutscenes? I recall about 1/3 of MGS2's cutscenes were 60 fps, while MGS3 just dipped all over the place.
It's going to be fantastic if it's a smooth framerate the whole time, while also being able to shut off the black bars.
It's certainly got a more 'bite sized' feel to it than a standard MGS game, and the base/soldier management aspect of the game is completely out of left field compared to the console games. But eventually it starts to grow on you, in that obsessive compulsive 'I need more soldiers for my army of DOOM' way. Once you get the Fulton recovery system upgraded and you're comfortable with it, the skies will be crowded with your enemies-become-friends.
Actually, I admit I just think it's hilarious to sneak up on some unsuspecting sap, hold him at gunpoint, and then hear his terrified scream as the Fulton yanks him into the wild blue yonder. Never gets old.
~Would you like to ride, in my beautiful balloon~
Same boat as you on the shipping. If this wasn't such a busy gaming time, I might be upset.
Peace Walker is pretty easy to grasp, all things considered. The base management is probably the most complicated 'new' aspect of the game. The controls are going to be worlds easier to deal with on a proper PS3/360 controller, though. The PSP controls were passable, but wonky. A second analog stick will solve those problems immediately.
Looks fine, though you could probably just link all the Achievement and Trophy Lists. It'd give you space for the Gamertag/PSN lists, which I think would be a good idea.
MGS2 already ran at 60fps though. Unless you played the Xbox version, then I imagine your experience would be a bit different to the norm.
couldn't they have used GameCube's Twin Snake version?
also, is the artbook worth it?
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
If this happens I'll probably end up in the emergency room to have doctors help me get rid of my boner.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Nintendo co-owns that version but it's a piece of shit anyway. Worse soundtrack, voice acting and cutscenes than the original. Worse graphics than MGS2. But worst of all, the new gameplay mechanics completely break the game as they never bothered to actually redesign the level design or boss battles to suit the new mechanics (aside from the tank).
The difference between Shadow Moses in Twin Snakes and MGS4 Act 4 is enormous. The latter clearly had a lot of effort put into it, the former was lazy.
All the other MGS games have plots that are dumb, but adorable. My biggest problem with mgs4 is:
But I could have completely misinterpreted it, cause lord knows it made no sense.
As much as I loved MGS4, I'll be the first to admit that the plot reeked of "Oh shit, how the hell do we make sense of all these games together, and end the series"?
How you can fool an AI into believing that you're possessed by the severed arm of a long dead clone is something I'm not going to touch with a ten foot pole, though.