

MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
edited January 2012 in Artist's Corner
If you've come because of the hot girl advertised in the Chat Thread, please see enclosed:

I've been feeling that not having a web portfolio is somewhat of a dumb thing, so I sat down and made one.


It's 75% there. I got my layout as I want it, but I still gotta get to work on the actual gallery lightbox which is a javascript thing that I found online... and javascript is somewhat horrifying. The content on the bio will be shortened down considerably in future revisions, and I'll add some images there to liven it up.

What I want from you guys is your input on the layout and overall scheme of the page. Also, I'm trying out web fonts for the very first time, but I've seen it doesn't work on all browsers. If you see any Times New Roman anywhere, let me know what device, OS and browser you're using.

There is also a mobile version.
This one still has a lot of work to go, but I'd also like to get feedback on it.

Thanks, guys!

MagicToaster on


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    DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular

    Your site link is pointing toward this thread.

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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    Yeah, I have no idea why it was doing that. It should be working now.

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    brokecrackerbrokecracker Registered User regular
    The landing page looks great, I am not sure how lightbox works, but even if you could click to a pdf image that would be awesome.

    I think one thing you should do is put together a bangin' resume. Not that yours isn't impressive, but the format is a little dull. I would design it with a theme in mind.

    I am doing the same thing as you, never had a webfolio site, putting one together. Yours looks really clean and off to a good start!

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    rtsrts Registered User regular
    I would get rid of the whos hector section. Am I supposed to be able to click on these images?

    skype: rtschutter
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    BC, thanks for pointing out the resume thing. I guess it's one of those things that I've been using for such a long time that I've never really bothered updating design wise. I'll get right on that!

    Cake, you're supposed to be able to click them soon enough, I have not set up the gallery yet. I am still working on what content to keep or discard, but that section will either be seriously edited or discarded completely.

    As for the Who's Hector section: every time I apply for a gig I would send them a personalized print portfolio with their name and a cover letter directed at them. My original intention was that I would continue to carry this out in my web page, I would replace the area that says who's hector with something that wold say "Hey, Cake!" and when you click on it, it's basically praises what ever company I'm applying for and tells them why I'm excited to be on their project. I would further personalize it by removing the header that says Hey, Hector! and putting up "Hey, Cake!"

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    rtsrts Registered User regular
    I just think it's a little strange to get into that kind of personal detail on your website. And by strange, I more mean unprofessional. Obviously a lot of people do it, so there is definitely a lot of subjectivity here... but from my perspective that seems like the sort of thing you share with people in person when appropriate.

    skype: rtschutter
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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Yeah, I would try to find a balance between giving your professional credits and what you've got now. A little funny/quirky goes a long way. For example, my bio claims I was raised by a pack of wild squirrels.

    (That's a lie of course. I spent a couple of summers with them but I'd hardly say they raised me.)

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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2012
    Some more points to consider:

    If you're going to link to a PDF version of your resume, you should probably let people know that it's a PDF link.

    Also, your bio has some spelling issues. I tried to bold my changes but I just deleted a few things too:
    Hi, this is me.

    My friends call me Hector, my family calls me Ivan, my wife calls me baby (though I am not an infant, it's OK)(I would leave this out) and the guy at the bank calls me Mr. Nieves.

    You can often find me eating pizza or walking around, looking at bad ads and walking into strangers or walls. When I'm not doing that, you'll spot me talking to myself, pretending that someone is interviewing me. (This is how you spend your spare time? You might just want to describe your hobbies.)

    I was a skinny little boy

    I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, always drawing in the back of my school notebooks. As I saw it, the front was for studying and the back was for drawing ninjas and robots.

    (I) eventually traded the lined notebooks for a sketchbook once I entered the Advertising and Public Relations Department at (two words) the University of Puerto Rico. For me, it's easier to express campaign ideas by illustrating instead of explaining them. On every project, I was always the design guy. The Advertising Club Website, a drawing of the Devil on the john for a toilet paper ad, a heartbroken mannequin jumping of a cliff for a TV spot, you name it!

    I loved doing it so much that by my senior year, I was asked to be on the team representing our Communications Department at the yearly Cuspides Advertising Awards. We took first place at the student's competition.

    I was so hooked on graphic design that I enrolled in Atlantic College to learn more about the technical side of aesthetics. I met and formed a lifelong bond with two friends: typography and print production. What? Did you think I was talking about people? My current favorite font is Rockwell. I also love print production; trapping, chocking, bleeding, â€it sounds like gang(ing) violence, but no. It's just print talk. (Honestly, both of those jokes are super awkward.)

    Workin' it

    I've worked many design jobs; at design labs, in advertising agencies and at corporate offices. Regardless of where I find myself, design is always fun. I am currently employed at MCS, a major medical insurance company based in Puerto Rico. I've also done freelance work for a range of clients from garage bands to small business and large corporations. Those projects included print material, stage designs, corporate identities and even a graphic wrap for a helicopter!

    My utility belt (toolbox?) includes a Macbook Pro connected to a calibrated 27" Thunderbold(?) display with an Intuos 4 as my favorite pointing device (input device or tablet of choice). I have used Adobe Creative Suite extensively (obviously) and a done a bit of Web coding (Using a particular program?). Most importantly, I have the energy and enthusiasm to take on any design challenge and give it my best.

    DMAC on
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    MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    Oh DMAC, you're no fun. Though it does make you sound slightly crazy MT.....but then again you kind of are, so it's okay.

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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2012
    I am a lot of fun. Ask anyone. ASK THEM!

    DMAC on
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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    Wow, Thais for the super insightful feedback. I think I'm gonna cut it down to a single short paragraph. Seriously, though, nobody liked my prepress joke? Man...

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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Short and sweet might be the way to go. Do you have a photo of yourself you could use?

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    MagicToasterMagicToaster JapanRegistered User regular
    I do indeed!

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    MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    I liked it, but what I like and what people who hire people like are usually in direct conflict with one another.

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