For someone who knows as much about audio as I do, I know shit all about earbuds. Well, I know about them, but not really which ones are good. I know which ones AREN'T good. I know that half of these new "street style" manufacturers all basically source the exact same headphones from like 2 manufacturers in China who churn out their crappy earbuds by the millions, and just stick whatever logo the reseller asks for on them.
I currently use two pairs:
- Some random Skullcandy earbuds. I like the design... the I guess "passive" noise cancelling of the squishy bit in your ear. However, the actual sound isn't very good. And, the cord itself is noisy as shit unless I wrap it around the top of my ears.
- iPhone earbuds. I only really use these at home. The sound is definitely better than the Skullcandys, but they fall out really easily, and let in way too much outside noise. There's a reason half the people on the train have their iPod/iPhone earbuds cranked so everyone can hear it. That's the only way they can clearly hear their music without outside noise muddying everything up.
So, I ask you who have experimented with different brands more than I have: What's a good set of earbuds for under 100 bucks. I refuse to spend more, because headphones always break within about 2 years, and I don't want to piss away that much money that frequently.
I don't expect super mega amazing audio quality. I mean, we're talking about piping compressed audio through earbuds. It'll never be ideal. I'd just like something that:
- Fits well
- Cancels outside noise decently well
- Sounds decent
- Has a cord that isn't noisy when it bounces around
- Will last longer than a year
- Isn't some cleverly rebranded piece of crap (ie. Skullcandy et al.)
- And again, under 100 bucks.
iPhone earbuds sound like shit compared to a good set of in-ears. Try something like these and you will love the sound.
Denons for $80
These are supposed to be pretty sweet, too.
-These things have quite a few configurations so you're basically guaranteed the best fit (short of having an audiologist create a custom in-ear for you)
-I doubt you'll find a better set of in-ears to cancel outside noise
-they sound great to me, well balanced and accurate if a little on the cold side.
-there's quite a bit of noise from the cable jostling around so they're not great at this requirement
-kevlar cables, polished aluminum bodies for durability. My first and only pair have lasted about a year so far with no sign of quitting
-etymotic specializes in hearing aids and hearing protection, and allegedly invented in-ear headphones back in '84, so they're pretty clearly quality products
-$79.00 on etymotic's website.