I do miss Ezreal from my old account, think I'll try someone new though.
This is my little pool of mans:
Annie, Blitzcrank, Gangplank, Karthus, Shaco, Sion, Singed, Soraka, Tristana, Twisted Fate.
I was thinking of going for Cassie, Ziggs, Riven, Graves, Shyvana or Volibear. Choices are hard. I should probably get someone that could actually make me enjoy jungling.
Rami on
Forever Zefirocloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered Userregular
Thread title skins, are there any pics yet?
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
I do miss Ezreal from my old account, think I'll try someone new though.
This is my little pool of mans:
Annie, Blitzcrank, Gangplank, Karthus, Shaco, Sion, Singed, Soraka, Tristana, Twisted Fate.
I was thinking of going for Cassie, Riven, Graves, Shyvana or Volibear. Choices are hard. I should probably get someone that could actually make me enjoy jungling.
Voli is a particularly strong top right now. Shyvana is a really fast jungler. Riven is fun in dom, but I feel like she's pretty easily countered in SR. Cassiopeia is a strong mid, but there are a lot of strong mids out there. Graves... I wouldn't recommend Graves. He's fine and I own him, but I feel like Tristana is more fun early and Vayne is better late. He's by no means terrible, but he's not particularly fun. He's a tough, mechanical AD carry that only gets really strong if you are a boss at those last hits.
Despite being a proponent of Graves being beaten into the ground with the nerf stick, I think the last nerf to his ult was a bit much and I don't really see him as much now that he's been so watered down.
Future Blues on
Xbox Live: No Reply
Steam: Jacobontap
LoL: FutureBlues
And in other news, I totally pissed of a Kennen/Janna duo on my team with my Ahri play so much we surrendered at 20. "Totally fucked us" is what Kennen said, "Couldn't stand Ahri." said Janna. I went 3/3 vs Fizz. We killed each other every time we fought at mid. Not sure what the unholy crime I did since they said nothing until after the surrender. That being the previous quotes. Oh and we had a first time Naut, he didn't do so well but all he got was a "Report Naut." from Kennen.
I feel like I should be able to punch these people.
So, this is one of my best Shyvana games ever. I really want to share it since I'm so proud. It's not just that I did well. Anyone can get lucky then snowball. It's that I made aggressive plays that were uncounterable, based on my knowledge of the playing field.
So, the commentary.
Early on I notice they've got very few units able to punish ganks. By that I mean soraka can silence and hurt me, but if I fail gank her she can't punish me hard and set back my jungle the way a Ryze or Brand could. Due to this, I grab a cloth+5 and prepare to gank early and often.
At the 3ish minute mark I notice soraka has been pushing up her lane, so I return from red to gank mid. I had been intending to get rumble because I know he's a nasty top, but Soraka was presenting such a juicy target I go after her. Gank fails by the tiniest sliver of health, and the enemies (rightly) form up from bottom to protect soraka's retreat. We're forced between abandoning the kill and fighting a 4v4, and we let it go.
~5ish minute mark, I attempt a gank on Rumble and manage to burn flash for almost no resources expended. This comes in handy when, at ~6:15 enemy Udyr comes in to gank cho. Seeing that Udyr is top, I'm free to go nomnomnom in his jungle. It's completely safe since their rumble is forced to B (from the gank I did earlier) and Udyr has to cover top leaving me uncontested. (One minor mistake is that I should have left a single wraith, but my burnout kills it).
Fast forward there's a time where Oriana roflpwns their mid while I'm grabbing blue for him (he ends up getting a fresh one, so I grab it for myself). And a gank on Rumble after Cho called out where he had warded in vent.
At 10:40ish I drop a pink ward at dragon to kill their pink. Then after a little skirmish in mid notice that udyr is too low to stop me, so I counterjungle him again. Spotting Rumble going after Ori, I halt my counterjungle (would have liked to take Udyr's golems too) and go to protect her netting a kill. I ping for dragon, then realize we're too low to take it so go back to rice-mode farming.
