[League of Legends] Fiora: French fencing femme fatale frequently fights fools for fun



  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    I'm having pretty fun early-game as Soraka, giving my dude INFINITE MANA FOREVER.

    But man I really need someone that can capitalize on it, otherwise I might as well punch myself in the nuts for 40 minutes. And late-game Soraka is boooooring.

    Going to play some Leona and Maokai tomorrow and see if I like tanky support better. Or maybe J4.

  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    May I ask what the point of Vamp Sceper on Shyv is? Is it good? Every time I've tried it, I've gotten so low early that if the enemy decided to run some aggresive invader for their jungler, they'd just pulp me. Like, a Twitch wouldn't even need to burn Ignite to get me down.

    When running Cloth+pots, I've never dipped that dangerously low, and by the time the pots runs out it's time to back with money for boots and vamp anyway

    So could someone please explain vamp start to me? ATM I don't see the point. And any mention of runes to run with it would also be appreciated, if it is indeed viable.

  • BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    With her Q you auto attack 3 times so it's fairly useful for burst healing, but I don't really think she's a jungler who should try a Vamp Sceptre start.

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
  • softmoneysoftmoney Registered User regular
    Echo wrote:
    I'm having pretty fun early-game as Soraka, giving my dude INFINITE MANA FOREVER.

    But man I really need someone that can capitalize on it, otherwise I might as well punch myself in the nuts for 40 minutes. And late-game Soraka is boooooring.

    Going to play some Leona and Maokai tomorrow and see if I like tanky support better. Or maybe J4.

    I think it's safe to say people around here enjoy Leona. I might also recommend Nunu (slow starter, but by level 7-8 he is a beast in lane) and Nautilus support. Nautilus is kind of a weird choice, but it actually can work fairly well. He does solid damage early, and has enough CC to help keep a carry in place. Nautilus support plays a bit like Blitzcrank but actually has the burst to help get kills early game. His W also increases damage based on bonus HP, which works out fairly well with support items (HoG, Shurelyas, Aegis).

    I was personally never able to make Maokai support work. I found him a bit too mana dependent to have solid harass. If you can make it work, more power to you though.

  • SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    This is just awesome. I shall master Gragas when this skin comes out.

  • MadpoetMadpoet Registered User regular
    I had an awesome game last night. Took Singed top, and wound up vs Ryze/Irelia. Ryze just stayed in the bush and autoattacked/Q'ed whenever I stepped away from tower. Irelia last hit well and pushed really slow. Partly denied xp, completely denied farm, I managed to get Irelia into the tower and exhausted her, but they just jumped on me and took me out under tower.
    I get back, they're level 3 and 4, I'm still 3. Same thing starts to happen. Except next time they get near my tower IT'S TIME and jungle Yi comes out and chews them up. And I'm Singed, nearing ult, vs two half HP opponents...
    They're near my tower when I hit 6 and Yi comes out again. We split the kills and their tower is down before they get back. I get greedy and push past the wreckage of their tower, giving Irelia the chance to get on me, but between chasing a Singed and Yi coming back, she has to flee. I'm now a post level 6 Singed with an ample farming lane and no opposing jungler to stop my roam... AND bot has won handily, so enemy Renekton comes top to push with a level disadvantage to me...burp. Game ends when they try to ambush us in a mid bush... I facecheck with gas and ult running, alpha strike and Malphite ult seal a no casualty ace. GG.

    The best part is that we took a 4 man premade into the game, and the Yi was the pub. He did exactly what we needed done to save the game (well, my ass at top at least) for us with no "lol singed u suk" or anything - just pinged that he was on the way and pasted some fools. Makes up for the game before that we surrendered at 20 minutes, my lane having gone a combined 2/15. Leona/Urgot lost the first engagement with Soraka/Caitlyn and THEN their jungle Jarv came to babysit us under our tower.... oops.

  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    Gaardean wrote:
    Gaardean wrote:
    Carnarvon wrote:
    Gaardean wrote:
    Since the subject of jungle Udyr has come up, what's the basic role a Phoenix Udyr should be fulfilling when it comes to team fight time? He's not really tanky enough to initiate and he's melee locked, so I seem to just flounder around protecting the back lines until I try to stun a caster or carry, at which point I'm focused and go down without accomplishing much.

