It's approximately 8 months old now, and I haven't had any problems with it whatsoever - until now.
Two days ago it could run all my steam games fine on the medium to high settings, I had no issues with Firefox holding 20+ tabs open, and could keep a couple of programs running without a hitch. Yesterday though, after short plane trip with my laptop on me (so no bag monkeys had the chance to throw it around) it started performing awfully - any game I ran would run fine the first couple of seconds but start stuttering and laggign horribly even at the lowest settings and Firefox is struggling keeping just a pair of tabs open at the moment.
I've run the Seagate HD drive checker, "Sealab" or something, but it's been passing all tests and I run a full disc check through windows that showed up with no issues either.
These are my specs taken from Speccy:
Summary Operating System
MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i5 460M @ 2.53GHz 60 °C
Arrandale 32nm Technology
4.00 GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 532MHz (7-7-7-20)
Hewlett-Packard 144A (CPU) 66 °C
Generic PnP Monitor (1366x768@60Hz)
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 (HP) 61 °C
Hard Drives
625GB Seagate ST9640320AS (SATA) 51 °C
Optical Drives
IDT High Definition Audio CODEC
Just a guess as to what might be wrong would be helpful, and any suggestions on what components I should test and how to, before I give up and send it off to support.
Laptops are notorious for getting a bit too hot and then clocking the processor speed down. When it's running slowly, open up task manager and take a look at your CPU utilization percentage. It'll most likely be at 100% while being underclocked to cool it off.
Sadly, I did vacuum the vents as well so I've kinda muddled up the cause of my computer failure - and I fear it might happen again if I attribute the wrong cause to the problem.
It's either software, as it works fine after reinstall, or it could be dust like some suggested, as I vacuumed the vents.
Thanks everyone anyway for the suggestions!
Apparently he never switched the power settings from power saver back to performance.
(Sometimes computer issues are the dumbest things.)
The problem is back again, while I was playing Psychonauts
I installed Core Temp, and when doing nothing I get CPU temperatures of 48-52 C - which doesn't seem too bad.
I installed Speccy as well, and it is giving me a CPU temperature of 52 C, motherboard temp. of 55C, GPU temp of 52 C, and a hard drive temp of 38 C - which is all at rest when not running any programs (aside from firefox, and the measurement programs).
While running the game Psychonauts, at maximum resolution and all settings set to maximum (which my laptop should be capable of handling considering the age of the game) Speccy is reporting CPU/Motherboard temps of 80 C, GPU temps of 61 C, and HD temp of 39 C. Core Temp is also reporting CPU temp of 79-80 C.
Temperatures of 80 C sounds pretty bad, so I've ordered some compressed air and will give my laptop a go with it in order to clear out some potential dust inside of it.
Any other suggestions?
EDIT: 15 minutes later, the temps have crept up (at rest) 5 Celsius across all measurements.
We do it every three months now just to be safe.