At golems I spot Udyr coming up a warded path to gank Cho, and go down to counter-gank. We catch them both, but I start to back out as I see soraka coming in. Thankfully Oriana was on the ball (oh man, missed out on so many ball puns), and I pick up a triple.
At ~13:50 I head back from base towards blue, but then notice Oriana is going B (with blue) and Cho's at top lane still. Since I want my blue clear to coincide with being able to dragon after, I go for a full clear top to meet Ori at blue right before we're ready to drag. I let the team know this on vent. Oriana goes to gank bot 3v2 so we'll be in a good position to drag, but Udyr and Soraka show up, turning it into a 4v3. Oriana escapes out and I divert from my path to save. Instead of showing my presence and scaring them off, I hide in the bushes and pick up a +1, and then the ensuing teamfight turns it into a +2, letting us drag freely.
At 16:40 I spot Udyr coming into my jungle from the baron ward. I know my jungle's clear since I just cleared it and there's nothing for him to steal, so I wait for him. He manages to survive via voodoo magic, but we still pick up +1. After that we catch them in the jungle trying to defend their bot tower and dive them for a tower and a stolen red.
At this point there's not much to say. The only things of note are that we still maintain solid play. We go back for dragon right as it spawns. We don't face check bushes even though incredibly ahead (I ward and E to check them). And we use our current strength to force them to defend the towers instead of farming up for a comeback. Oh, and at the end I use my body presence to force them off the towers. I rush in with the wave, they have to retreat instead of clearing it, and we get a bunch of hits on the tower. Every time we do so, we either grab a bunch of tower hits or another +1.
In sum, they weren't a bad team by any stretch. Their lanes coordinated very well, they came together and help one another when in danger, and they had good warding and objective timers. But at each point they were outplayed. White Shark's Oriana started with 67 MR at level 2 and beat Soraka. Our Cho got an advantage from the two ganks and Rumble never recovered against him. Udyr got set back covering top and getting counter jungled, then was forced top to help hold off Cho and his beastly sustain. And we never threw it away. At every phase we were reinforcing each other, warding, and turning our small advantages into bigger ones.
In one sense it's a boring replay because it's one-sided and we do exactly what we ought to. On the other hand, it's so great because we do exactly what we ought to. There were constant interruptions to what was going on, forcing us to adapt to every situation, and at each point everyone did exactly the right thing. All those textbook things you should do to counter the enemy, and actually we pulled them off.
Decided to go with Riven on the basis that it wouldn't take too long for me to get enough IP to unlock Morgana, WW and Rammus later on. Could probably get Sivir too since she is dirt cheap.
Ugh, was in a game that maybe I could have carried, but I picked support and nobody listened to me. Me and Cait dominated bot, she farmed like a boss getting every CS I saw, and we had an early advantage. All three towers down early, kill advantage, I'd been warding their jungle, etc... But we couldn't push it in. Way to passive.
They get baron, and It's a slow snowball down hill in what should gave been an easy 20 minute win.
does anyone have an idea for a strong solo top champ that isn't kennen to try and learn? I'm trying to branch out and be less of a 2-role pony in ranked, but historically playing bruisers has always intimidated me as compared to ad or ap ranged. who's a good ease-in pick?
does anyone have an idea for a strong solo top champ that isn't kennen to try and learn? I'm trying to branch out and be less of a 2-role pony in ranked, but historically playing bruisers has always intimidated me as compared to ad or ap ranged. who's a good ease-in pick?
I dunno about ease-in but rumble is pretty awesome top
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
rivens pretty easy
gangplanks pretty easy
most solo top champs arent that hard to play really they tend to be farmfucks
So, this is one of my best Shyvana games ever. I really want to share it since I'm so proud. It's not just that I did well. Anyone can get lucky then snowball. It's that I made aggressive plays that were uncounterable, based on my knowledge of the playing field.
So, the commentary.
