PA comic: Friday Dec. 2, 2011 - The Conflux, Part Five
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
"Of of" guys? Really? Kills the humor in what is otherwise a great comic.
No it doesn't.
What does unattended liquids mean? I have never actively attended any percentage of liquids in my body, with the possible exception of using the restroom.
"Of of" guys? Really? Kills the humor in what is otherwise a great comic.
No it doesn't.
What does unattended liquids mean? I have never actively attended any percentage of liquids in my body, with the possible exception of using the restroom.
Maybe you can resist the power's effect by thinking "I am made of liquid I am made of liquid I am made of liquid" really hard? Of course, that would make it's game mechanic a Will save or die.
You know what? Nanowrimo's cancelled on account of the world is stupid.
jackalFuck Yes. That is an orderly anal warehouse.Registered Userregular
A blue dragon can cast create water at will (CL equals its HD). Alternatively, it can destroy an equal amount of liquid in a 10-foot burst. Unattended liquids are instantly reduced to sand. Liquid-based magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed on a Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
See that is the great thing about Pathfinder. The ENTIRE game is free online. And legally so.
A blue dragon can cast create water at will (CL equals its HD). Alternatively, it can destroy an equal amount of liquid in a 10-foot burst. Unattended liquids are instantly reduced to sand. Liquid-based magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed on a Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
See that is the great thing about Pathfinder. The ENTIRE game is free online. And legally so.
A blue dragon can cast create water at will (CL equals its HD). Alternatively, it can destroy an equal amount of liquid in a 10-foot burst. Unattended liquids are instantly reduced to sand. Liquid-based magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed on a Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
See that is the great thing about Pathfinder. The ENTIRE game is free online. And legally so.
Isn't that predicated under the assumption that liquid based magic items use water as the solvent?
I'll bite the troll that feeds me. Why not?
I think it says "liquid" because if it were just "water" or "water-based-liquids", then that would be an enormous pain in the neck to adjudicate. You'd have to keep track of every liquid in existence and know its properties. It's best to just say "it works because it's magic" and be done with it, especially to maintain the general usefulness of the ability.
A blue dragon can cast create water at will (CL equals its HD). Alternatively, it can destroy an equal amount of liquid in a 10-foot burst. Unattended liquids are instantly reduced to sand. Liquid-based magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed on a Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
See that is the great thing about Pathfinder. The ENTIRE game is free online. And legally so.
Isn't that predicated under the assumption that liquid based magic items use water as the solvent?
I'll bite the troll that feeds me. Why not?
I think it says "liquid" because if it were just "water" or "water-based-liquids", then that would be an enormous pain in the neck to adjudicate. You'd have to keep track of every liquid in existence and know its properties. It's best to just say "it works because it's magic" and be done with it, especially to maintain the general usefulness of the ability.
Relax. I perfectly understand that the power is worded that way because otherwise it would be an untenable mess. I was wondering more what would happen if you the power worked exactly how it would. Think of the possibilities:
200 Proof Alcohol
Dehydrated Potion-Just add water
Dehydrated Food-Just add water
Clothes Dryers
A blue dragon can cast create water at will (CL equals its HD). Alternatively, it can destroy an equal amount of liquid in a 10-foot burst. Unattended liquids are instantly reduced to sand. Liquid-based magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed on a Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
See that is the great thing about Pathfinder. The ENTIRE game is free online. And legally so.
Warframe: TheBaconDwarf
That minor caveat aside.....
Fantastic as always guys.
I'll forgive you because you're new to Pathfinder.
So they need to stare intently at their potions?
Magical liquids, such as potions get a save as per the rules. I assume they are exaggerating here for comedic effect. (I chuckled).
No it doesn't.
What does unattended liquids mean? I have never actively attended any percentage of liquids in my body, with the possible exception of using the restroom.
Maybe you can resist the power's effect by thinking "I am made of liquid I am made of liquid I am made of liquid" really hard? Of course, that would make it's game mechanic a Will save or die.
A blue dragon can cast create water at will (CL equals its HD). Alternatively, it can destroy an equal amount of liquid in a 10-foot burst. Unattended liquids are instantly reduced to sand. Liquid-based magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed on a Will save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
See that is the great thing about Pathfinder. The ENTIRE game is free online. And legally so.
Pathfinder SRD
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
This comic (and the discussion which followed the last one) are kind of making me glad I don't play D&D.
Gabe's facial expression in the last panel is perfect. And the whispered comments from Tycho in the first.
Also, it's the morning and I need coffee. Rawr.
P.S. I love you
He says that almost lovingly. Like to a wayward son.
This is a good comic.
Hehe. I'd argue that. However, I wonder if he would consider an Alchemist of high level to be a "Potion". LOL
Pathfinder Online was just announced to be starting dev. a couple of weeks ago:
The company so far is composed of Paizo staff as well as some programmers/staff from EVE Online and a couple of other A list MMOs.
I'll bite the troll that feeds me. Why not?
I think it says "liquid" because if it were just "water" or "water-based-liquids", then that would be an enormous pain in the neck to adjudicate. You'd have to keep track of every liquid in existence and know its properties. It's best to just say "it works because it's magic" and be done with it, especially to maintain the general usefulness of the ability.
Would hurt to pee afterwards.
200 Proof Alcohol
Dehydrated Potion-Just add water
Dehydrated Food-Just add water
Clothes Dryers
Also, of course, the official Pathfinder PRD - Blue Dragon link.
With that post.