[PATV] Checkpoint Episode 35: Unarmed Avatars

TubeTube Registered User admin
edited January 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub


  • Caulk Bite 6Caulk Bite 6 One of the multitude of Dans infesting this place Registered User regular
    Don't worry Graham, we love balls too.

  • GyralGyral Registered User regular
    I'm intrigued by Persona 4: The Play. Let me set some monies to the side for it.

  • tobiwantobiwan Somewhere InbetweenRegistered User regular
    These get better and better.

    No shiiiit!

  • tobiwantobiwan Somewhere InbetweenRegistered User regular
    Too many i's there.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    I'm surprised there's no posts protesting that pit bulls are great with kids.

    What is this I don't even.
  • GrahamSGrahamS Registered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote:
    I'm surprised there's no posts protesting that pit bulls are great with kids.
    I feel "pitbulls aren't good with kids" is as valid a complaint as "you'll put your eye out with a microphone cane".

    ie: we made them both up and they're stupid :)

  • RemingtonRemington Registered User regular
    Ooh, smooth.

    I was under the impression that MS originally had this "no guns" rule and then broke it for the sake of Gears and the like. I know a bunch of avatar items at my studio got denied by MS because they were too gun-like.

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