Early on I notice they've got very few units able to punish ganks. By that I mean soraka can silence and hurt me, but if I fail gank her she can't punish me hard and set back my jungle the way a Ryze or Brand could. Due to this, I grab a cloth+5 and prepare to gank early and often.
At the 3ish minute mark I notice soraka has been pushing up her lane, so I return from red to gank mid. I had been intending to get rumble because I know he's a nasty top, but Soraka was presenting such a juicy target I go after her. Gank fails by the tiniest sliver of health, and the enemies (rightly) form up from bottom to protect soraka's retreat. We're forced between abandoning the kill and fighting a 4v4, and we let it go.
~5ish minute mark, I attempt a gank on Rumble and manage to burn flash for almost no resources expended. This comes in handy when, at ~6:15 enemy Udyr comes in to gank cho. Seeing that Udyr is top, I'm free to go nomnomnom in his jungle. It's completely safe since their rumble is forced to B (from the gank I did earlier) and Udyr has to cover top leaving me uncontested. (One minor mistake is that I should have left a single wraith, but my burnout kills it).
Fast forward there's a time where Oriana roflpwns their mid while I'm grabbing blue for him (he ends up getting a fresh one, so I grab it for myself). And a gank on Rumble after Cho called out where he had warded in vent.
At 10:40ish I drop a pink ward at dragon to kill their pink. Then after a little skirmish in mid notice that udyr is too low to stop me, so I counterjungle him again. Spotting Rumble going after Ori, I halt my counterjungle (would have liked to take Udyr's golems too) and go to protect her netting a kill. I ping for dragon, then realize we're too low to take it so go back to rice-mode farming.
At golems I spot Udyr coming up a warded path to gank Cho, and go down to counter-gank. We catch them both, but I start to back out as I see soraka coming in. Thankfully Oriana was on the ball (oh man, missed out on so many ball puns), and I pick up a triple.
At ~13:50 I head back from base towards blue, but then notice Oriana is going B (with blue) and Cho's at top lane still. Since I want my blue clear to coincide with being able to dragon after, I go for a full clear top to meet Ori at blue right before we're ready to drag. I let the team know this on vent. Oriana goes to gank bot 3v2 so we'll be in a good position to drag, but Udyr and Soraka show up, turning it into a 4v3. Oriana escapes out and I divert from my path to save. Instead of showing my presence and scaring them off, I hide in the bushes and pick up a +1, and then the ensuing teamfight turns it into a +2, letting us drag freely.
At 16:40 I spot Udyr coming into my jungle from the baron ward. I know my jungle's clear since I just cleared it and there's nothing for him to steal, so I wait for him. He manages to survive via voodoo magic, but we still pick up +1. After that we catch them in the jungle trying to defend their bot tower and dive them for a tower and a stolen red.
At this point there's not much to say. The only things of note are that we still maintain solid play. We go back for dragon right as it spawns. We don't face check bushes even though incredibly ahead (I ward and E to check them). And we use our current strength to force them to defend the towers instead of farming up for a comeback. Oh, and at the end I use my body presence to force them off the towers. I rush in with the wave, they have to retreat instead of clearing it, and we get a bunch of hits on the tower. Every time we do so, we either grab a bunch of tower hits or another +1.
In sum, they weren't a bad team by any stretch. Their lanes coordinated very well, they came together and help one another when in danger, and they had good warding and objective timers. But at each point they were outplayed. White Shark's Oriana started with 67 MR at level 2 and beat Soraka. Our Cho got an advantage from the two ganks and Rumble never recovered against him. Udyr got set back covering top and getting counter jungled, then was forced top to help hold off Cho and his beastly sustain. And we never threw it away. At every phase we were reinforcing each other, warding, and turning our small advantages into bigger ones.
