Hold still while I stick this in your ear!

jake8urstakejake8urstake Registered User new member
edited January 2012 in Social Entropy++
Put down the cheetos, equip the headphones. It's time to be eviscerated for Aire Tam like damage.
May I suggest a winter hat to cover the gaping holes whence once you had ears? I present for your consideration a virus I found on Youtube. It's insidious nature has corrupted me with snippets of arcade DNA. Best enjoyed while performing a repetitive task, such as duping or short selling euro-bonds. Leave me now to my inner turmoil about having ecstasies over "techno music".

My general opinion of techno in all it's myriad mutations = http://xkcd.com/411/

For degradation brought on by repetitive auditory distress theres ---->http://www.miracle-ear.com/choosehearingaid


jake8urstake on


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