daniant wrote:
Bizarre Origins:
8(Gravity Controller - Primary)
9(Gelatinous - Secondary)
Ability Scores:
Dex: 11
Con: 18
Int: 10
Wiz: 9
Cha: 18
Secondary Stats:
Hit Points: 30
Bloodied: 15
Speed: 5 (Heavy Armor)
Initiative: 1
Origin Abilities:
+2 to Dark Overcharge
+4 to Athletics
+4 Stealth
+2 Reflex
+2 Fortitude
No damage from Falling
At the start of each encounter you are invisible until you attack or at the end of the encounter.
AC: 18 (Heavy Armor + Sheild)
Fortitude: 17
Reflex: 13
Will: 15
Skill Bonus:
Acrobatics: +1
Athletics: +8
Conspiracy: +1
Insight: 0
Interaction: +5
Mechanics: +1
Nature: +4
Perception: 0
Science: 1
Stealth: +8
Fuel, 10 Gallons
Water Purifier
Wagon x2 (Good luck moving them...)
Gravitational Pulse
At-will, Dark, Physical, Standard action
Ranged 10 - 1 creature
Hit: d20+5 (Constitution attack + level vs. fortitude)
Damage: 1d10 + 5 (Con mod + 2 x level physical damage) and slowed to the end of of your next turn
Paralytic Goo
At-will, Acid, Bio, Standard action
Melee 1 - One creature
Hit: d20+5 (Strength attack + level vs. fortitude)
Damage: 1d8 + 6 (Str Mod + 2x level acid damage), and target slowed to end of next turn
Alpha Mutation
Strong as Stone (A; U; Dark) You gain the strength of stone – the good stuff, not that cheap fake tile.
Benefit: You are capable of amazing feats of strength and endurance. You gain a +5 power bonus to Athletics checks and a +3 power bonus to Fortitude.; Overcharge: When you start your turn, you can roll a d20.; 10+: While this card is readied , whenever you make an Athletics check, replace the roll with a 20. In addition, the power bonus to Fortitude increases to +5.; 9 or less: You are weakened (save ends).
Vertroue wrote:
Bizarre Origins:
14(Pyrokinetic - Primary)
20(Yeti - Secondary)
Ability Scores:
Dex: 13
Con: 16
Int: 8
Wiz: 18
Cha: 13
Secondary Stats:
Hit Points: 28
Bloodied: 14
Speed: 5
Initiative: 2
Origin Abilities:
+2 to Psi Overcharge
+4 to Interaction
+4 Nature
+1 AC
Resist Fire 10
Resist Cold 10
When a creature ends it’s turn adjacent to you, it takes 5 fire damage.
AC: 20 (Heavy Armor)
Fortitude: 14
Reflex: 12
Will: 15
Skill Bonus:
Acrobatics: +2
Athletics: +4
Conspiracy: 0
Insight: +5
Interaction: +10
Mechanics: +0
Nature: +5
Perception: +5
Science: +0
Stealth: +2
Radio Cell Phone
Wagon x2 (wtf? I guess you guys own a caravan...?)
Climbers Kit
Fiery Flare
At-will, Fire, Psi, Standard action
Ranged 5 - 1 creature
Hit: d20+5 (Wisdom attack + level vs. reflex)
Damage: 2d8+4 (Wisdom Mod + 2x level fire damage)
Big Claws
Encounter, Bio, Physical, Minor action
Melee 1 - 1 creature
Hit: d20+6 (Strength attack + level +2 vs. AC)
Damage: 1d10+5 (Strength Mod + 2x level physical damage) and target slowed to end of your next turn while you remain adjacent.
Alpha Mutation
Invisibility (A; R; Dark) You can finally fight naked, just like you've always wanted to.
Benefit: You are invisible. Whenever you attack while Invisible, you give away the square you're attacking from.; Overcharge: When you start your turn, you can roll a d20; 10+: While this card is readied, you don't give away the square you're in when you attack; 9 or less: Each creature in a close burst 5 except for you becomes invisible until the end of your next turn.
Sakutian wrote:
Bizarre Origins:
16(Rat Swarm - Primary)
14(Pyrokinetic - Secondary)
Ability Scores:
Str: 18
Dex: 14
Con: 6
Int: 13
Wiz: 16
Cha: 7
Secondary Stats:
Hit Points: 18
Bloodied: 9
Speed: 6
Initiative: 3
Origin Abilities:
+2 to Bio Overcharge
+4 to Interaction
+4 to Stealth
Gain Resist 5 To all Ranged and Melee attacks.
Gain Vulnerable 5 to all Close and Blast attacks
Resist Fire 10
Cannot be Knocked Prone
When a creature ends it’s turn adjacent to you, it takes 5 fire damage.