In one sense it's a boring replay because it's one-sided and we do exactly what we ought to. On the other hand, it's so great because we do exactly what we ought to. There were constant interruptions to what was going on, forcing us to adapt to every situation, and at each point everyone did exactly the right thing. All those textbook things you should do to counter the enemy, and actually we pulled them off.
does anyone have an idea for a strong solo top champ that isn't kennen to try and learn? I'm trying to branch out and be less of a 2-role pony in ranked, but historically playing bruisers has always intimidated me as compared to ad or ap ranged. who's a good ease-in pick?
I dunno about ease-in but rumble is pretty awesome top
Rumble is perfect for learning. He's only got two abilities you aim, and he does well against everybody.
does anyone have an idea for a strong solo top champ that isn't kennen to try and learn? I'm trying to branch out and be less of a 2-role pony in ranked, but historically playing bruisers has always intimidated me as compared to ad or ap ranged. who's a good ease-in pick?
I dunno about ease-in but rumble is pretty awesome top
Rumble is perfect for learning. He's only got two abilities you aim, and he does well against everybody.
I think the biggest learning curve issue with Rumble (and what makes him difficult imo) is that he is entirely positioning dependent. A lot of melees will actually out damage you a punchfight, so you have to be really careful to kite them around with harpoons and your shield and then burn them when they turn. It's easy to accidentally get too close and eat a bunch of damage. That said, he is both fun and powerful so he's worth learning.
Went 5/3/0 first Riven game but we got fucking stomped so I'm okay with that. Laning against Rammus top, went 3/1 against him. My last 2 deaths were basically when the game was already lost and their entire team was ridiculously fed.
We had a jungle Kassasin who got executed by blue buff, did absolutely nothing whatsoever and was still level 5 when I was level 10 and bot were level 8. He finished on level 14. We also had 0cs support Singed who, surprise surprise, was useless because he couldn't take a hit.
Did I mention it's my fault we lost though? :bz
KayWhat we need...Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered Userregular
Question: What is the best way to help someone get over their fear of certain champions?
I tried explaining the way the matchup should work (as I understand it), and set up a custom to play The Champion They Hated versus their chosen champ, to show them how it worked out.
I think it benefited them some, as I was telling them about openings, when to threaten, when to back off, but I still sorta took them apart piecemeal.
The matchup was Lux vs Annie (him), and I was suggesting that he stay out of range and last hit with Q until she throws out a binding at range, dodge it, then move in and just combo her if she stuck around, then charge up a stun and wade around in the minions, threatening her with a Q->combo that would instagib her, thus zoning.
Question: What is the best way to help someone get over their fear of certain champions?
I tried explaining the way the matchup should work (as I understand it), and set up a custom to play The Champion They Hated versus their chosen champ, to show them how it worked out.
I think it benefited them some, as I was telling them about openings, when to threaten, when to back off, but I still sorta took them apart piecemeal.
The matchup was Lux vs Annie (him), and I was suggesting that he stay out of range and last hit with Q until she throws out a binding at range, dodge it, then move in and just combo her if she stuck around, then charge up a stun and wade around in the minions, threatening her with a Q->combo that would instagib her, thus zoning.
sounds like he just needs to get better at dodging skillshots, it should be easy to survive Lux and then murder her at 6 as Annie
does anyone have an idea for a strong solo top champ that isn't kennen to try and learn? I'm trying to branch out and be less of a 2-role pony in ranked, but historically playing bruisers has always intimidated me as compared to ad or ap ranged. who's a good ease-in pick?
Xerath sucks because he has to sit still and there's too many skillshot mids for that.
Now he puts out a lot of scary damage and can kill stragglers and poke preteamfights like a boss, but eh.
This is what I see people say about him all the time, but it just isn't true. During laning, I go in W for one q at long range then dump it. It costs no mana, doesn't matter if its on cd, and lets me harass. I don't stand still and more than I do with any other AP mid, and his q lets me harass and farm quite well.
In teamfights, I use W a lot to stay far away. Xerath is great for certain team comps. I pick him when the team has 1-2 very solid tanky initiators. That means we jump into THEM and I get get to hang back and blow things up, no one really gets much chance to gap close to me. If we are not a beefy team, I do not pick xerath.
