So I don't know how many of you know that SWTOR (Star Wars The Old Republic) is out. It's a great game. Some bugs but that's to be expected. The major problem that we are having over there is the fact that CS (Customer Service) is atrocious to non-existant. I guess this a rant more than anything else but am hoping someone here sees this and puts out something really embarrassing to make Bioware step up. How bad is it? They close tickets without even helping, GM's are basically non-existant and when you do ACTUALLY speak with one, their facilitation in English is basically non-existant. Just to illustrate how bad it really is over there and that I'm not exaggerating, here are some threads you all should read:
It really is a great game but with the lack and apathy coming from CS, alot of us are just besides ourselves and are seriously thinking about quitting. Kind of sad as this is not even a month out and I really do like this game.
Thanks guys
That said, I submitted a ticket asking to get an item I accidentally purchased refunded. They told me to delete the item and resubmit a ticket. I did and they told me they couldn't refund it since I had deleted the item.
Wasn't a huge deal, I was more amused than annoyed. But definitely an issue. And the game has been out less than a month. Lots of kinks to still work out.
CS is usually piss poor in any given MMO. As some one who has played every single MMO that has ever been released (talking real games here, not web-browser based games). Those CS chat shots (if to be fully believed as many of the complaints about bannings/poor service have been revealed as) are not out of the ordinary for an MMO. In most games the lowest level of "GM"s know just about nothing about the game, and force you to describe everything...then can't really help you. Even if you get it escalated, the odds of you getting things resolved that aren't a direct effect of a bug are really slim.
Also, not to be nit-picky, but registering to start a flame thread is pretty poor form. You also obviously didn't read anything in this forum, and didn't pay attention to the reply you got from your previous thread. You also used "facilitation" in the wrong syntax. Which is a little funny considering the sentence subject.