Here's my predicament; one or more of my neighbors likes to smoke marijuana. A lot of it it seems. And every time they do, my bedroom smells like Snoop Dogg is having a party in it. (I live in an apartment). On the one hand, I really don't care what people do in their free time and I think marijuana should be legal, but on the other hand I'm trying to get a job here and what happens if I have to take a drug test the day after I've slept in a cloud of smoke? Or worse, if my wife's company decides to start drug testing?
Difficulties: I don't really talk to any of my neighbors and have no idea which one (or ones) might be the source of the funk. I don't want to get anyone kicked out of the apartment or sent to jail. It's not easy to ventilate my bedroom because we have to keep the door closed to keep the cats from peeing on the bed and it's too cold to keep the window open.
My options as I see them:
1) Do nothing and just hope I don't have to take a drug test.
2) Knock on people's doors and have a long conversation with everyone who lives near me.
3) Put up a flyer attempting to explain the situation in the breeze way.
4) Talk to the apartment manager.
Frankly all of these sound a bit unrealistic except for number four, but that puts me back in the position of getting someone kicked out over something that shouldn't really be illegal anyway. Any suggestions?
This is a very real thing and just report it to the apartment manager. There's probably only one unit that connects to your room in such a way that the funk permeates into it. And unless you're like saturated in smoke, urine levels of THC will be too low to test for as far as I know, so, less worries about that, but that's not to say it won't cause a false positive.
That outcome is unlikely. A landlord tends to be in the business of making money, and they don't honestly care what their tenants do so long as they also pay the rent on time, at least in my experience. If you call the landlord, chances are the folks in question will get a visit or call with something along the lines of "there's been a complaint, if there is another, we'll involve the police." Which, you know, isn't a horrible outcome as far as anyone is concerned. You get to stop smelling people smoking, they don't get in any real trouble.
I'm a big fan of #2, but only if you can figure out which apartment it is. When I was in this position before, that's what I did. "Hey, I don't like it that my apartment constantly smells like smoke. Plus there are kids in the building. Can't you guys take it outside?" went over surprisingly well in my case. The folks weren't pissed at me, and I never had a problem with them again.
Maybe you'll luck out, and they've resolved to stop smoking in the new year?
Since you don't know who is doing this, either go with flyer or apartment manager. If you go with either the core message can just be "I don't smoke pot. I don't care if you smoke pot. I do not want my clothes/apartment smelling like pot. Towel the fucking door."
You had far more liberal landlords than I. Most have clauses about illegal activity and drugs, and most mention casually that if they even smell it they'll move for eviction regardless. Best to complain to them just to let them know it's not you, or at least to the focus off you when and if it comes down to it.
Huh, guess it takes all kinds. I've never even seen a clause like that in a tenant agreement, but it makes a lot of sense. It may also have something to do with my having lived in a college town for years and years, or that I always rent in the cheapest place I can find, which usually overlaps strongly with the wrong side of the tracks.
But OP should rest assured, he probably has 0 to worry about with drug screenings at the least. Or start liking poppy seed bagels or something.
Here's what you should do: knock on your neighbors door, say that you smell smoke, and that if its them they need to hide their illegal habits better. Other solutions, like calling your landlord (they may do nothing) or calling the police (they may do nothing) are a way of passing the buck and avoiding confrontation and neither of those methods are guaranteed to get the result you want and carry a strong risk of ruining some harmless idiot's life.
You're not passing the buck, that's what those solutions are there for. Cops are extreme, telling the landlord is not. Don't get involved with your neighbors affairs, that's the quickest way to get your tires knifed when eventually someone finds out. Oops my neighbor knows I smoke pot, fuck it was probably him, what a douchebag.
Just anonymously inform the landlord and call it a day.
I vote for #2, unless you live in a giant building. It's probably the neighbor directly above or below you, I imagine. In any case, they probably don't know that their hobby is being broadcast to the whole building and would appreciate a heads-up! A simple "Hey, I don't know if you know, but when you smoke pot it smells throughout the building" should suffice. My best friend literally had this exact conversation with his new downstairs neighbor, and the guy was apologetic and took care of the issue.
If for whatever reason (social anxiety; live next to Hell's Angels) you are unable to talk to your neighbors in a calm, adult manner, you can always do the 'passive aggressive note'
Contacting management is the logical next step if these resolutions are unsuccessful, and obviously the police would be your last resort.
I just want to clarify that there is not a guy to just go talk to. I have to talk to eight families, some of them with children, if I choose that route.
