[League of Legends] No one is as good as they think they are (except me)



  • TrusTrus Registered User regular
    More awesome Riven art you say?!

  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Woot. 2100 now.


    I'm turning Dominion pro.

    Lol, once they release dominion ranked, will you even play it?

  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    For jungling Nasus, would you want to level Spirit Fire to clear camps faster? Or still Syphon Strike to build the damage?

    And should you try to wait on your Q to kill each monster, or immediately use it when it's up to clear faster at the cost of more damage?

    EQQW is what I do, vamp scepter start, full AS runes with armor yellows. 4@4min is my benchmark for "fast enough", any slower than that and you need a good reason to be in the jungle. 4:15 without a leash isn't anything to be sad about. As for when to Q, I can normally get two per camp without wasting any time, though it can be hard do so with golems.

  • Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Hmm, I was just trying it with my basic page of 9.6AD, 10ArPen, 13Armor, and 13MagRes


    more like 4:22 just solo in a custom, I did QEQW starting at blue

    what's your item build?

    Forever Zefiro on
    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    Raslin wrote:
    If deathcap wasn't unique, six hats every game.

    Also, I miss the old 155ap deathcap

    A man can dream though.

  • RobesRobes Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Time to embarrass myself!

    Normal/Blind pick.

    Robes on
    "Wait" he says... do I look like a waiter?
  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    Well this was a fun game. Dat Madreds, Dat Teemo build. One of the few times to get Madreds I think.


  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    Robes wrote:
    Time to embarrass myself!

    Normal/Blind pick.



  • ZyrxilZyrxil Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    SkutSkut wrote:
    Well this was a fun game. Dat Madreds, Dat Teemo build. One of the few times to get Madreds I think.


    Sorry, but that pic is like the perfect example of why Madred's is a terrible item for AD carries. You have it against a Nasus with lots of health...but he also has a Force of Nature, so the Madreds is doing fuck-all. A Last Whisper and IE would've been far better.

    Zyrxil on
  • Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    edited February 2012
    well, I'm never taking Carnarvon's advice

    Forever Zefiro on
    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    May they never nerf Zigg's R range. It's so beautiful.

  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    That was from last year, I had the most horrible luck in those games. Every time I jungled, they stole my blue. Every time I topped, my jungler was no where to be found while I was hiding behind my tower.

    Then again, I'm having a pretty terrible losing streak at the moment.

  • SaldonasSaldonas See you space cowboy...Registered User regular
    Shyvana on sale tomorrow, should I buy?

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/carthuun
    Switch: SW-1493-0062-4053
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Saldonas wrote:
    Shyvana on sale tomorrow, should I buy?

    I would, if only to have her to trade if someoen else wants

  • RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    Man, how did we win 26 to 45 kills

    I guess gp just carries too hard compared to kat

    I cant url good so add me on steam anyways steamcommunity.com/id/Raslin

    3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
  • Legen DairyLegen Dairy Registered User regular
    Lol, once they release dominion ranked, will you even play it?

    Unlikely. Need more of an incentive than a pretty border around my name to do that. ;)

  • Joe KJoe K Registered User regular
    Raslin wrote:
    Man, how did we win 26 to 45 kills

    I guess gp just carries too hard compared to kat

    well, apparently the objective of the game is to kill towers and the nexus. the champs are just in the way...

  • AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    Carnarvon wrote:
    That was from last year, I had the most horrible luck in those games. Every time I jungled, they stole my blue. Every time I topped, my jungler was no where to be found while I was hiding behind my tower.

    Then again, I'm having a pretty terrible losing streak at the moment.

    I'm digging myself out of a fifteen-game losing streak right now. It sucks!

  • SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    Ended up going 3-6 today, worst day in a couple weeks, BUT the losses were all normals and the wins all ranked, so it's okay.

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Rius wrote:
    May they never nerf Zigg's R range. It's so beautiful.
    It should totally have a fireball icon on the minimap for the rest of your team. With an X Marks The Spot where it's going.

  • DarisDaris Registered User regular
    You can see it on the minimap as it travels. Was dinking around with Caitlynn in single cue and just missed out on the double kill. Malphite hides behind his tower and then I see this dot zooming across the map and I can't help but smirk. I move closer to the tower, yup, there's the skull and....


  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Amaze. :D

  • DarisDaris Registered User regular
    I also love how when it's about to land you hear Zigg's "YYYEEEEEEEEE HAW!" before it hits.

    So fantastic champion, or best champion?

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    I love Ziggs. He's like Teemo, even when you're getting your ass kicked you're having fun. I was pretty terrible with him last night and still had a good time.

  • DarisDaris Registered User regular
    He walks like a freaking duck hopped up on caffeine. Both because he has to be half insane at least, and because it's the only way he can walk with a Yordle sized bomb strapped to his back. Not to mention that bomb is LIT! As are the two in his hands! What does he do for a joke? He eats a bomb. Then burps it. His taunt? Smacking two grenades together in his hands to display what he wants to do to your face. He also constantly reassures the summoner, in his own manic way, that everything is fine and nothing he does is dangerous. When he isn't laughing madly, or wondering where he put that bomb...