As far as being countered, yeah ahri wrecks him. I have trouble with Brand, but that is probably because I lane poorly against him with every champ. Dunno why, its not like I can't dodge other champ's skill shots.
Steam - nolifeking
BethrynUnhappiness is MandatoryRegistered Userregular
Rumble makes quite a good hybrid bruiser by the way.
You go Boots + 3 -> Revolver opener like usual and bully ze fuck out of your lane as if you're going AP Rumble true terror.
But then you can turn that Revolver into GUNBLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAED, get a Wit's End and then go Triforce + Randuin's, then get a Rageblade.
It basically means that overheating is part of your deeps cycle rather than something to be wary of. He's also pretty sweet as a melee bruiser; stacking superslows on his E, movement and shield on his W and more slow and area denial on his ult.
KayWhat we need...Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered Userregular
I was actually considering the whole hybrid thing on Rumble, because GUNBLADES ARE SEXY.
As for my friend and dodging skillshots, it's less 'dodging skillshots' and more 'feels utterly threatened by long range'. Xerath is another dude he hates fighting, though I'd argue that Xerath is far more threatening to Annie than Lux is.
That said, the custom game we set up did seem to help. He dodged some epic skillshot harass, at one point countering with a flash out of a Singularity-slow that was going to guarantee a Binding into Laser combo (to be fair, he probably shouldn't have been in that position, but he got out!) and used that flash OFFENSIVELY to get close enough to stun->Tibbers->flamethrower thingie->ignite that I only survived thanks to pot+shield+my own flash. I congratulated him thoroughly on that one.
But yeah, dodge skill shot, WALK THREATENINGLY TOWARDS TARGET, preferably with a charged stun. This was the advice I was trying to give him. And he zoned the fuck out of me a few times, threatening with an insta-gib combo after catching me with a stunning Q into flamethrower after I wiffed a binding or singularity.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
BethrynUnhappiness is MandatoryRegistered Userregular
edited February 2012
The thing about Gunblade on Rumble is that you can use it to ensure you hit your tasers. Gunblade active someone, W into melee range, and slam two tasers into them (preferably in the DANGER ZONE). Then it's time for Yordle Combat.
Question: What is the best way to help someone get over their fear of certain champions?
I tried explaining the way the matchup should work (as I understand it), and set up a custom to play The Champion They Hated versus their chosen champ, to show them how it worked out.
I think it benefited them some, as I was telling them about openings, when to threaten, when to back off, but I still sorta took them apart piecemeal.
The matchup was Lux vs Annie (him), and I was suggesting that he stay out of range and last hit with Q until she throws out a binding at range, dodge it, then move in and just combo her if she stuck around, then charge up a stun and wade around in the minions, threatening her with a Q->combo that would instagib her, thus zoning.
Reverse the matchup. Have him play as Lux and you play as his AP mid of choice (Annie). If he's an IRL friend and doesn't own Lux which (I assume he doesn't), you can swap accounts if you trust him enough. Then proceed to dismantle him with Annie in a variety of different ways. After a game or two (well, just the laning phases), swap back and see if he can put it into practice. This is how I learned to fight a lot of my matchups, minus the partner part. By playing as a character, you get to understand their weaknesses and what that character's afraid of. The only thing this doesn't work for is jungle, since it varies so much more based on route.
Question: What is the best way to help someone get over their fear of certain champions?
I tried explaining the way the matchup should work (as I understand it), and set up a custom to play The Champion They Hated versus their chosen champ, to show them how it worked out.
I think it benefited them some, as I was telling them about openings, when to threaten, when to back off, but I still sorta took them apart piecemeal.
The matchup was Lux vs Annie (him), and I was suggesting that he stay out of range and last hit with Q until she throws out a binding at range, dodge it, then move in and just combo her if she stuck around, then charge up a stun and wade around in the minions, threatening her with a Q->combo that would instagib her, thus zoning.
