For a couple of months now,
@Dread Pirate Arbuthnot will not trigger a notification next to my name, and replies in threads i make don't garner notifications either. It seems to be working for everyone else, so it might be a quirk just for me. Any ideas?
Generally, it's Wilting's posts in this thread that I don't get any alert from any more. I had one in a D&D chat thread that worked just fine the other day, however.
I've checked all of the notification boxes, notifications still don't seem to work for me. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
I am having this same issue. With the notification to bookmarked discussions constantly popping up. Every time I go to a new page and even after I've been on a page for a while the same notifications pop up.
Edit-Never mind. All of the sudden things are acting properly again. Thanks anyway.
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