It's now December, we are a mere 30 days from the end of the world in 2012.
So let's share our fond memories of 2011, what has happened to us and what has happened to the world.
For me, 2011 was the most chaotic, turbulent time of my life. I almost died Three separate times (two of which I'll share here), I finished law school, got my ostomy reversed, and began my career.
January 2011: I am earnestly wanting to die. None of the treatments for my crohn's have worked and I am in an enormous amount of pain and can barely move.
February 2011: Get new treatment of Crohn's! Sweet! It works! I stay up for 72 hours and feel amazing! I then immediately go to a climbing wall, fall off the climbing wall, and tear part of my intestines out of the ostomy 'socket' as it were, causing a massive prolapse of the intestinal material and an enormous amount of pain.
March 2011: Immediately following Stale-PAX 11', which was amazing, I am hospitalized to do a 'revision' of the ostomy to secure it in place. After the surgery, I somehow am in more pain than I was
before the surgery and almost immediately prolapse again.
April 2011:
Alright, I have internet!
First off, a picture of my house from an aerial view:
And a view from my house from the front:
And what is left from the vacant house across the street:
A mile wide tornado rips through the state of Alabama and destroys my house while I am inside it. It was a rental that I shared with other law students, so no memories were lost. I only survived because 10 minutes before the tornado hit, I got a text message asking simply "are you OK?" This text message woke me up, made me check the weather online, and gave me time to hop in the restroom. My room is the upper-left hand corner of the top picture. You can imagine what would have happened if I had been in there instead of in the bathroom, where the ceiling did not collapse and I was able to keep debris out by keeping the door closed.
Law school decided not to cancel exams. I take all of my exams, I walk at graduation, I get my bar study books late due to the storm, and live in a hotel for the month.
June-July: I study for and take the bar exam. I am in enormous pain the entire time due to the prolapse returning. I do not think I will pass and view passing the bar as impossible. I worry about my job security and what I will do when the inevitable news comes.
August: Woo Pax Woo
September: With my health worsening, work let's me have time off to go to the Mayo Clinic to get an ostomy revision done. I have to go up to the Mayo clinic because the surgeon who performed the revision in March has 'fired' me and refuses to have anything more to do with me. A more local doctor insists that the only way to do a revision is by cutting away prolapsing tissue. I tell him he's full of shit and leave.
September-October: Good news! The ostomy can be taken down, I can live a normal life! Bad news! There were massive complications, the intestines aren't starting up like they should, I am vomitting every day to the point where they have to put a PIC line in. I'm on a morphine pump but it doesn't help the pain. I am like this for three weeks before finally being released.
October: I find out I passed the academic portion of the bar! This was totally unexpected news and is totally boss hog killer.
November: After missing a week of work due to intense pain, vomitting, and fever, I am ordered to take sick leave and get my problems addressed because, and I quote: "All the things you have done are worthless if you end up dead." Turns out, this was a fairly accurate statement. There was a stricture which reduced an area at the end of my digestive tract to 2 mm wide and was close to being completely shut off. Which would have meant no food could go in and nothing could leave. They performed a procedure to expand it to 16mm.
December/Current: I am recovering from a massive digestive infection from the complication of being 'backed-up' for so long. I should be back to work next week and, hopefully, will be right as rain in the future.
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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Here's hoping it finally gets its act together and gives you a break, Munkus
Also Munkus you cray.
Commission me at
Unbreakable 2: I have no butt and I must poop.
EDIT: This was in response to Sara's post
probably my stupidest decision to date, hopefully time will change my feelings about it
no but seriously feel better you piece of crap
But by May it was a depressing and terrible year for me.
It's pretty much been downhill since 2008.
It could be worse, sure. But probably the worst year I've had.
Learnt a bit about myself too and I think I'm a better person for it.
Satans..... hints.....
*looks over Munkus' OP*
oh fuck.
Well. Overall I had an exceptional year. In a lot of ways I can't complain. I've done some amazing things, bought some wonderful expensive toys, visited Australia, made a lot of money, and almost got back together with the girl I wanted to be the One.
Of course I also had my apartment ceiling collapse during the brief two hour period I wasn't home one weekend, I began experiencing severe stress/anxiety at my job to the point I stopped eating and taking care of myself, was forced to quit the highest-paying job I ever had, feel into great depression and shame over it, was marooned on a rocky Australian coast after the boat capsized, didn't get the girl after all, and lost nearly all my money putting myself back together and getting another job not quite as well paying as the first.
