News is a little old, but I'm getting nostalgic, so here goes
Epic Games has reached an agreement to sell the Gears of War intellectual property rights to Microsoft. We’re very proud of the franchise we built in close partnership with Microsoft over the past decade and are happy that this agreement enables Microsoft to forge ahead with the Gears universe on their industry-leading platforms as Epic concentrates its efforts on new projects. Epic remains totally dedicated to supporting Xbox One and is licensing the Unreal Engine 4 technology to Microsoft in support of their future projects.
Today we're excited to announce that Microsoft Studios has acquired the rights to the “Gears of War” franchise from Epic Games, including rights to all existing and future games, entertainment experiences and merchandise. In addition, we are excited to announce that Black Tusk Studios in Vancouver, BC will take over development of the “Gears of War” franchise and that Rod Fergusson, former Director of Production at Epic Games on the “Gears of War” franchise, will join Microsoft and play a key studio leadership role at Black Tusk on the development of the franchise going forward. We had a chance to chat with Phil Spencer, Head of Microsoft Studios, Hanno Lemke, General Manager of Black Tusk Studios at Microsoft Studios, and Rod Fergusson about the big news.
Gears of War: Judgment is a prequel to Epic’s Gears of War series. Being made primarily by People Can Fly (of Painkiller and Bulletstorm fame), Judgment focuses on the early days of the war between Locust and Humankind, taking place shortly after E-Day.
The game follows Lt. Baird and Kilo Squad as they stand trial for warcrimes, using their testimony as a framing device for the various singleplayer missions. The game features several new mechanics over it’s predecessors, designed to streamline or enhance gameplay so this isn’t just a mission pack. On the multiplayer front, Judgment includes complete free-for-all matches for the first time, as well as a combined Horde & Beast mode known as Overrun.
Gears of War: Judgment was released March 19th, 2013.
News & Announcements
Free DLC Available 3/29 : Execution, New "Haven" Map, & Title Update Info
The first DLC pack and Title Update for Gears of War: Judgment is dropping a few days early. Tomorrow, (Friday, March 29) in fact!
The pack includes a new multiplayer map called Haven and the fan-favorite mode Execution.
We have created special playlists for Haven and Execution which will feature 2 XP for a limited time. VIP pass holders will receive 3 XP within that playlist for a limited time.
IMPORTANT: You must download the DLC pack directly from the Xbox 360 dashboard or add it to your download queue via The dialogue box prompting you to download the pack in-game is not functioning properly.
This weekend during SXSW, Epic Games PR Manager Wes Phillips revealed the Epic Reaper character from Gears of War: Judgment during a panel with Sr. Producer Chris Wynn and Sr. Gameplay Programmer Pete Knepley.
Each week, one member from the Gears of War community will be chosen to be the Epic Reaper. Members will be chosen based on their contributions to the community.
The Epic Reaper has special abilities and physics so he’s not very easy to kill. If you do manage though, you will be rewarded with the Reaper medal and custom weapon skin!
The person who is chosen as Reaper will receive a set of custom Gears of War: Judgment dog tags.
Epic employees will also have the Reaper skin available, so if you kill them, it will count towards the medal and skin.
-VIP Season Pass announced; 1600 MS points ($20) gets you 6 downloadable maps, two new gameplay modes, permanent 2x xp increase and some other bonus content.
-Also of note is special skins available through various marketing channels. Buying a pack of Oberto jerky can net you a "Jungle Tai" skin: Updates
Title Update 1 (Released March 29th Patch Notes
Title Update Details
Various dedicated server improvements.
Players no longer get stuck in the main menu background after playing three random matches.
Locusts no longer spawn at the second E-Hole on the first wave of Island.
Players will no longer get stuck inside of a Boom Shield that has been planted by an enemy player.
Players will no longer able to look down the scope with a Markza while holding a Meat Shield.
If a Locust destroys an objective at the same time the timer runs out in OverRun using Mercy rules, the match will not end early.
Fix for exclamation points not disappearing after viewing an unlocked character.
While holding a Meat Shield you will only need to tap B to melee.
The Meat Shield will now drop if you switch to the snub.
The “Spray and Pray” ribbon can now be earned in the first round.
If the Boom Shield is disabled in weapon swap you will no longer see the icon in Tac-Com.
You will now earn the Team Savior ribbon for reviving three individual teammates in a single life.
Players can no longer chainsaw another player while holding the Boom Shield.
Improvements to the Hammer of Dawn targeting.
You will now see XP tallies between matches.
Downloadable Content
Released March 29th, Microsoft, Epic Games and MAXIM are delivering even more adrenaline-fueled action to “Gears” fans with the upcoming post-launch release of a free, MAXIM-sponsored multiplayer map – Haven – as well as Execution Mode. Haven is a new map for FFA, Team Deathmatch, Domination and the upcoming Execution mode.
In Execution mode, the objective of each team is to kill all members of the enemy team before the time limit runs out. The catch? Unless hit with a one-shot kill weapon like the Booshka, players go into a “Down But Not Out” state and will revive at the end of the bleed-out timer instead of dying. To finish the job, perform an Execution on a downed enemy.
