Mark Millar (the guy who wrote the *horrible* Civil War comic for Marvel, was discussing his future plans. He mentioned TV and games.
The quote is as follows: "Like all my pals, the TV and movie people have come calling and even the computer game people (which is weird because games are for pedos and I have no interest)."
Pedo, of course, being short for pedophile. Isn't it nice to label a whole section of people as pedophiles? Especially all the little kids who own the DS?
If he was joking, it wasn't funny.
If he was serious, then he's sick.
At the very *least* Mark Millar owes the gaming world an apology.
Hit Marvel where it hurts - don't buy their comics - and *don't buy their games*.
I would really, really like people do something about this - maybe a comic here on Penny Arcade?, because that jackass Millar needs to be taken to task and learn he can't mislabel people like that.
Original article here:
The quote is the second paragraph from the bottom.
i'm not too worried about it
I think we're even now.
Civil War was seven issues of nothing that also managed to ruin pretty much every major character in the MU who is not in a book starting with X or Runaways for the forseeable future.
So it's a lot like House of M and Avengers Disassembled. Combined.
Yeah, I'll get right to caring.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
But it did show us that a kid with a live journal and photoshop is capable of being better then a man Marvel hired to write a major comic event
And not a little better, but way better.
I can't find his actual forum post about it (may have been purged--this was a while ago), but here's the link to the article on the matter.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
Yes, if an entire internet forum doesn't buy Marvel comics, they will crumble.
Fuck that noise. I don't give two shits what Millar thinks about gamers. I'll buy the shit i want to buy even if he specifically called me, by my first name, a cocksucking, donkey punching son of a slut. I'd just laugh and go buy the last issue of BKV's Dr. Strange: The Oath.
Also, he's Scottish. What'd you expect?
You know, it's funny all this complaining I hear about how crappy Civil War was, yet it seems like everybody's lining up for World War Hulk.
I hope you either 'Byrne stole' the issues, or just got the gist from somebody online, because buying all seven issues and then coming online and complaining about it is kind of silly.
Or, you know, you could lighten up. And, anyway, it's Wednesday and I am a Marvel fan, after all. No way in hell I boycott over something this little and stupid.
Especially since Runaways 24 comes out today, yo.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
Yeah, but he also wrote 'Ultimate War' so they kinda cancel each other out.
Anyways, I really can't generate the passion to get mad over something this stupid and I'm sure John Bryne has said much worse.
I support this message. Your thread is Gamepolitics forums-level stupid.
The Scottish more so. Don't sweat it you cunts.
Scholar and a Gentleman? Critical of bad science and religion? Skeptobot - Is for you!!
I'll stand by the man who had Tony atomizing terrorists while singing drunkenly inside Iron Man 6 no matter WHAT stupid shit he says.
He was joking.
Dude's a big Halo fanboy.
FUCK YOU, for ruining my society. Fuck you, for introducing the idea that people are not allowed to say what they want or mean. Fuck you for being a humorless cunt. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. GET THE FUCK OUT!
There, that was intended to to insult all those "P.C." people in groups demanding apologies for statements people said. I'll show you where you can find your damned apology.
Needs an anger management counselor.
And fuck that, if you have the freedom to say what you want, I have the freedom to be offended by it and demand an apology. If you don't want to apologize, fine, that's your prerogative. But in a modern society you need to learn that there are consequences for your actions.
Granted, in this case I don't give a fuck... but if I did, I would damn sure say something about it.
Anger management is just another one of those queer societal implementations designed to get in touch with a mans "feelings". Fuck that. If you want me to get in touch with my feelings give me a couple beers and I'll tell you what I really think about you and your fucking anger management.
Needs AA meetings.
I don't expect an apology though. It's not like anyone will care, and it's not like he'll mean it.
I would just like him to expand on his statement and expose his logic. I refuse to believe someone could just say something that stupid out of nowhere; he probably has a strange set of beliefs akin to Jewish-shadow-government conspiracy theories.
What a dick.
Just because a guy likes having a few beers every night doesn't make him an alcoholic. FUCKING CHRIST ON THE CROSS!!! Next thing you'll say that I'm "Unstable" and "Needs counseling" or some such shit.
Sentry, you're right, you can demand an apology all you want, you have that right. Cry to the heavens in demand for some consolation for the harm that has befallen you. But, it won't do you any fucking good. If a man says something; makes some statement that might be offensive or outlandish, why should he apologize? Why would you make him? Is it because you (or whatever group of people) are offended? Or is it becuase you want him to publicly declare that he was wrong, thus embarrassing him and subjecting him to ridicule. Or, is it because you want some attention of your own? Either way, demanding an apology is just as offensive as the originating offensive comment, becuase you end up chilling future speech that may be "offensive", because people will be less likely to voice their opinions if they constantly need to say they're sorry to someone.
If you want to be anti-social, prepare for the backlash... it's part of living in the world. Call it PC if you want, but frankly, I'm a big fan of mutual respect and, hey, maybe even a little compassion now and again.
and because no one has said it yet:
Oh, won't someone please think of the children!