Mostly great stuff happened to me, just the year is ending on a low note, but, I suppose that's how we get to the New Year feeling like we've got something to prove.
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Meanwhile Munkus passed all the necessary earthly trials required to enter Valhalla.
June 2011: Finish my undergraduate thesis and senior practicum. Graduate and move back home.
July 2011: Job hunt.
August 2011: Camp counseling for a fifth year, my older brother's wedding and PAX. Very active month.
September 2011: Job hunt.
October 2011 - Now: Get work as a case aid with children.
Right now I am re-examining if I'll be able to move out of my parents with student loans being due come 2012.
3DS FC: 4699-5714-8940 Playing Pokemon, add me! Ho, SATAN!
But will he see the Quickening?
August - Early September: Finished school for real this time, no seriously guys
September - November: Got job, went to work
Late November: Moved into apartment with friend, built new computer, generally improved quality of life
Travelled to China and had my camera stolen
My grandfather died - the first member of my family to die since my great grandmother more than 10 years ago
My heart was savagely broken and I had a little emotional breakdown
I shaved my beard, grew a moustache and raised $500
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
On the downside I'm continuing to doubt myself about my career choices and it's really killed my motivation to study.
Pony just watches
Edcrab, you're better than this.
February 2011: Mom's birthday! Celebrate the fact that I exist, and continue to exist because of her.
March 2011: First PAX ever, yaaaaaaaaay! Also, Dad's birthday. Copy/Paste above comment about mom.
April - July 2011: Start working my first extended job! Develop a clinical disgust towards theme park guests, theme park management, small mammals and birds. Also, Sheri's birthday party, where I learn that maybe three boxes of Mountain Dew is a little much.
August 2011: PAX Prime, yaaaaaaaaaaay!
September 2011: School and work, uuuuuuuuuuugh.
October 2011: Derek's (dhs_odium) Birthday Party! Sushi, Black Dynamite, RDJ ensue. FloPAX crew continues to be the best.
November: Wrap up Fall term at school, wooooooo!
December: Typed this thing up.
March-Oct.: I had season tickets to the Philadelphia Union (MLS), also I traveled a lot following the team on the road, to DC (twice), New York and Toronto. Also rock and roll all night and party every day.
Nov.-Dec.: Eat a whole lot. Rock and roll all night and party every day.
oh also I worked as a reporter for a small, local paper. I spent some time looking for a higher paying job, but no dice yet. Basically holding on for dear life to the one I've got now.
except I was unconscious at the time
and then I had to spend a few days in the ICU
so there was that
march - I started dating the prettiest girl in the whole world
somewhere in here i lose my wisdom teeth. i get real weird on painkillers, apparently.
june - have my very first art show! at a coffee shop! with my girlfriend. also, lose my virginity on the night of the opening reception.
then i went to a really fucking neat arts summer program thing for painting for two weeks, and it was one of the most positive experiences of my life
july/august - lots of good time with the lady, do drugs, party, drop acid and have a religious experience, get caught having sex in a public park, bear with temperatures consistently over 100 degrees for way too long
august - girl leaves for college, get real sad. things get better, go to my uncle's wedding in georgia, the lady flies down (her dad is a flight attendant so she can fly for free~ ), have an awesome time.
until now - mostly dealing with school, applying to colleges, scholarships, building an art portfolio to apply to school with. the girl has visited a lot. thanksgiving break was particularly dandy.
also i've been taking an intro to film course at the college, it is really cool and interesting.
this year was pretty uneventful
(Also, come to East, please.)
besides the wife-getting-pregnant part
I can't really think of anything else big that happened
well, we went to england too
guess that's it
April: Decide where to attend college, and realize that, for the first time in my life, I will be separated from my brother for an extended period of time.
June: Graduate High School. My brother and I walk across the stage one after another.
July: I leave the USA for the first time and visit Europe. I love it.
August: I say goodbye to BugBoy as he leaves for college. A short while after, I leave for college myself.
September: Get settled in at school, start classes.
November: Reunite with BB for thanksgiving. Good times are had.
December: First semester is almost finished!