Reverse the matchup. Have him play as Lux and you play as his AP mid of choice (Annie). If he's an IRL friend and doesn't own Lux which (I assume he doesn't), you can swap accounts if you trust him enough. Then proceed to dismantle him with Annie in a variety of different ways. After a game or two (well, just the laning phases), swap back and see if he can put it into practice. This is how I learned to fight a lot of my matchups, minus the partner part. By playing as a character, you get to understand their weaknesses and what that character's afraid of. The only thing this doesn't work for is jungle, since it varies so much more based on route.
Unfortunately, I dismantled him as Lux pretty handily (apart from one exchange that he should have won, but I managed to due mostly to luck and flashing away on 8HP), and he doesn't own Lux. Maybe if she's free, we can do that.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
Custom SpecialI know I am, I'm sure I am,I'm Sounders 'til I die!Registered Userregular
Question: What is the best way to help someone get over their fear of certain champions?
I tried explaining the way the matchup should work (as I understand it), and set up a custom to play The Champion They Hated versus their chosen champ, to show them how it worked out.
I think it benefited them some, as I was telling them about openings, when to threaten, when to back off, but I still sorta took them apart piecemeal.
The matchup was Lux vs Annie (him), and I was suggesting that he stay out of range and last hit with Q until she throws out a binding at range, dodge it, then move in and just combo her if she stuck around, then charge up a stun and wade around in the minions, threatening her with a Q->combo that would instagib her, thus zoning.
Reverse the matchup. Have him play as Lux and you play as his AP mid of choice (Annie). If he's an IRL friend and doesn't own Lux which (I assume he doesn't), you can swap accounts if you trust him enough. Then proceed to dismantle him with Annie in a variety of different ways. After a game or two (well, just the laning phases), swap back and see if he can put it into practice. This is how I learned to fight a lot of my matchups, minus the partner part. By playing as a character, you get to understand their weaknesses and what that character's afraid of. The only thing this doesn't work for is jungle, since it varies so much more based on route.
Unfortunately, I dismantled him as Lux pretty handily (apart from one exchange that he should have won, but I managed to due mostly to luck and flashing away on 8HP), and he doesn't own Lux. Maybe if she's free, we can do that.
I agree with Zerg. I've found that the best way to stop hating a champ is to play as them and find their weaknesses. Once you get more familiar with their numbers/ranges/playstyle you kind of know how they'll respond to different things, you'll know when they're setting up to go at you and things like that. LeBlanc was a good example of a character I didn't understand at all, and then I played her a bit and now I know how to deal with her BS early. Singed and Tristana are still ridiculous to me no matter how much I know about them.
Question: What is the best way to help someone get over their fear of certain champions?
I tried explaining the way the matchup should work (as I understand it), and set up a custom to play The Champion They Hated versus their chosen champ, to show them how it worked out.
I think it benefited them some, as I was telling them about openings, when to threaten, when to back off, but I still sorta took them apart piecemeal.
The matchup was Lux vs Annie (him), and I was suggesting that he stay out of range and last hit with Q until she throws out a binding at range, dodge it, then move in and just combo her if she stuck around, then charge up a stun and wade around in the minions, threatening her with a Q->combo that would instagib her, thus zoning.
Reverse the matchup. Have him play as Lux and you play as his AP mid of choice (Annie). If he's an IRL friend and doesn't own Lux which (I assume he doesn't), you can swap accounts if you trust him enough. Then proceed to dismantle him with Annie in a variety of different ways. After a game or two (well, just the laning phases), swap back and see if he can put it into practice. This is how I learned to fight a lot of my matchups, minus the partner part. By playing as a character, you get to understand their weaknesses and what that character's afraid of. The only thing this doesn't work for is jungle, since it varies so much more based on route.
Unfortunately, I dismantled him as Lux pretty handily (apart from one exchange that he should have won, but I managed to due mostly to luck and flashing away on 8HP), and he doesn't own Lux. Maybe if she's free, we can do that.
I agree with Zerg. I've found that the best way to stop hating a champ is to play as them and find their weaknesses. Once you get more familiar with their numbers/ranges/playstyle you kind of know how they'll respond to different things, you'll know when they're setting up to go at you and things like that. LeBlanc was a good example of a character I didn't understand at all, and then I played her a bit and now I know how to deal with her BS early. Singed and Tristana are still ridiculous to me no matter how much I know about them.
Some times you learn a characters weakness doing that. Other times you learn useful info like trist gets a gauranteed kill at or before 6 in mid and then snowballs from there.
Now who the hell do I unlock 8->
What champs have you really enjoyed?
This is my little pool of mans:
Annie, Blitzcrank, Gangplank, Karthus, Shaco, Sion, Singed, Soraka, Tristana, Twisted Fate.
I was thinking of going for Cassie, Ziggs, Riven, Graves, Shyvana or Volibear. Choices are hard. I should probably get someone that could actually make me enjoy jungling.
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Voli is a particularly strong top right now. Shyvana is a really fast jungler. Riven is fun in dom, but I feel like she's pretty easily countered in SR. Cassiopeia is a strong mid, but there are a lot of strong mids out there. Graves... I wouldn't recommend Graves. He's fine and I own him, but I feel like Tristana is more fun early and Vayne is better late. He's by no means terrible, but he's not particularly fun. He's a tough, mechanical AD carry that only gets really strong if you are a boss at those last hits.
Despite being a proponent of Graves being beaten into the ground with the nerf stick, I think the last nerf to his ult was a bit much and I don't really see him as much now that he's been so watered down.
Steam: Jacobontap
LoL: FutureBlues
Urgot Gragas
And in other news, I totally pissed of a Kennen/Janna duo on my team with my Ahri play so much we surrendered at 20. "Totally fucked us" is what Kennen said, "Couldn't stand Ahri." said Janna. I went 3/3 vs Fizz. We killed each other every time we fought at mid. Not sure what the unholy crime I did since they said nothing until after the surrender. That being the previous quotes. Oh and we had a first time Naut, he didn't do so well but all he got was a "Report Naut." from Kennen.
I feel like I should be able to punch these people.
So, the commentary.
At the 3ish minute mark I notice soraka has been pushing up her lane, so I return from red to gank mid. I had been intending to get rumble because I know he's a nasty top, but Soraka was presenting such a juicy target I go after her. Gank fails by the tiniest sliver of health, and the enemies (rightly) form up from bottom to protect soraka's retreat. We're forced between abandoning the kill and fighting a 4v4, and we let it go.
~5ish minute mark, I attempt a gank on Rumble and manage to burn flash for almost no resources expended. This comes in handy when, at ~6:15 enemy Udyr comes in to gank cho. Seeing that Udyr is top, I'm free to go nomnomnom in his jungle. It's completely safe since their rumble is forced to B (from the gank I did earlier) and Udyr has to cover top leaving me uncontested. (One minor mistake is that I should have left a single wraith, but my burnout kills it).
Fast forward there's a time where Oriana roflpwns their mid while I'm grabbing blue for him (he ends up getting a fresh one, so I grab it for myself). And a gank on Rumble after Cho called out where he had warded in vent.
At 10:40ish I drop a pink ward at dragon to kill their pink. Then after a little skirmish in mid notice that udyr is too low to stop me, so I counterjungle him again. Spotting Rumble going after Ori, I halt my counterjungle (would have liked to take Udyr's golems too) and go to protect her netting a kill. I ping for dragon, then realize we're too low to take it so go back to rice-mode farming.
At golems I spot Udyr coming up a warded path to gank Cho, and go down to counter-gank. We catch them both, but I start to back out as I see soraka coming in. Thankfully Oriana was on the ball (oh man, missed out on so many ball puns), and I pick up a triple.