    What do you normally build on him? Udyr is very item dependent and can't afford to fall behind in gold; Udyr with Mercs, HoG, Cloth, and WE should be pretty tanky by the time you have it.

    Normally, Phodyr should run in with E, punch the AD carry or mage or whoever needs to be disrupted, and then alternate W and R for damage and shielding while punching people right in the thick of it. He is an initiator due to his tankiness and mobility.

    That could be a large part of my problem, a lot of guides had recommended a wriggles, even on Phoenix Udyr, and that seems to be suboptimal for gold usage. Dropping that for an early HoG and replacing a late Warmogs with Randuin's in my overall build might be what I was missing. Having a game where my team isn't focusing Leona while I'm trying to chain stun Cait, Malz, and Lux in would be useful, too.

    I dont see why you wouldnt get the Wriggles on Udyr, it is good cost for gold, gives you the free ward, and helps you Jungle & Dragon faster. It also provides sustain and armor & AD. There is nothing about the item you dont want. (Though I could see replacing it late game for more Tank or DPS).

    Well, as I'd come to realize, Phoenix Udyr does more magic damage than melee, so both the AD and the Lifesteal were largely wasted, as was the proc with how fast he clears. Buying a HoG lets me buy wards faster than I get free ones from Wriggles, the health is useful against both magic and physical, and it builds into a god-tier end-game tanking item.

    Really appreciate the help, @Carnavon. Went 12/6/14 in the next game I played, and aced the other team on both a 2v4 tower defense and a 4v5 fight while tanking baron, with less than 100 health left both times. Really loving Udyr now, though rotating stances so quickly at end-game cramps my fingers. :P

    That's Udyr for you.

  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    Bethryn wrote:
    With her Q you auto attack 3 times so it's fairly useful for burst healing, but I don't really think she's a jungler who should try a Vamp Sceptre start.

    Yeah, this is what I've also been thinking, but to get benefit from that you'd need to start with q, which kinda defeats the point. I mean, she can't solo blue at lv.1 with a vamp start, while it works out fine w cloth and pots.

    I was playing with friends earlier and somehow ended up without a pull after wolves so I figured that, 'hey, it's shyv, gonna be fine!' and went for it anyway. Then I died. And came back with some pots and cleared it fine. It was pure luck the enemy lee sin jungler was bad and could be dominated hardcore.

  • tehjestertehjester Tampa, FlRegistered User regular
    Sampsen wrote:
    This is just awesome. I shall master Gragas when this skin comes out.

    that. is. AWESOME! and i just bought Gragas too. he's a lot of fun to play and that skin will make him even more bad ass! i mean throwing kegs? total BAMF

    PSN: JesterKing13 Blizz Battletag: tehjester#1448
  • zerg rushzerg rush Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Something I just discovered with Shyvana is that you need to have an enemy jungler. Since her ganks are meh, she loses out if there's no one to screw over. I wasn't helped any by disconnecting every 2 minutes (yet still doing better than bot lane) and two out of three lanes losing so hard you'd think they got paid for it.

    Huh? I love shyvana with no enemy jungle, the few times I get it. You start super greedy and do super risky, fast clears. Go directly into the enemy jungle after blue and full clear it to golems. Then B and do the same with your side.

    She's one of the few junglers that can outlevel solo lanes if there's no enemy jungle. You just gotta help your top in case they're getting beaten up 2v1.

    zerg rush on
  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    zerg rush wrote:
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Something I just discovered with Shyvana is that you need to have an enemy jungler. Since her ganks are meh, she loses out if there's no one to screw over. I wasn't helped any by disconnecting every 2 minutes (yet still doing better than bot lane) and two out of three lanes losing so hard you'd think they got paid for it.

    Huh? I love shyvana with no enemy jungle, the few times I get it. You start super greedy and do super risky, fast clears. Go directly into the enemy jungle after blue and full clear it to golems. Then B and do the same with your side.

    She's one of the few junglers that can outlevel solo lanes if there's no enemy jungle. You just gotta help your top in case they're getting beaten up 2v1.