The VIP Season Pass for “Judgment” was made available at launch for 1600 Microsoft points, providing players with a more than 20 percent discount across a broad range of content, including six multiplayer maps, two new modes and nine exclusive unlocks.
The VIP Season Pass is the only way you can score a permanent double XP boost as well as a cache of exclusive armor and weapon skins, and it is your only chance to get a jump on the competition with exclusive, early access to all Game Add-on multiplayer maps. With the VIP Season Pass you will get:
Two upcoming Game Add-on Packs that include six multiplayer maps, two new modes, and new weapon and armor skins
Early access to Game Add-on multiplayer maps so you can be the first to play
A permanent double XP boost to accelerate your ascent through the ranks
Five exclusive weapon skins and four exclusive armor skins
Penny-Arcade Gears of War Metatag
Metatag is currently defunct
The Story
As mentioned before, the game follows Kilo Squad as they stand trial for war crimes in the early days of the Locust invasion. Lead by Baird (then a Lieutenant), Kilo Squad is comprised of fan favorite Augustus “Cole Train” Cole, and newcomers Garron Paduk and Sophia Hendricks. Garron is a former member of the UIR (the enemy the COGs fought in the Pendulum Wars) and seems to be a bit of a troublemaker, while Sophia is a cadet from the elite Onyx Guard academy and looks to be very by-the-books. Together, they go against orders to try and save Halvo Bay from a nasty grub named Karn, who sounds like he’s RAAM’s predecessor in the role of General.
The Guts of Judgment: Campaign Breakdown
The game starts with the trial, as Kilo squad gives testimony, which is then played out in game. As such, you can declassify parts of your testimony, revealing new scenarios and challenges that can give you bonuses on your level score, which in turn can unlock stuff. Additionally, the game features a
Smart Spawn System™ which will dynamically alter enemy types and setups, making each area potentially playing radically different each time you play it. Horde mode has influences singleplayer by the way of Dynamic Defense Scenarios, where you’re given an area to defend a limited defenses like turrets and fences to defend it. No repairing though; once it’s gone, it’s gone.
Despite being a prequel, new monsters and weapons will be found. The Rager is a new kind of grub that hulks out when it takes enough damage, going from a rifle toting soldier to a charging monstrosity. Meanwhile some old UIR weaponry has made it onto the battlefield in the form of the Marzka, a mid-range sniper rifle with a higher rate of fire, and the Booshka, a grenade launcher with smart grenades that bounce against walls but blow on impact with the enemy.
Speaking of grenades, two new ones make an appearance. Stim-grenades can heal and even bring back downed players, while Beacon grenades highlight all enemies within its range, even behind walls. The regular frag grenade can now also stick to enemies when you throw it at them. Grenades are also now quick-throwable with Y. Also new is the ability to hold any standard weapon with a Boomshield.
The Guts of Judgment: Multiplayer Breakdown
Multiplayer is a little pared down; no Horde or Beast and only five gameplay modes to speak of (besides co-op) and the current scuttlebutt is there are only 4 multiplayer maps for Over-Run, and another 4 for the other modes, which is a real shame. Multiplayer maps have a greater verticality now, though and you can jump down from high areas.
Unlocks are back, now including armor skins alongside characters and weapon skins. You can also win prize packs which can be opened for surprise gifts. Also expect the usual smattering of preorder bonuses and marketing tie ins.
Gone are game-types like Execution, Horde, Beast and more.. The five game-types included are:
Team Deathmatch: Changed from it’s Gears3 varient, now your team keeps respawning no matter how many “lives” or left, making it more like deathmatch is more traditional games
FFA: Complete free-for-all, everybody vs everybody.
Domination: Territory control; whoever controls the 3 rings the longest wins. Rings do not move around like in past territory control gametypes.
Over-Run: Team based player vs player, COG vs Locusts gametype. COG defend an area ala Horde against various types of Locusts whose goal is to invade that area, ala Beast, and destroy the COG generator. COG classes include an ammo dropping Soldier, a stim-chukin’ healer, a fortification repairing engineer, and a beacon dropping, sniper nesting Scout. Locust players get all sorts of critters to control. If and when the generator is destroyed, teams switch sides and play from the other perspective. Whichever team destroys the generator fastest is the winner. Like over-run, but with the locust controlled by bots. Players have 3 objectives to defend against 10 randomized waves of Locust.
Execution: Gone, but not forgotten, Execution will return in a free DLC update, post launch.
Gears of War 3 DLC Breakdown
Season Pass Still Available
The “Gears of War 3” Season Pass entitles you to the
first four four main installments of downloadable content, including new Campaign, mutliplayer, horde and beast content. The first three, “Horde Command Pack”, “RAAM’s Shadow” and "Fenix Rising" are detailed below while the fourth “Forces of Nature” is detailed above.
Available for $30 (2400 Microsoft points) on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, the season pass represents a 33 percent savings versus purchasing the add-ons individually (a $45 pricetag), and also includes an exclusive Liquid Metal Weapon Set. Command Pack Video PreviewDLC #3: Fenix Rising
Released January 17th and available for 800 MS points ($10), Fenix Rising features five maps:"Academy", "Anvil", "Depths" and "The Slab", with returning Gears 1 map "Escalation" and four character models. New models include "Recruit Clayton" and "Savage Marauder" alongside special editions of the exclusive Thrashball Cole Train and Savage Kantus models.
