I built this computer about a year ago,
AMD Athlon 3700+
512mb RAM x2 (popular name brand, forgetting which at the moment)
BIOSTAR GEFORCE 6100-M9 motherboard
VisionTek XTASY Raedon x800
KINGWIN Alpha Power AP-350 ATX12V 350W
Put everything together, worked fine... except when I started any heavy computing. WoW, Photoshop, Quake 4, etc would cause my computer to randomly restart. When the computer restarts it freezes at the Biostar logo at which point I hold down the shutdown button and turn it back on, where it will work fine until it gets into any game/hefty program.
At first I thought it was overheating because when I open up the case the graphics card and the heatsink on the cpu were warm. So I setup a small desk fan to point into the open case. I still crashed.. the same amount or even more frequently than before and everything in my pc was cool to the touch. So I'm thinking it's not overheating.
I was told it might be bad RAM so I tried putting them in every combination of different slots (4 slots) and even taking 1 of each stick out. Regardless of the combination, I still experienced crashes.
I just upgraded the computer to Vista and I still experience these problems on a fresh install of Vista with just WoW/Photoshop, by now it's pretty frustrating and I'm wondering if you guys had any insight on what it could be. I'm 99.9% positive that it's hardware related. Could it be that it's only a 350 watt powersupply? because thats the only thing left I could think of but don't necessarily want to blow money on a new one unless that's the problem.
Thanks in advance