AC: 15 (Light Armor)
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 13
Will: 14
Skill Bonus:
Acrobatics: +3
Athletics: +5
Conspiracy: +6
Insight: +4
Interaction: +3
Mechanics: +2
Nature: +4
Perception: +4
Science: +2
Stealth: +7
Pickup Truck (Pulling the 4 wagons perhaps?)
2 Lanterns (with 16 hours of lamp oil)
Riding Horse
Fiery Flare
At-will, Fire, Psi, Standard action
Ranged 5 - 1 creature
Hit: d20+4 (Wisdom attack + level vs. reflex)
Damage: 2d8+6 (Wisdom Mod + 2x level fire damage)
Encounter, Bio, Physical, Standard action
Melee 1 - 1 creature
Hit: d20+5 (Dexterity attack + level vs. reflex)
Damage: 1d8+5 (Dex Mod + 2x level physical damage) and target immobilized until end of next turn.
Alpha Mutation
White Dwarf (A; R; Dark) You surround yourself with a shield of intense gravity.
Minor Action, Personal;
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, whenever a creature starts its turn within 3 squares of you, you pull it 1 square as a free action, and it can’t move away from you during that turn. In addition, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses.; Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: While this card is readied, the range increases to 5 squares, and the power bonus increases to +4.; 9 or less: You are dazed and slowed (save ends both). You can’t save against this effect during the turn you overcharge it.
Dresdenphile wrote:
Bizarre Origins:
16(Plastic - Primary)
14(Hypercognative - Secondary)
Ability Scores:
Str: 9
Dex: 18
Con: 7
Int: 15
Wiz: 16
Cha: 10
Secondary Stats:
Hit Points: 19
Bloodied: 9
Speed: 6
Initiative: 13
Origin Abilities:
+2 to Bio Overcharge
+4 to Acrobatics
+4 to Insight
+1 Fortitude
+3 Reflex
+8 Initiative Checks
You can squeeze through a gap 1-inch wide without slowing or provoking opportunity attacks.
AC: 18 (Light Armor)
Fortitude: 11
Reflex: 18
Will: 14
Skill Bonus:
Acrobatics: +9
Athletics: 0
Conspiracy: +3
Insight: +8
Interaction: +3
Mechanics: +3
Nature: +4
Perception: +4
Science: +3
Stealth: +9
Climber's kit (x3)
-Grappling Hook -- can throw 1/2 strength number of squares
-Pitons (10)
-Rappelling Harness
-Rope (100 ft)
Heavy Flashlight
Fuel, 5 gallons
Stretchy Arms
At-will, Bio, Physical, Weapon, Standard action
Melee 3 - One creature
Hit: d20+5 + weapon accuracy (Dexterity attack + level + weapon accuracy vs. AC)
Damage: 1[W]+5 (Dex mod + level physical damage) and pull target 2 squares
Uncanny Strike
Encounter, Bio, Physical, Weapon, Standard action
Melee / Ranged weapon - 1 creature
Hit: d20+4 + weapon accuracy (Wisdom attack + level + weapon accuracy vs. AC)
1[W]+4 (Wisdom Mod + level physical damage) and target gives combat advantage until end of next turn.
Alpha Mutation
Disintegrating Touch (A; R; Dark, Physical) You cause molecular bonds in whatever you touch to fall apart.
Standard Action, Melee Touch; Target: One creature or object;
Attack: Level + Constitution vs. Reflex;
Hit: 4d10 + twice your level physical damage, and ongoing 10 physical damage (save ends).;
Special: Objects protected by force fields are immune to disintegration.; Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: The target takes a -5 penalty to saving throws against this power.; 9 or less: You also take 2d10 physical damage.
GoodOmens wrote:
Bizarre Origins:
18(Speedster - Primary)
18(Engineered Human - Secondary)
Ability Scores:
Str: 7
Dex: 18
Con: 14
Int: 16
Wiz: 12
Cha: 14
Secondary Stats:
Hit Points: 26
Bloodied: 13
Speed: 8 (Light Armor)
Initiative: 5
Origin Abilities:
+2 to Psi Overcharge
+4 to Acrobatics
+4 to Interaction
+4 to Science
+1 Fortitude
+3 Reflex
+1 Will
+2 Speed When Wearing Light or No Armor
+2 to Omega Tech Checks
AC: 18 (Heavy Armor + Sheild)
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 19
Will: 15
Skill Bonus:
Acrobatics: +9
Athletics: -1
Conspiracy: +4
Insight: +2
Interaction: +7
Mechanics: +4
Nature: +6
Perception: +2
Science: +8
Stealth: +5
Duct Tape
Fuel, 5 Gallons
Quick Attack
Encounter, Psi, Physical, Weapon, Standard action
Melee / Ranged weapon - 1 creature
Hit: d20+5 + weapon accuracy (Dexterity attack + level + weapon accuracy vs. AC)
Damage: 1[W]+5 (Dex mod + level physical damage) shift two squares both before and after attack
Bold Attack
At-will, Physical, Weapon, Standard action
Melee or Ranged Weapon - 1 creature
Hit: d20+5 + weapon accuracy (Level + 4 + weapon accuracy vs. AC)
Damage: 1[W]+1 (Level physical damage) and an ally within 5 squares makes a basic attack as a free action
Alpha Mutation
Psychic Illusion (A; C; Psi, Psychic) Now this is a KNIFE!