In addition, DLC #3 features a "re-up" mode that functions like Prestige Mode in other games. Upon reaching level 100 you have the option to reset your rank and XP and start over, gaining access to improved status icons to show off, as well as exclusive weapon skins. More info on DLC #3 and the Re-up system can be found at
Epic's WebsiteDLC #4: Forces of Nature
Released March 27th and available for 800 MS points ($10), Forces of Nature is the last DLC pack to be released for Gears of War 3. It features five maps, each either in the middle of, or amidst the aftermath of, a natural disaster in order to fit with the theme. Three of the maps are new (Aftermath, Artillery and Cove) while two are returning; Raven Down (Gears of War 1) and Jacinto (Gears of War 2). Hidden within the maps are four special "Elemental Cleavers" which can be discovered an used against enemies in Horde.
There are four new character models (Limited Edition Savage Grendier Elite, Limited Edition Mechanic Baird, Limited Edition Commando Dom and the Savage Hunter) and SEVEN new weapon skins. Five are unlocked automatically, while two more are tied to achievements. In addition, you get exclusive access to the returning Guardian gameplay mode.
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If anyone's up for the 50 waves of Horde on the new maps, though, I'm up for that.
EDIT: For the new thread I went through and cleared anyone off the Gears PA metatag that had been inactive for a long time. There are now eight more spaces. I should get around to going through and accepting them soon but if it doesn't get accepted within a few days feel free to let me know. If you've been cleared off and didn't want to be just send a new request.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Definitely up for doing 1-50 on the new horde maps. And anything else, really. RAAM executing Minh, clearing up ribbons etc. Or just grinding horde to get the command centre and silverback achievements.
Shamefully, after over one hundred versus matches I still lack the MVP ribbon. Also lacking the achievement for 4-player co-op on the main campaign, if anyone still needs that, and the one for reflecting bullets with a mauler shield in RAAM's shadow.
Choose Your Own Chat 1 Choose Your Own Chat 2 Choose Your Own Chat 3
I've motored through most of the achievements as far as the campaign is concerned, the ones I need now are specifically horde mode with a complete party and things along the lines of that.
Silverback levels are expensive though... jeez.
They're all in the collectibles.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Oh well, we got pretty far considering all were pubs anywho.
Boo my awesome skins have now become totally unexclusive, bummer.
Since they have unlocked that stuff, they better make the whole lot available, Only got a couple flaming skins without Bulletstorm.
Not bothered about the skins, more the XX/YY unlock notice, doubly so now that the exclusive stuff I did preorder/unlock have become available for all.
EDIT: Also, the two versions of Cole Train and Kantus - they have slight visual differences, like Cole's uniform having black or silver trim. Which is which?
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I'm surprised none of you took me to task for forgetting to mention what the "Stay Frosty" playlist is. It's apparently a no-shotgun mode where you have less health, thus making you need to take cover more.
I was wondering about that, and I like the sounds of this playlist although that's probably because it sounds a little more like CoD and I'm good at that. I'm much better with the rifles than anything else in this game.
{Twitter, Everybody's doing it. }{Writing and Story Blog}
{Twitter, Everybody's doing it. }{Writing and Story Blog}
Someone help this guy out!
Podcast WHORING: Episodes 2-8 (Thanks Zonghui)
i have a friend who might want it, i felt greedy taking it already having one though
Edit: and Adam Fenix, so someone else should get it.
Sented ! If he doesn't need it just give it to someone else of noble spirit
Anyway, the new maps are really good. Anvil, Escalation, Depths, and Academy are the only one's I've played at the moment (haven't played that fifth one yet) and I've been enjoying them all. One thing I noticed though is that if you re-up you lose your level 100 progress for Seriously 3.0 until you hit 100 again. It's not a huge problem depending on how many Onyx Medals you have, but something to keep in mind if you're close.
I have my own thoughts on what I want them to do, but they run contrary to what I think they SHOULD do.
What I want them to do is to bring the fucking locust back. It's shitty writing to do so (but it can be done.. I have ideas! Though they border on fanfic.), but I feel it was a poor choice to just kill them off in the first place, especially without spilling the beans on their origins, the stuff with the queen, or hell, even their general culture. Beyond that, I feel there's a fantastic amount of storytelling space within the concept of a post-war Sera with the dregs of humanity and Locust in various states of peace and war.
I wanted to see a world with multiple factions of humans and locusts in various states of war, both internally and externally. I wanted to see humans actively enslaving Locust. I wanted to see attempts at diplomacy fall into terrible shambles, and most of all I wanted to see at least one god damned Locust I give give even a single fuck about, besides "oh, he looks badass as he kills a bunch of humans."
Isn't that kind of the plot to Command and Conquer 3?
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
@Willeth, we definitely could have gotten to 50 the way we were going, it's a shame you got the boot too ... I really need to sit down and try and hammer out getting to 50 on horde in one sitting.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky