I just recently rid myself of the bogus Win 7 2012 antivirus program, and now I seem to have some kind of redirect thing.
What's happening is that, as I browse the forums or youtube or whatever, my browser will spontaneously open one or more tabs to various other locations, some of which seem to be pages I've visited in the past (I'm guessing it's looking at my browser history or cache file?), but most of which seem to be blogs and poorly executed video-news sites. As far as I can tell the most common redirect is a site called "News Canary," which I have never visited before of my own accord.
Other weird things going on include rkill.com (that's a DOS app, not a website) terminating "ituneshelper" and another apparently apple-related process as 'known malware processes' and malwarebytes not turning up any infected files on a full scan. My searches of tech support forums only turn up one other case of this happening to somebody and apparently the mods there thought it would be more practical to lock the thread and solve it via PM. So no info for me.
Has anybody else encountered this? What's the culprit? I don't see any suspicious processes in my task manager or anything.
e: The win 7 2012 thing was the first time I've had any kind of problem with this computer whatsoever. And now this makes two issues in as many days. Is there some utility that will allow me to scan my computer for likely vulnerabilities? Maybe I've just neglected an update somewhere?
Also try installing and running MS Security Essentials Antivirus.
Both are free. Between those two you should be able to clean out this kind of junk.
edit: oops you already mentioned malwarebytes....
I have a reasonable suspicion that I picked this stuff up from imageshack. Now I am running firefox with the Noscripts add on all the time. A little inconvenient but less so than reinstalling windows
Aside from that, the redirect is coming from your network settings in Chrome(which is shared with the generic IE settings) or in the firefox settings as a proxy connection you can just disable, but you'll still need to fix the issue.
If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to reformat and re-install. I haven't been able to successfully use malwarebytes in two years. That virus gets more and more tricky each time they update it.
Now, Microsoft Security Essential is a great live protection antivirus program. Should not slow down your computer noticeably. In my opinion any computer that that's running windows should have it. Also, stop using windows explorer as your internet browser, if you are. Firefox with adblock plus and no-script plugins is much safer for surfing.
This... seriously it might take a week or two before you've configured no-script to do what you want and not just block everything but google and youtube, but it's incredible.
If you managed to get a bogus AV malware on your system, it has lots and lots of friends hiding out, waiting to screw with you in other new and exciting ways. There's no telling what's there, and it probably includes a trojan that may grant someone access to your system. At the very least there's probably a keylogger, so you shouldn't be accessing anything that involves money (from banking websites to WoW).
you can use fixboot/fixmbr to rewrite the boot sector and purge the corruption.