Scott and Kris Show: Season 1, Ep. 8 - Love

TubeTube Registered User admin
edited February 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub


  • SwainwalkerSwainwalker Registered User regular
    oh my god the expressions. As soon as Ursula showed up I could not stop laughing.

    and then the ending made me sad :(

  • Kris StraubKris Straub Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Scott and Chris Show: Season 1, Ep. 8 - Love

    who is "chris"

    :x :v:

    Kris Straub on
  • HardtargetHardtarget There Are Four Lights VancouverRegistered User regular
    sooo goood, I actually missed the last episode and could not stop laughing at that one either.

    These episodes have really become the best part of PATV for me

  • HardtargetHardtarget There Are Four Lights VancouverRegistered User regular
    omg Kris

    so my friends and I all agree that your show could be on HBO. what do we need to do to make this happen?

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Scott and Chris Show: Season 1, Ep. 8 - Love

    who is "chris"

    :x :v:

    You saw nothing.

  • WaveLineWaveLine Registered User new member
    There is nothing so perfect as Kris screeching "WHAT?!"

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Wow. That was just so wow. Lol. Who is Andrew irl?

    "Why did you meet?" "How" "How did you meet?!"

    Also, accidentally googled the girl at work. Heh, oops.

    ArcSyn on
  • Kris StraubKris Straub Registered User regular
    We met Andrew through Vantage Point; he was doing some work for them and we just threw him in there for the assistant episode.

  • TleilaxuTleilaxu Registered User regular
    The super incredulous Kris voice is just like in the half-birthday episode: A+.

  • EvilBadmanEvilBadman DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN Registered User regular
    @cwgabriel wrote:
    so the girl in today's Kris and Scott show is Amelia Talon. Warning if you google her she is very NSFW.

    FyreWulff wrote: »
    I should note that Badman is fucking awesome
    XBL- Evil Badman; Steam- EvilBadman; Twitter - EvilBadman
  • SwainwalkerSwainwalker Registered User regular
    WaveLine wrote:
    There is nothing so perfect as Kris screeching "WHAT?!"

    I just watched it again to see if it was as funny the second time.


  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    EvilBadman wrote:
    @cwgabriel wrote:
    so the girl in today's Kris and Scott show is Amelia Talon. Warning if you google her she is very NSFW.

    Considering I saw the episode as soon as it went up, this warning was way too late.

    Was the pokeball tattoo real? I saw she is a gamer and loves Pokemon, so not surprised if it is.

  • TriskTrisk Registered User regular
    wait what.

    so...they break up a perfectly happy couple and the lesson is ugly guys can't get pretty girls.


    oh you crazy diamonds.

  • AthenorAthenor Battle Hardened Optimist The Skies of HiigaraRegistered User regular
    EvilBadman wrote:
    @cwgabriel wrote:
    so the girl in today's Kris and Scott show is Amelia Talon. Warning if you google her she is very NSFW.

    Safesearch is set to moderate.

    4-5 rows of amazing model shots in the nude, followed by a shot of Kris and Scott. Nice going, guys.

    He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    edited February 2012
    I love this show. Every episode just gets better and better.

    +points for special guest playboy model?

    KoopahTroopah on
  • GospreyGosprey Registered User regular
    +points for special guest playboy model?
    Andrew isn't really a special guest, he's been on a few times.

  • faitsfaits a panda eating cake seattleRegistered User regular
    Gosprey wrote:
    +points for special guest playboy model?
    Andrew isn't really a special guest, he's been on a few times.

    he'll always be special to me

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Athenor wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    @cwgabriel wrote:
    so the girl in today's Kris and Scott show is Amelia Talon. Warning if you google her she is very NSFW.

    Safesearch is set to moderate.

    4-5 rows of amazing model shots in the nude, followed by a shot of Kris and Scott. Nice going, guys.

    LOL! From the Chainsawsuit preview image. That's hilarious.

    Then again, Fail on Google's part for a "moderate" SafeSearch. Yeah, don't think it quite worked the way they were thinking it would.

    ArcSyn on
  • HandgimpHandgimp R+L=J Family PhotoRegistered User regular
    ArcSyn wrote:
    Was the pokeball tattoo real? I saw she is a gamer and loves Pokemon, so not surprised if it is.

    After extensive searching, I could not find any pictures to confirm or deny the existence of a pokeball tattoo. However, I may have forgotten to look at the appropriate area.

  • Kris StraubKris Straub Registered User regular
    you can see that it's a new tattoo on her tumblr! it's real and i think she was the one who recommended that ursula got it after she met andrew. super nice lady, she delivered a good performance

  • HugmasterGeneralHugmasterGeneral Poopmaster General YobuttRegistered User regular
    Fantastic episode Kris and Scott.

    I love Andrew a lot

    (Also, I loved the blooper clip at the end. Would love to see a blooper episode.)

  • SeveredHeadSeveredHead Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    you guys are ridiculous and this is a good thing.

    good job on ruining Andrew's relationship! that will teach him to date hot girls.

    i wonder what you guys will ruin next.

    SeveredHead on
  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    she delivered a good performance


  • DextolenDextolen Registered User regular
    This was a GREAT episode. It had a Seinfeld feel (which is a compliment!). I laughed out loud at work a few times, blowing my 'on a conference call' cover.

  • TarranonTarranon Registered User regular
    Trisk wrote:
    wait what.

    so...they break up a perfectly happy couple and the lesson is ugly guys can't get pretty girls.


    oh you crazy diamonds.

    no one can be truly happy when the natural order isn't ordered naturally

    You could be anywhere
    On the black screen
  • Zoku GojiraZoku Gojira Monster IslandRegistered User regular
    They didn't ruin anything for Andrew, they just cleared the way for him to turn up with Sasha Grey on his arm next time there's a romantic holiday.

    In all seriousness, nice work recruiting a cool, hot model with some geek credentials for this episode, fellas.

    "Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." - Bertolt Brecht
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    This episode was superb; I laughed out loud multiple times. The various Kris and Scott incredulity moments were hilarious. And I find K&S's S&K Show to be the funniest and most entertaining thing on PATV. I think something makes me laugh in every episode, which I can't say for the rest (of course, EC's purpose isn't comedy, but S&K Show still entertains me far more).

    forty on
  • ElbasunuElbasunu Registered User regular
    Best part:

    "Maybe I'm the handsome one"

    Steam ID: Obos Vent: Obos
  • AmeliaTalonAmeliaTalon Registered User new member
    Hey guys!
    I'm so glad you all loved the episode, I thought it was hilarious! I had so much fun being on set playing as Ursula. :D
    I would really appreciate it if you guys took a look at and vote for me in Maxim's Gamer Girl contest, it would mean SO much to me. I really want to get more involved in the gamer scene and this would definitely help. Sorry if this is a spam post, even if you don't vote, check me out anyways, I have posted all the games I play and the means to play with me, plus some nerdy pictures. :)

    Much love! <3

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