It's that time of year again, where this guy:
talks to these folk:
About how this is doing:
What will we see this time around? A loud tirade against do-nothing Republicans? A broad announcement about a colony on Uranus by the end of the decade? A cure for AIDS Cancer by next month? Or maybe a "Screw you guys, I'm out. Peace!".
No, probably not. But we will see people clapping every 3 minutes and at least one use of the word 'strong'.
Tune in tonight at 9 EST on just about any channel showing anything worth watching.
Or watch it online:
TV on the fritz and internet out? (wait, how are you reading... oh, never mind) try:
Sirius XM channel 124
If you want to get drunk,
here's a drinking game! Remember, moderation. You can't down a shot every time someone applauds because you'll end up in the hospital.
ALSO! Don't stop watching when it is over! You can watch the GOP's almost-certain-to-be-terrible response by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels!
But wait, there's more! After that Herman Cain will give the Tea Party response! But that may or may not be televised, and even if it is there's a greater-than-zero chance he won't be looking at the camera.
Take a shot every time: (pick one)
-- People boo / heckle.
-- A Republican commentator spins something (alt game: break bottle on counter, cut your neck open, it's faster).
-- A Republican commentator agrees with Obama on something but includes an emphasized "BUT."
-- Obama flashes that charming smile.
-- Obama has to wait for applause to start.
-- Obama has to wait for applause to stop.
-- The camera cuts to the Congress, one shot for each individual on a mobile device not paying attention.
1) Andrew Sullivan thinks it's going to be boring and he was briefed earlier today. But Andrew doesn't like wonkery, so shut up Sully.
2) Warren Buffett's secretary will be seated with Michelle Obama, so we can expect to hear about her paying a higher tax rate than Buffett (and implied: Romney). Again.
3) About a third of the Congress is sitting non-partisanly, so we will not get the obvious splits in applause. Bad job by the Democrats on optics, as per usual.
Tossed it into the OP.
What's the over-under on someone calling the president a liar during the speech?
I have 549 Rock Band Drum and 305 Pro Drum FC's
I think he's going to want to keep the media attention on the Primary.
The funny part is that my net is up and running and all, it just doesn't handle video streaming well. :P It's actually how I even listen to satellite radio in the first place (why pay the $150 for the device? They stream on the net).
Oh, hohoho. I can't wait for someone to heckle and then the "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" stuff happens after. The same freedom of speech they didn't like when Newt got pushed on a question at the recent CNN debate. BUT ANYWAY! I think this year people are going to behave.
Mitch Daniels (R-IN), currently threatening to disrupt the Super Bowl by shitting on unions, much to the dismay of the NFLPA.
Dude, I first found out that they do that like two hours ago. Saw it on the Wiki article when I was trying to find the time of the address.
Wouldn't it be the Speaker of the House?
I won't derail the thread on this point, but got a link for me to read more on that? Because it sounds dumb. Especially with how much of an American-hard-on the Super Bowl has become.
Also, Herman Cain is going to deliver the Tea Party response. If he looks into the camera he'll be more competent than Bachmann was.
I don't think it ever has been before. Then again, the response to the State of the Union is a relatively recent thing.
Yeah it was a great choice to choose Scott Walker Light who is fucking up unions while his state plays host to one of the largest union spectacles of the year!
"I look forward to debating the issues with Mr. Romney later this year."
Republicans immediately band together behind Gingrich.
That would be hysterical. But to be honest, I wouldn't like it if Obama spent much time on the GOP primary. Just leave it alone, let them eat each other alive of their own accord.
The Speaker always sits behind the President next to the VP. Expect to see Boehner's ungrateful second chin a lot tonight.
I'm going to miss out on the visual of him faking applause.
I wouldn't be surprised to see him gone as speaker even if the GOP keeps the house.
Obama whips out a flute, plays a few quick high-notes, and Boehner reluctantly emerges.
Well what do you expect? The GOP creates personalities, puts them in position, and if magic doesn't happen to turn things around 100% the way they want, that person is ousted.
"Oompa loompa derpity doo, I've got another lesson for you, Oompa loompa derpity dee, if you are dumb you'll listen to me."
That's not even why he'd be gone, Boehnor has been a terrible speaker, he was hamstrung from the word go by Cantor, who he foolishly had be his vote cager and that has been awful. His issues stem from poor leadership skills and a tendency to look like a whiny scrote everytime something doesn't go his way.
"I can smeeeellll his feeeaaarrrr"
what a week.
Republicans are in chaos, I get my new visa approved, I get to listen to my president tell the world how awesome we are and be inspirational. And then I get to go on a picnic this weekend with friends, and then dress shopping?
What's a girl to do?
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If Obama says we're strong, Republicans will say "No we're not, how can he lie?!" If Obama says we need to grow strong, Republicans will say "We already are, how dare the president not believe in America!"
What was Boehnor saying specifically though? Was it "How can he take the time to give the State of the Union Address when there's work to be done for America"? Because I'll die laughing.
Outright fucking lying sound about right for boner?
We've had lower taxes, less regulations and less spending than most economists say we should have, but as always because Obama did it, its all bad.
I think he'll keep hammering the narrative he's been building and try as little as possible to shake up the GOP Primary directly.
Just keep people's minds on income inequality and congressional gridlock.
edit: also you have to drink for every time there's a wide shot of all the Republicans refusing to stand up and applaud
There was a West Wing episode that talked about this. It was pretty cool.
Season One "He Shall From Time to Time" and the Secretary that got left behind was the Secretary of Agriculture.
yes. I know.
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