    Then you have his actual moves. His AA is throwing grenades. His skillshot is bouncing bombs, his satchel charge can be used to send himself flying, and he also drops a nice patch of mines out there for people to die walking over. Then you have his retarded ass ultimate, which is a cross between a half court shot by Lebron at the buzzer, and the crazy guy in that movies clip straddling the nuke down to earth. With a big glowing SKULL warning the enemy they are about to eat it. YEEEEEEE HAW!


    He has clear weaknesses and his damage isn't broken, so don't expect nerfs anytime soon either. Nor constant bans. YES!

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Yeah, unless you're stupid farmed you're not going to be one-shotting champs any time soon. Also, you pretty much need to land all of your skillshots or your damage output tanks and the person just jogs away.

  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Woot. 2100 now.


    I'm turning Dominion pro.

    Grats, Simon. Very nice.
    Robes wrote:
    Time to embarrass myself!

    Normal/Blind pick.

    Want some tips? We have two pretty good Trynd mains here, myself and Constrictor. Hell, I'll practice laning with you 1v1 in a custom game if you'd like.

  • zeenyzeeny Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    ABT (always be trollin')

    I've played support trundle in ranked a couple of times. I sit in the bush, max pillar, put it behind them, charge and watch them run! If they don't run, I'm gonna die, but whatever, pillar + charging trundle is so scary that only a man with huge balls wouldn't run.
    God, I really, really should stop trolling ranked.;o/

    Edit: Also support olaf. You max E, run to the carry->E->shift + 4, run away if alive.

    zeeny on
  • TommattTommatt Registered User regular
    So when I was TDY some months back, I had a really shitty connection but was always using a mouse as it worked perfectly on the desk. I haven't been able to find a mouse pad/or surface that worked with my mouse.

    Got home, couldn't find anything, went back to the touchpad. Wow did my CD more than anything drop. And my brand playing was horrible. I was better with a mouse and all that lag than no lag and the touchpad.

    Maybe I should look Into a new mouse some day. It's a really nice one though.

  • Soviet WaffleSoviet Waffle Registered User regular
    Trundle is interesting (and I posted this on SA yesterday). He's actually not very good with farm because he is incredibly easy to kite. He has increased MS and Tenacity in a really tiny area, and while he's very mobile in those areas once he actually gets to someone he doesn't move. Like if you get a mallet, Tri Force, FoN, and someone on your team has reverie you will always get where you want to, but if not the blinks on carries and just CCs destroy you. It makes him crappy toplane because unless the other top is totally destroyed he just doesn't do a whole lot.

    Which is why he's such a good jungler. He doesn't really need a whole lot to do his role, and if you max his E over his W he still has the amazing Trundle Pillar to setup fights. He still has a lot of problems actually doing things, but that's a big deal when you don't have 300 CS going straight to him.

    League of Legends: Studio
  • ZombotZombot Registered User regular
    Just played Sivir with a Soraka on bot. If Soraka was a real woman, I'd marry her.

  • Soviet WaffleSoviet Waffle Registered User regular
    Instead you just want to fuck a goat unicorn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    League of Legends: Studio
  • surrealitychecksurrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular
    i used to have this awesomely impressive loss streak

    this will have to do


  • KelorKelor Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Goddamn it Zero, stealing my glorious Teemo penta!


    Teemo gets all the farm 2v1.

    I'm not sure why they all felt the need to go AD, but those GAs suuuuuucked.

    Kelor on
  • ZeroZedZeroZeroZedZero Registered User regular
    Kelor wrote:
    Goddamn it Zero, stealing my glorious Teemo penta!

    But..but..those juicy low-health targets :(

    Come watch me on my stream : http://www.own3d.tv/ZeroZedZero
  • WhiteSharkWhiteShark Registered User regular
    my one and only penta was with teemo :3

  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Investment Bankplank:

    Solo top
    Mostly regen/tanky runes and masteries
    Rush philo/HoG
    max Q first for extra gold
    have twisted fate on team in mid


    planned to build tanky after triforce but team is doing so badly I decide to get Iedge/BT to hope for a slim chance at real carry.
    end the game at 11/4 with the most CS by 100

    defeat :(

    TIFunkalicious on
  • FellhandFellhand Registered User regular
    Investment Bankplank:

    Solo top
    Mostly regen/tanky runes and masteries
    Rush philo/HoG
    max Q first for extra gold
    have twisted fate on team in mid


    planned to build tanky after triforce but team is doing so badly I decide to get Iedge/BT to hope for a slim chance at real carry.
    end the game at 11/4 with the most CS by 100

    defeat :(

    Should have gone with 1/10 gold quints and .25/10 gold seals. I you could get the support ability of 2/10 THEN you could be bankplank.
    Otherwise, you're more like middleclassplank.

  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2012
    man i need my hp regen/armor regen runes to farm around longer

    maybe ill go all the way next time I get top

    TIFunkalicious on
  • BlueBlueBlueBlue Registered User regular
    I used wukong for the first time and went top vs garen

    Was my ass whooping predetermined at character select

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