Ok, this should be a quick and clean question:
I have my 360 connected to the internet via sharing my wireless network on my PC.
I had previously had it bridged but I'm trying to manually assign IP's to all of my wireless items in the house for port forwarding reasons; when I would connect my 360 via the bridged connection 3 additional IP's would be taken and all be named my PC with the same MAC. I couldn't assign the 360 directly to an IP.
My question is, when I am connected via my PC will my 360 use my PC's IP or will it try to obtain its own? I am asking beacuse I want to make sure I have the right ports open for it, and want to know if I should assign the ports to my PC IP or what.
This seems obvious that I should just be able to check, but my router software is being wonky atm and not displaying the names of devices...though none are showing up as the MAC on my 360.
EDIT: Looking at this further apparently I should be using port triggering, not forwarding but eh. I'll just try to work with what I've already set up atm. EDIT2: Or not, maybe Forwarding is what I want. It's what I'm going to keep anyway.