Standard Action, close burst 10;
Effect: You modify one aspect of the environment in the burst, by adding or subtracting a single illusory object. The object must fit within a square, such as a gun, a dead body, a short bridge, and so on. Any creature that interacts with the object reveals it as illusory, but it seems completely real up to that point. The illusion lasts while this card is readied. Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20; 10+: Any creature that interacts with the illusion takes 5d8+twice your level psychic damage; 9 or less: You take 5d8+twice your level psychic damage.
Welcome to Dead Man’s Boon;
Home of the Cockroach Surprise Shake.
On the side of the sign, a cartoonish image of a cockroach in a milkshake glass waves at you, the animated squeal of metal as offensive to the ear as the image is to the eye. Around the sign are various piles of trash and debris, obviously blown out of the place that looks like it could have come out of the Old West, were it not for the gaudy paintings of rocket-ships and cartoon cockroaches.
The only signs of life seem to be coming from the quickly shutting slats covering the windows of the buildings as you come close, and the ringing sound of distorted music coming from what appears to be half a diner from down the road. For the most part the Diner is in the open dust, as if half of it simply... went away.
You can see some people inside, although from here it is hard to make it out.
Disembarking from your collected caravan, your party moves into the main street running up the center of Dead Man’s Boon.
[ B E A R ]
I used to be a King;
now I drag my Throne
GM of Gamma World - In the Shadow of Zeus - [INFO THREAD] - [OOC]
Player of Gaan Ir'Molo in Star Wars: Out in the Black
Sal Mander tugged a dull metal mace out of a rope harness hanging from the horse's saddle before hefting it up onto his shoulder. Looking at the rest of his caravan he smiled. "Lets go say howdy."
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
Half a diner still has food.
(Never mind that, I forgot we had so many wagons available.)
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Hotaru is tall and well thick and furry...did she mention the fur? Well, her outfit includes bits of tire strung together over her shoulders, metal bits cobbled up over her furry chest. Over her ear sits a weird contraption it covers her ears and has an antenna sticking up from it.
"Hmm a roach shake sound mildly good right now. Legs n all, yum"
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
It hoped this town would be a little bit duller than the previous, but it knew it was not so fortunate.
Brad intoned, voice metallic and ringing, which was odd since he was made of plastic, "Once, there was this guy who was really, really hungry. That guy was me. Let's go get some grub."
You all travel unmolested up the main street. Reaching the threshold of the diner, you look in to see several dreary, run down looking mutants; most of them humanoid. Behind the diner bar, a tall, thin crab-faced mutant polishes glasses with his clawed hands, his two eyestalks swiveling to look at the group.
“What will it be, folks?” he sighs; as if the very question itself pulls away some of his life force.
[Can everyone give me a Perception Roll please?]
[ B E A R ]
I used to be a King;
now I drag my Throne
GM of Gamma World - In the Shadow of Zeus - [INFO THREAD] - [OOC]
Player of Gaan Ir'Molo in Star Wars: Out in the Black
Perception: 1d20+4 8
"Well pardner I don't reckon you could russle up enough clean glasses to serve my trail mates and me a round of drinks now could you?"
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
“Five Cockroach Surprise Shakes it is then,” he manages to mutter before picking up a glass, spitting in it and wiping it with a cloth.
“You folks seem new to this end of the slum, so I am gonna cut you a break; Drink your drinks, mount your horses and keep moving. There ain’t anything for your types here, not unless you feel like dealing with the Zeus Electric Company.”
To the side you hear one of the patrons whisper a dramatic Dun-dun-duunnnnnn, as if the situation had been rehearsed. Even then, the choreography seemed to lack… feeling.
[ B E A R ]
I used to be a King;
now I drag my Throne
GM of Gamma World - In the Shadow of Zeus - [INFO THREAD] - [OOC]
Player of Gaan Ir'Molo in Star Wars: Out in the Black
"We appreciate your hospitality. We'll move ourselves along once we've had a little break." Big sip. "Damned good cockroach."
