Fuck yeah, Brotherhood of the Wolf!
We own this awesome flick and we watched it again last night for the first time in about a year and reminded ourselves how much fun this flick is. I'm also surprised how many people I know
have not seen this totally baller flick. So this thread is to not only talk about how fucking fun this movie is, but hopefully to get some of you nerds that haven't seen it yet to rectify this. No, this isn't the best movie ever made. It's still a really great flick though.
This is a French film first of all. So if you have a problem with foreign films you should probably fuck right off and save yourself the trouble of dealing with subtitles. The dub is pretty bleah, so I definitely recommend you watch it with subtitles or just forget about it. The premise of the flick is that in the 1760s, a mysterious beast is terrorizing the countryside in the French province of Gévaudan, so the king sends knight and royal taxidermist Grégoire de Fronsac to investigate. Everyone thinks it's just a particularly large, rabid wolf or a supernatural demon wolf, but de Fronsac is more rational and is convinced there's more to the story. Accompanying de Fronsac is his Iroquois companion, Mani. I guess somehow the Iroquois learned kung fu and shit, because he goes all chop socky throughout the film and it makes no sense and it's rad. Mani is played by the fabulous Mark Dacascos who I don't think is native American at all but who cares because he totally has fabulous hair and at several points in the film he makes a point to shake his glorious mane while posing dramatically. It's fabulous.
Also he parades around in just a loincloth for much of the film.
In France.
Mani also makes the mistake of going soft for a local woman that's totally bad for him. Like,
really bad for him.
Grégoire de Fronsac (Samuel Le Bihan) is also pretty cool, but you don't really see him go into action until later. He's the rationalist that's trying to prove the beast of Gévaudan is real, but not a mere wolf but also not supernatural. Which doesn't sit well with most of the local aristocracy.
While in Gévaudan, he becomes enamored of the very pretty Marianne de Morangias (Émilie Dequenne), the daughter of a local count.
Her brother, Jean-François (Vincent Cassel), is an avid hunter who lost his arm in Africa and is very protective of Marianne. He's also hiding a big secret.
Oh, I should also mention that
Monica fucking Bellucci is in this film. She plays an Italian courtesan that de Fronsac gets involved with, and she is (duh) smoking fucking hot. She's also hiding a big secret.
But really, this film is mainly about Mark Dacascos being fabulous.
Mmmm, my hair is so wonderful.
You better not be dissing my hair!
I..I found a split end. *sob*
But for realsies, this film is super fun and entertaining and cheesy and just really wonderful. If you haven't seen it yet, get off your duff and get a copy! You can thank me later.
Such a good movie.
now i wanna watch it again something fierce because it's been like six or seven years since i last saw it
This thread owns.
This movie owns but I wish it was out on bluray. The DVD looks a little long in the tooth today.
"Look Mark, we need you to make it even gayer."
"Oh Chrisophe!" simper
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edit: geeeeeeek
He's also standard fare in nearly every made-for-SciFi movie known to man
I remember going to blockbuster and renting all the "Brotherhood" movies. They were a horror series about a cult, IIRC.
We picked this up too cause it was beside them and we thought it was a part of the set. The mask contraption for the beast still freaks me out.
Pretty sure he's not Asian.
So yeah, he's not like second generation Japanese but he's got quite a bit of Asian ancestry mixed in there.
But I'm gonna talk about a different movie. Why? Because it's also an awesome French supernatural mystery movie released in 2001. Everyone stop what you're doing and go rent motherfucking
Vidocq, or in some markets "Dark Portals: The Chronicles of Vidocq"
Why? What it lacks in Mark Dascascos' hair it makes up for with Gérard Depardieu's... well, everything.
"but what is it about?" you ask?
That shouldn't matter, but okay.
It is about Eugène François Vidocq, the founder of the first known Private Detective agency, and the father of modern criminology as he is hired to investigate a series of assassinations by lighting, which leads him to pursue a serial killer called The Alchemist, who is maybe also a wizard.
"okay, that sounds pretty cool"
You're damn right it is. It is also completely gorgeous, being one of the first major films to be filmed entirely digitally, and it's been given a look that is both gorgeous and kinda surreal
Nah, she shows those pretty early.
They are secretly the beast.
edit: aw
dat ass
Hi Dru
SteamID: Baroque And Roll