    It was probably the repeated disconnects that screwed me over, then. I mean, I know what's supposed to happen when there's no enemy jungler, but somehow it didn't work out. I'll try again, of course, she's quite fun.

    Do you have any tips on her?

  • AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Bethryn wrote:
    With her Q you auto attack 3 times so it's fairly useful for burst healing, but I don't really think she's a jungler who should try a Vamp Sceptre start.

    Yeah, this is what I've also been thinking, but to get benefit from that you'd need to start with q, which kinda defeats the point. I mean, she can't solo blue at lv.1 with a vamp start, while it works out fine w cloth and pots.

    I was playing with friends earlier and somehow ended up without a pull after wolves so I figured that, 'hey, it's shyv, gonna be fine!' and went for it anyway. Then I died. And came back with some pots and cleared it fine. It was pure luck the enemy lee sin jungler was bad and could be dominated hardcore.


    Shyvana can totally kill blue/red at one with a vamp Sceptre start and no leash, that is how I start 90% of my games as her

  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Bethryn wrote:
    With her Q you auto attack 3 times so it's fairly useful for burst healing, but I don't really think she's a jungler who should try a Vamp Sceptre start.

    Yeah, this is what I've also been thinking, but to get benefit from that you'd need to start with q, which kinda defeats the point. I mean, she can't solo blue at lv.1 with a vamp start, while it works out fine w cloth and pots.

    I was playing with friends earlier and somehow ended up without a pull after wolves so I figured that, 'hey, it's shyv, gonna be fine!' and went for it anyway. Then I died. And came back with some pots and cleared it fine. It was pure luck the enemy lee sin jungler was bad and could be dominated hardcore.

    I always do a vamp scepter start on Shyv, aside from when I do level 1 invasions. Never really had a problem with it.

  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Arivia wrote:
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Bethryn wrote:
    With her Q you auto attack 3 times so it's fairly useful for burst healing, but I don't really think she's a jungler who should try a Vamp Sceptre start.

    Yeah, this is what I've also been thinking, but to get benefit from that you'd need to start with q, which kinda defeats the point. I mean, she can't solo blue at lv.1 with a vamp start, while it works out fine w cloth and pots.

    I was playing with friends earlier and somehow ended up without a pull after wolves so I figured that, 'hey, it's shyv, gonna be fine!' and went for it anyway. Then I died. And came back with some pots and cleared it fine. It was pure luck the enemy lee sin jungler was bad and could be dominated hardcore.


    Shyvana can totally kill blue/red at one with a vamp Sceptre start and no leash, that is how I start 90% of my games as her

    What's your runes and masteries? I've been going 9/21, though I might have points in the wrong things. Also, how much health do you have left when you've taken it?

    EDIT: Yeah, I'm obviously doing something very wrong. Could someone please enlighten me on Shyv? Specifically runes and masteries. It would be much appreciated.

    MrGrimoire on
  • nealcmnealcm Alvarian AlvarianRegistered User regular
    just bought blood lord vladimir

    time for a true display of AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH

    give me riot points so i can buy it too

  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    just like that you have 9400 ip

    I should really buy another rune page so I can have 2 caster ones

  • I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular

    unfinished shots of some upcoming new skins, including one for urgot and BIKER GRAGAS

  • AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Arivia wrote:
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Bethryn wrote:
    With her Q you auto attack 3 times so it's fairly useful for burst healing, but I don't really think she's a jungler who should try a Vamp Sceptre start.

    Yeah, this is what I've also been thinking, but to get benefit from that you'd need to start with q, which kinda defeats the point. I mean, she can't solo blue at lv.1 with a vamp start, while it works out fine w cloth and pots.

    I was playing with friends earlier and somehow ended up without a pull after wolves so I figured that, 'hey, it's shyv, gonna be fine!' and went for it anyway. Then I died. And came back with some pots and cleared it fine. It was pure luck the enemy lee sin jungler was bad and could be dominated hardcore.


    Shyvana can totally kill blue/red at one with a vamp Sceptre start and no leash, that is how I start 90% of my games as her

    What's your runes and masteries? I've been going 9/21, though I might have points in the wrong things. Also, how much health do you have left when you've taken it?

