I am a avid gamer, or was until I recently got Morgellons which is not recognized by the Medical Community for some weird reason. But I feel that will change very soon. I just want more people to know about this, it seems the information is vague everyone.
This site is a very good Message board about Morgellons and the underground research being done, pretty graphic pictures as well.
Please at least read this FAQ about this terrible disease.
The following is a sample letter that you can use. Your representatives' contact information can be found at: www.senate.gov or www.house.gov . It is best to fax your letter or send it via snail mail. Please also send a carbon copy of your letter to Mike Leavitt, the head of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The HHS oversees the CDC. Mr. Leavitt’s address and FAX number are: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201, FAX 202 690 7203 (email address: Mike.LeavittVT@hhs.gov )
Subject: Morgellons Disease- Immediate Action Needed by the CDC
Importance: Urgent
Thousands of families in the US and abroad are reporting symptoms of a serious and disabling illness which is being called Morgellons Disease. Unfortunately, to date, no one understands the cause of Morgellons disease, nor how many US families are currently at risk for contracting the illness. Most families affected by this illness are looking to the CDC for immediate answers.
I am asking that you make certain that this grave situation receives the immediate and full attention that any potentially infectious illness posing a public health threat would receive from the public health sector. Specifically, I am requesting that you ask the CDC to make the investigation of Morgellons disease a priority, to expedite and expand the upcoming investigation, and to immediately inform the US medical community regarding the CDC Morgellons investigation.
As you may be aware, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently hired an outside vendor to conduct the long-awaited CDC investigation of the disease. The current investigation is an epidemologic investigation, and I am asking that the CDC quickly move from an epidemiologic investigation to aggressively searching for a treatment and eventual cure for this disease. It should be noted that statistics gathered by the Morgellons Research Foundation indicate that 37 percent of sufferers have multiple family members who are affected, and that one out of six affected family members is a child age twelve or under.
I respectfully and emphatically request that you ask the CDC to contact state medical boards and physician groups as soon as possible, to inform these groups that CDC will soon be conducting this investigation. Since the majority of US physicians are unaware of the symptoms of Morgellons disease, it is critical that all physicians who may encounter these patients are informed about this public health investigation, as well as the distinct symptoms of this disease as soon as possible.
Numerous phone calls and letters have poured into the CDC from the public over the past few years asking for help, and the CDC has already received letters from 40 members of Congress asking them to expedite the Morgellons invesitigation. CDC has received more inquiries regarding Morgellons disease than any issue in the agency's history.
I appreciate your rapid attention to this matter and seek your personal commitment to ending the suffering caused by Morgellons disease.
This thing is hard on me, because even my close friends and relatives have bought into the idea that this is not a real thing... many other diseases and even huge operations (MANHATTEN project) in society had been considered as not "FACT" for many years.
The Empirical Data points to lots of people who have the same "symptoms" - logic/common sense/reasoning all point to a easy conclusion that this is not "Delusional Parasitosis" but something that is very real.
Remember to EAT Healthy- No--- GM, Processed Foods, Fluoride in water, lots of poison in mainstream food these days.
Good Luck to the rest of you, keep on Gaming.
Processed foods are pretty bad, I suppose.
Fluoridated water is good for your teeth. Like, really good.
There is not "lots of poison in mainstream food these days".
Because of your poor grasp on basic facts, I am going to assume that Magellan's disease (I've renamed it, by the way) is absolute nonsense. Good job representing your cause!
Tumblr blargh
I think that's processed food.
So, I'm probably gonna die I guess.
these poisons be real sweet, yo
are you afraid of your precious bodily fluids being impurified?
hahah what
We're talking about science in here.
he spelled Manhattan wrong and in all caps
so I'm wondering if there's some other thing
some MANHATTEN project
man I haven't had krispy kreme in years
hell I haven't seen a krispy kreme in years
the most racist disease
first of its kind
so, either a brand new spambot or an unfortunate individual who genuinely believes in this
OPE, man. OPE.
Why I fear the ocean.
Oh man. You're all morgelloned up.
hey man have you considered that maybe your skin wouldn't be so irritated if you got some sun?
One of the pressmen here gave me a Krispy Kreme donut at work one night
It was so good/awful
He's obviously one of the Mole People.
They're behind everything.
Why I fear the ocean.
Oh no, I thought i just had a mild reaction to fluoride
I was a part of the running community, I ran for a widely known D1 University, I now have Morgellons which is not recognized by the Medical Community for some weird reason. But I feel that will change very soon. I just want more people to know about this, it seems the information is vague everyone.
Remember to EAT Healthy- No--- GM, Processed Foods, Fluoride in water, lots of poison in mainstream food these days.
Good Luck to the rest of you, keep on running (Exercise is bliss).
Someone fetch Spider-man and Red Hulk!
basically, he has the delusion that he has fibers coming out of his skin
hahahaha, well, I'll be. nothing was showing up on my end.
I'm sorry that you have murgatroyd
yeah I can't eat them all the time because they are like eating cups of sugar
but they're real good
growing up in PA we had them in gas stations and stuff but now there is a place nearby me that MAKES THEM FRESH