Liam rapidly saunters over to Brad. Sotto voce: You got those binoculars handy? Let's take a quick look outside.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
I stretch out, limbering up and making sure my screwdriver is handy. Take a long swig of roach juice.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
She wiggled a little bit. "Pardon, but we're not from around here. Who's the Zeus Electric Company?"
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
"Durn cockraoches." His wiry hand suddenly flew through the air and wrapped itself around one of the crabman's antenna pulling him halfway over the bar. "I don't much like being told to make for the trail before I'm good and ready mister. Now why don't you tell me everything you know about this electric compnay before I ferget what I learned in sunday school."
He released the mutated bartender and stood up from his stool with a sour expression.
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
“Don’t be getting’ me wrong, stranger,” The server said, although his voice couldn’t seem to get off the flat floor. “The Zeus Electric Company runs this town now after we all couldn’t pay our utility bills. Anyone that strays into their territory is immediately a customer of theirs. It says so in the Terms and Conditions, see?” he said, pointing over to a wall with a worn-looking roll of paper twelve feet long. At closer inspection, it seems to be a utility contract.
“I dare say you are already in debt by bein’ here five minutes. You should go before their Customer Service Reps turn up.”
[ B E A R ]
I used to be a King;
now I drag my Throne
GM of Gamma World - In the Shadow of Zeus - [INFO THREAD] - [OOC]
Player of Gaan Ir'Molo in Star Wars: Out in the Black
Sal turned looked around at the other diners. "I reckon someone needs to tell these Zeus fellas that they can't push old Sal E. Mander around."
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
“Well, that’s another fee. I’m gonna have a visit from the Collection Agents for sure, now. Thanks.” the server said, pouring the last of his emotions into one sarcastically spit word.
“I’m closing early. I’d go hang myself were it not for my crab wife and kids. I guess another year in their debtors prison ain’t gonna kill me.”
[ B E A R ]
I used to be a King;
now I drag my Throne
GM of Gamma World - In the Shadow of Zeus - [INFO THREAD] - [OOC]
Player of Gaan Ir'Molo in Star Wars: Out in the Black
"I wanna talk to this Zeus fella! Where you get off charging this feller and his youngins more than they can afford? And what the blazes is a utility?!"
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
[Perception rolls again, please everyone!]
[ B E A R ]
I used to be a King;
now I drag my Throne
GM of Gamma World - In the Shadow of Zeus - [INFO THREAD] - [OOC]
Player of Gaan Ir'Molo in Star Wars: Out in the Black
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
[No Alpha Flux at this point ]
[ B E A R ]
I used to be a King;
now I drag my Throne
GM of Gamma World - In the Shadow of Zeus - [INFO THREAD] - [OOC]
Player of Gaan Ir'Molo in Star Wars: Out in the Black
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
"Oh, dear. Sorry about the glass. I will extrude it shortly."
She hovered near the bartender and said, "Don't worry about the utility company, sir. I'm sure we will be able to resolve all your customer service issues shortly. We will simply explain that we are from out of town and would gladly take the blame for any infractions caused on your premises today. I'm sure we will be able to work something out," she soothed.
There was a popping sound and the glass clattered onto the bar, covered in green jelly.
"And there it is," Jellica said. She sounded pleased.
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
[Just waiting for GoodOmen's roll, then we can get to a showdown!]
[ B E A R ]
I used to be a King;
now I drag my Throne
GM of Gamma World - In the Shadow of Zeus - [INFO THREAD] - [OOC]
Player of Gaan Ir'Molo in Star Wars: Out in the Black
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Each person is dressed in a bright yellow jumpsuit with blue trim and a large blue Z on the front. Their heads are hidden by a large helmet in the shape of a giant light bulb. Adding an extra two and a half feet on top of the person inside the ludicrously large light bulb is on, although the head inside is a blurry shadow. Each of the seven is holding a large monkey wrench and some others are holding what appear to be industrial cattle prods.
The eighth figure – a much slimmer one – has the same jumpsuit and bulb motif, but in his hands rests a long polearm with what appear to be two electrical conductors on the end, crackling gleefully. He is also wearing a name badge with the words;
Zeus Electric Company
Customer Service Representative
“Greetings, consumers!” he calls out cheerfully. “I see your caravan is parked on Zeus Company property! That incurs a fee of two thousand dollars! How would you like to pay? Cash or…. err… cash?”
[ B E A R ]
I used to be a King;
now I drag my Throne
GM of Gamma World - In the Shadow of Zeus - [INFO THREAD] - [OOC]
Player of Gaan Ir'Molo in Star Wars: Out in the Black
"You're going to go away now. We're going to finish our drinks in peace."
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X