    EDIT: Yeah, I'm obviously doing something very wrong. Could someone please enlighten me on Shyv? Specifically runes and masteries. It would be much appreciated.

    Whatever/whatever/15 is way better since you want red to be up as long as possible. I run As/ArPen reds, flat armor yellows, flat ad blues, and ArPen quints.

  • BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    Quake Urgot?

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    New urgot skin is great

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Ohhh man this new Urgot and Gragas skin.


    Also all of Fiora's skins are absolutely ace.

    Talith on
  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    New urgot skin is great


  • zerg rushzerg rush Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Arivia wrote:
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Bethryn wrote:
    With her Q you auto attack 3 times so it's fairly useful for burst healing, but I don't really think she's a jungler who should try a Vamp Sceptre start.

    Yeah, this is what I've also been thinking, but to get benefit from that you'd need to start with q, which kinda defeats the point. I mean, she can't solo blue at lv.1 with a vamp start, while it works out fine w cloth and pots.

    I was playing with friends earlier and somehow ended up without a pull after wolves so I figured that, 'hey, it's shyv, gonna be fine!' and went for it anyway. Then I died. And came back with some pots and cleared it fine. It was pure luck the enemy lee sin jungler was bad and could be dominated hardcore.


    Shyvana can totally kill blue/red at one with a vamp Sceptre start and no leash, that is how I start 90% of my games as her

    What's your runes and masteries? I've been going 9/21, though I might have points in the wrong things. Also, how much health do you have left when you've taken it?

    Hmm, if you're dying to blue with vamp scepter there's probably a problem. Are you going W first with shyvana? My skill priority is R-W-E-Q, with 1 point in Q at 2. Also, do you have flat armor yellows and some kind of AD reds (AS, flat AD, even Apen)? You should be able to do a full clear with vamp scepter no problem.

    Edit: I run either 21/9/0 or 9/21/0, depending on what my role in the team will be. The increased buff timer is nice, but not necessary since I use some kind of phage/mallet/triforce in every iteration of my build and I pass off every blue after the first, and every red after laning phase ends.

    zerg rush on
  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    J/k, I'm a retard. Tried it out in a custum and got blue no problem, with a little short of 400hp left after.

  • Future BluesFuture Blues Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Another good thing about Wriggles is that you can fill your inventory up with bullshit and still be able to clutch ward.

    They really need to add a special slot for wards though. I assume the reason this hasn't happened is that they consider leaving a slot open for wards a strategic sacrifice, but then you play Viktor and warding becomes a real big problem.

    Future Blues on
    Xbox Live: No Reply
    Steam: Jacobontap
    LoL: FutureBlues
  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    Another good thing about Wriggles is that you can fill your inventory up with bullshit and still be able to clutch ward.

    They really need to add a special slot for wards though. I assume the reason this hasn't happened is that they consider leaving a slot open for wards a strategic sacrifice, but then you play Viktor and warding becomes a real big problem.

    Yeah, now that I'm getting better I get highly annoyed when I don't have slots for wards.

  • ChaosHatChaosHat Hop, hop, hop, HA! Trick of the lightRegistered User regular
    It would be nice if you had ward slots that you could bind separately that wouldn't take up inventory space. I don't think that would be that broken, it would just remove yet another excuse for people to be terrible and have no wards.

    Daris, I know I'm a super mean person, but if you ever want like, legitimate jungling advice or want to play together to see what I do, I am okay with this.

  • zerg rushzerg rush Registered User regular
    Another good thing about Wriggles is that you can fill your inventory up with bullshit and still be able to clutch ward.

    They really need to add a special slot for wards though. I assume the reason this hasn't happened is that they consider leaving a slot open for wards a strategic sacrifice, but then you play Viktor and warding becomes a real big problem.

    Regarding Viktor, they really need to make his item not take up an item slot. It's not like he's so overpowered they have to handicap him with only 5 slots. If it's a programming issue, just up the cost and make his scepter give movespeed 2 if you want and require boots 1 to build.

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Maaan I want both of Fiora's skins :<

  • ChaosHatChaosHat Hop, hop, hop, HA! Trick of the lightRegistered User regular
    Talith wrote:
    Maaan I want both of Fiora's skins :<

    The musketeer one is clearly the best. So obviously it will be not part of the skin bundle.