At least one person (not me but others) complained, and the management company wrote a general letter that basically said "Don't smoke pot, it's illegal, not on our property. If it continues, then we'll involve the police and you may get charges". It basically stopped.
Seriously, just talk to building management.
Do people get all bent out of shape when a cigarette smoker lives in their apartment building and the smell creeps through? I mean...can we start tracking down management because you don't like the smell of a cigarette? I understand that pot is illegal...but this just seems incredibly anal to me that the OP is even worried about it. I find it very hard to believe that your clothes or items in your house are smelling of pot when you leave the house due to someone in your apartment complex toking it up and the smoke creeping through a few vents in to your washing machine closet that is next to your bedroom.
I am not against toking, hell, I do it myself, but when I rented, or had renters no one did it inside the house.
You want to smoke, go stink up the outdoors... it's not fair to anyone in the building surronding whomever is smoking to have to deal with the smell, especially (and more so) if there are children around.
My advice for the OP? Simply move along.
Honestly I'd just knock on some doors. The guy might deny it, or might thank you for the heads up. But nobody is going to jump down your throat. Especially some stoner guy, they're generally very docile creatures.
Edit: and yea, there is no way you'll fail a drug test.
To the OP: If you still want to get rid of the pot smoke, just tell the management. It's their job to deal with stuff like that. If you really want to be super-sensitive, then tell them the same thing you're telling us - you don't really care that it's illegal, and you'd hate to see the cops come by, but you just don't want to deal with the smoke.
Exactly. Tell management and if they are human like you, they will just remind everyone that they shouldn't do it.
I got a reminder last week that alcohol consumption is not allowed in the game / weight room. Why? Because some people were getting TOO drunk and deciding it was a good idea to punch holes in the dry wall. For the buildings liability, the room had cameras and are fully persuing it. To me, that sounds like a "duh" but sometimes a reminder needs to be sent out to not be a goose.
edit - As well, the people doing it, might think they're getting away with it / not impacting anyone. This can make them realize this or change their habits.
I would recommend a note in a public place. I say this because, even as a non-smoker, I like to give folks a chance to take care of things on their own, before directly involving management.
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Urine tests are incredibly, stupidly sensitive (sensitive enough to show false positives on opium use if you eat poppy seeds), and I'm more than a little suspicious that inhaling cannabis smoke coming from your neighbor's apartment might lead to unwelcome 'drug test' results.
Unless this is extremely heavy amounts of smoke every day for weeks it won't result in a positive drug test.
I empathize with your situation as I have had similar experiences.
I knocked on both my immediate neighbors' doors and said something to the effect of 'hey look, I dunno if it's you, but the smoke/smell from somebody's apartment is coming into mine and it really sucks. If it's you guys, would you mind getting it under control a little better? Cool, thanks." As long as you aren't confrontational or accusatory about it, people won't react poorly. Don't leave some passive-aggressive note, just knock on their door and talk to them. If you are worried about talking to them, leaving a note will certainly yield worse results.
If you talk to a nonsmoking neighbor they aren't gonna care, aside from maybe to sympathize with you. A smoking neighbor who is smart will think 'oh crap, better get on that before the landlord gets involved' and will fix their shit by smoking somewhere else or switching to a water chamber or whatever. It will probably become really obvious during your short conversation which type you are talking to, and how smart they are willing to be about it.
The first time I was ever in this situation the problem resolved itself immediately. The second time it didn't, and a couple days later I called the landlord. Eventually he solved it for me.
I don't think you're obligated to talk to them in person first or anything, but I'd rather give people common courtesy before bringing it to the landlord.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Yeah, but this isn't just 2 or 3 possibles. It's up to 8. At that number, I'd just call the landlord and let him send a notice out. Not worth the time or bother.
With it possibly coming through the vent I would simply tell management you have odors coming into the vent system from neighboring apartments that smells like smoke and ask them to either check the vent system or talk to the neighbors to take care of it.
Once you've got the idea of who it is - a friendly non-confrontational chat usually takes care of the problem.
Especially if you do it while they're bombed. I've never met an angry pot smoker.
Just go straight to the manager and nip it in the bud.
Edit - Oh yeah, do the note first if possible. So many posts (and pictures!) mentioning that and I missed them all.
+1 to "you won't get evicted because somebody else is smoking pot"
+1 to "leave a note in a public place asking people to be conscientious of their neighbors"
+1 to "if the note doesn't work in a reasonable timeframe (like a week) then complain to the landlord"
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.