I had already seen "all of the" Downton Abbey, and it never once occurred to me that I should tell my cohort that this show existed. After you've told him about
Cracker or
Jeremy Brett's incredible run on Sherlock Holmes or
Prime Suspect or Doctor Who or the good episodes of Torchwood and it doesn’t penetrate the carapace eventually you decide to invest your energies elsewhere.
Somehow it’s more satisfying when he
does right of his own accord; it’d be like if we both took a chance on some forest mushroom and learned independently that we did not die. It has a fraternal aspect that bonds us as men.
There are a lot of things that Digital Distribution was supposed to accomplish, but didn’t. I won’t say it was a wash; I rather like the new scale of project mass market downloadable games created, I’ve had tremendous enjoyment in that middle space. The convenience was just as they suggested. The savings never materialized, but that’s party because why would they and partly because “price” is a beast of which the delivery of product is only a part.
The industry is engaged in what is essentially a
Mexican Standoff between Publishers, Platform Holders, and Retailers, which explains the distortions you see. You’ll note that developers aren’t in that grim triad. This allows for
surprising lateral maneuvers.
The Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter was the second million dollar Kickstarter, but it was the first to generate this level of donative ferocity in such a short span of time. With thirty-two days remaining and some interest no doubt left to be discovered, I would be startled indeed if it weren’t also the first two million dollar Kickstarter - or if it weren’t also the catalyst for
other projects.
Tim Schafer hates me; I stole a yo-yo of his once, but I also said something mean about a game he made, and when I saw him at GDC a couple years ago he flipped me off. It didn’t hurt my feelings, I flip people off for a living. All it said to me was that he takes it serious; that he and his work are synonyms. That’s more or less the person I want to support.
(CW)TB out.
something you don’t want to hear
1) Community did a little spoof of it.
2) That hot girl from Misfits who reminds me of my ex is in it.
Some good face art in this strip.
Steam: Car1gt // Tumblr // Facebook // Twitter
Long live banana-hands!
Also this
Five minutes later: "No, really I'm going before I get sucked into this Jane Austen type crap"
Five more minutes later I actually disengage and go watch The Doctor.
It was a close thing.
Oh how I laughed.
wrong choice
They did a "This Old House" comic waaaaay back.
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
To be fair, everyone looks younger and sexier outside of the Victorian drag. But yeah, O'Brien is pretty hot once they take that yarn off her head.
This is the sexiest housmaid, though:
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
Downton Abbeeee!
Bates rocks.
I have a hard time following Tycho's train of though sometimes, but this one baffles me.
What? Is he talking about consoles only? Because Steam is selling new releases at huge discounts. Skyrim was 33%(?) off on Wednesday. Something is always on sale, and their holiday sales are insanely good. I've spent more on discounted titles, both new & old, this year than I've spent on new full retail price games for the past few years combined. If DD had not materialized, I'd still be stuck with having to go to Worst Buy and buying everything at full price.
Skyrim is hardly a new release. Games release still at 59.99 in the majority of cases, PC or console. The fact that PC game go on sale or even that they go on sale faster doesn't really matter to Tycho's point.
Right, the digital download market hasn't really cut anything off the top of new releases, so much as solidified new markets for $10 and $15 budget offerings that aren't horrifying jokes, like the $30 games of yesteryear.
What is this referring to? Does anyone know?
Yeah, that has to be it. Thanks!
Ten minutes later we were dead silent, ended up watching two episodes in a row, and another each night until we finished the season.
first you're recycling.
next thing you're driving a Prius and registering a screen name on Huffington Post.
Yet I'm not sure if that's been lifted with the subforum move or not. The Hub doesn't have an edits thread and there's not much pointing the way over to the SE++ thread. Or if it's tolerable as long as you keep things on-topic. Either way, it may get reinstated anyway if a bunch of edits start piling up over here. But again, not my call.
I love that Tycho said what he did in the post. Every time some industry wants to do something bad and people argue that it will mean lower prices or that it will, if you will, "pass savings on to the consumer" my first thought is always why would they?
Wii: 4521 1146 5179 1333 Pearl: 3394 4642 8367 HG: 1849 3913 3132