  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    jax is so ruined. I don't care how good he is, I do not want to play him at all.

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    I'm having the opposite feeling. Before he was Irelia tier levels of entertaining and now he is playable. :X

  • BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    Jars wrote:
    jax is so ruined. I don't care how good he is, I do not want to play him at all.
    I really don't see how he's any less fun to play now than he was before.

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
  • ArikadoArikado Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    I hadn't touched Jax since... mid-last year? Yeah, he feels so foreign to me now.

    BNet: Arikado#1153 | Steam | LoL: Anzen
  • FrosteeyFrosteey Elaise 1521-2945-8940Registered User regular
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Bethryn wrote:
    With her Q you auto attack 3 times so it's fairly useful for burst healing, but I don't really think she's a jungler who should try a Vamp Sceptre start.

    Yeah, this is what I've also been thinking, but to get benefit from that you'd need to start with q, which kinda defeats the point. I mean, she can't solo blue at lv.1 with a vamp start, while it works out fine w cloth and pots.

    I was playing with friends earlier and somehow ended up without a pull after wolves so I figured that, 'hey, it's shyv, gonna be fine!' and went for it anyway. Then I died. And came back with some pots and cleared it fine. It was pure luck the enemy lee sin jungler was bad and could be dominated hardcore.

    Why would you solo blue with any item? If you just take W and get help at wolves and blue then you'll come out with barely any damage. You kill wraiths instantly and can do what you want from there.

    I start that vampiric scepter plenty and really don't have any health problems with 21-9-0, ad quint, armor pen red, armor yellow runes. Would probably work just as easily with 21 defense.

    If anything else I'd just do boots.

  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    MrGrimoire wrote:
    Something I just discovered with Shyvana is that you need to have an enemy jungler. Since her ganks are meh, she loses out if there's no one to screw over. I wasn't helped any by disconnecting every 2 minutes (yet still doing better than bot lane) and two out of three lanes losing so hard you'd think they got paid for it.

    LoL no. If you're shyvanna and they don't have a jungler you just eat all their creeps, donate your blue and red (which you can do because you ate their blue and red) and then laugh as your mid trounces with blue and your top or bot trounces with red.

    Seriously, if they have no jungle then your team should leash blue for your mid while you start at their blue or your red.

  • nolifekingnolifeking Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    So played my first games with PA guys tonight, won 2 of 2!

    Go us.

    Second game, relating to the discussion last thread about surrendering quickly

    We were not doing great laning. They got more kills, more dragons, and nasus was farming top pretty hard vs PMAvers (because he was nautilus and wtf can he do to nasus? Not his fault at all). We put up a surrender vote and voted down, I even said I'm happy to keep going but we have a slim chance of winning.

    Then we get to team fights, and learn that the other team doesn't know what that means, and we dismantle them. Also, their nasus built ZERO defense (lol).


    Was a great two games, look forward to more. Everyone was courteous, and no raging.

    nolifeking on
    Steam - nolifeking
  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    I know I 'should' get a leash. But sometimes shit happens and you don't get one. And when that happens it kinda helps to be able to do it alone. But I've already figured out at least part of what I was doing wrong and got it straigthened out.

    As for the no jungler on the enemy part, that one didn't work out because 1) I'm a retard, 2) because I was disconnecting every two minutes, which kinda gimped my ability to do anything about it, and 3) 2 out of 3 lanes were losing so hard they were beyond salvation.

    Though I've never considered having my team get blue while I take the other teams when they have no jungler. Definitely gonna give that a shot.

  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Bethryn wrote:
    Jars wrote:
    jax is so ruined. I don't care how good he is, I do not want to play him at all.
    I really don't see how he's any less fun to play now than he was before.

    because now he's hurr durr I build triforce tank and cast leap strike

    everything that made the old jax jax is gone so there's no reason to play him anymore.

    Jars on
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    Played my first game as Morgana, had to do normal mode blind pick so she was even available.

    Lane opponent is goddamn Cho'Gath.

    That was not very fun.

This discussion has been closed.