First, I would like to ask that you please not turn this into a wired mouse vs wireless mouse fight.
I've used a wireless Microsoft mouse for many years, never having an issue with PC gaming or anything else. Today, it decided to go into retirement and stopped working altogether.
Heading to Office Depot, I did some iPhone research and price matching and scored this keyboard/mouse combo for $25:
So far both the keyboard and mouse work fine when browsing the internet, typing in documents, etc. I tried a Logitech keyboard some months ago but ended up returning it as the device kept spazzing out on me (two second key delays, spamming a key repeatedly like FFFFFF, etc). This one works much better.
But PC gaming is where it becomes a problem. I don't notice any issues with the keyboard, but moving the camera in first-person with the mouse is in, the whole game seems to drop in framerate when I'm moving the mouse around.
Last I checked (and it was a while ago), the driver software for mice these days have settings for PC games. I think this is an issue with the refresh rate or something, but that's just my guestimation. I'm hoping some of you more knowledgeable folk can help me to get the mouse functioning properly for those hectic L4D sessions.
Again, please don't talk me into getting a wired mouse unless no other suggestions work. I try to go cordless whenever I can, so that's a last resort.
You can totally go wireless, but you have to accept that a wireless mouse that is good for gaming is going to cost a little bit more than what you paid.
The Logitech G700 is a pretty great mouse, if you have room for a USB dongle.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
The only reason I can think of is that it was a USB receiver (which was also less than one foot away from the actual mouse), and these new-fangled mini USB type mice take more resources.
I've read lots of people reporting the same kinds of problems in Google, but no fixes whatsoever.
I know you spend 20 bucks on your old one, but there is a crapshoot when it comes to wireless mice. If you don't get one that has either been vetted by the gaming community, or one that is made specifically for gaming, then you are rolling the dice.
It's part drivers, part crappy power management (mice should not power down after 30 seconds of not moving it WTF), bad chipsets... there are many reasons a wireless mouse can fail for gaming.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
If it's good enough for pro Starcraft players, it's good enough for anyone.
Or if you don't want a ball, this one.
Price matched it for $11.50, using the pricematcher app on my phone (God, I love that app).
Mouse-wise it works fine, though my brain is trying to compensate for the fact that it's corded. It's something I could adjust to after a few attempts.
The major problem is the mouse wheel; it is incredibly sensitive, even when turned down to 0. I tried it in L4D, and I have to very very lightly manipulate it or else I'll just scroll through my weapons like Blur from Transformers (pillsherepillsheregotpillsheredon'tneedpillshere'sashotgunshootinggunseverywherethat'swhere).
Unless there's a way to tweak it further, it's pretty unsatisfying, and I may just order that optical mouse from Amazon if the wheel is reportedly better. I just hate the notion of stopping at that store yet again, especially if I get lumped with store credit instead of a refund.