At ~13:50 I head back from base towards blue, but then notice Oriana is going B (with blue) and Cho's at top lane still. Since I want my blue clear to coincide with being able to dragon after, I go for a full clear top to meet Ori at blue right before we're ready to drag. I let the team know this on vent. Oriana goes to gank bot 3v2 so we'll be in a good position to drag, but Udyr and Soraka show up, turning it into a 4v3. Oriana escapes out and I divert from my path to save. Instead of showing my presence and scaring them off, I hide in the bushes and pick up a +1, and then the ensuing teamfight turns it into a +2, letting us drag freely.
At 16:40 I spot Udyr coming into my jungle from the baron ward. I know my jungle's clear since I just cleared it and there's nothing for him to steal, so I wait for him. He manages to survive via voodoo magic, but we still pick up +1. After that we catch them in the jungle trying to defend their bot tower and dive them for a tower and a stolen red.
At this point there's not much to say. The only things of note are that we still maintain solid play. We go back for dragon right as it spawns. We don't face check bushes even though incredibly ahead (I ward and E to check them). And we use our current strength to force them to defend the towers instead of farming up for a comeback. Oh, and at the end I use my body presence to force them off the towers. I rush in with the wave, they have to retreat instead of clearing it, and we get a bunch of hits on the tower. Every time we do so, we either grab a bunch of tower hits or another +1.
In sum, they weren't a bad team by any stretch. Their lanes coordinated very well, they came together and help one another when in danger, and they had good warding and objective timers. But at each point they were outplayed. White Shark's Oriana started with 67 MR at level 2 and beat Soraka. Our Cho got an advantage from the two ganks and Rumble never recovered against him. Udyr got set back covering top and getting counter jungled, then was forced top to help hold off Cho and his beastly sustain. And we never threw it away. At every phase we were reinforcing each other, warding, and turning our small advantages into bigger ones.
In one sense it's a boring replay because it's one-sided and we do exactly what we ought to. On the other hand, it's so great because we do exactly what we ought to. There were constant interruptions to what was going on, forcing us to adapt to every situation, and at each point everyone did exactly the right thing. All those textbook things you should do to counter the enemy, and actually we pulled them off.
Jungle shyv
its cdr boots, brutaliser 5 bloodthirsters olaf return
it is very fun
then somebody tries to 1v1 you in the jungle and you lifesteal 1213213% and they explode with envy
They get baron, and It's a slow snowball down hill in what should gave been an easy 20 minute win.
I dunno about ease-in but rumble is pretty awesome top
gangplanks pretty easy
most solo top champs arent that hard to play really they tend to be farmfucks
Just wanted to say that this was a really fun game and I think you played excellently
Also that moment when you were getting blue for me and I ended up killing Soraka was hilarious
On vent you were like "come get blue" and I was like "one sec I think... I'm killing Soraka... yup!"
Rumble is perfect for learning. He's only got two abilities you aim, and he does well against everybody.
I think the biggest learning curve issue with Rumble (and what makes him difficult imo) is that he is entirely positioning dependent. A lot of melees will actually out damage you a punchfight, so you have to be really careful to kite them around with harpoons and your shield and then burn them when they turn. It's easy to accidentally get too close and eat a bunch of damage. That said, he is both fun and powerful so he's worth learning.
We had a jungle Kassasin who got executed by blue buff, did absolutely nothing whatsoever and was still level 5 when I was level 10 and bot were level 8. He finished on level 14. We also had 0cs support Singed who, surprise surprise, was useless because he couldn't take a hit.
Did I mention it's my fault we lost though? :bz
I tried explaining the way the matchup should work (as I understand it), and set up a custom to play The Champion They Hated versus their chosen champ, to show them how it worked out.
I think it benefited them some, as I was telling them about openings, when to threaten, when to back off, but I still sorta took them apart piecemeal.
The matchup was Lux vs Annie (him), and I was suggesting that he stay out of range and last hit with Q until she throws out a binding at range, dodge it, then move in and just combo her if she stuck around, then charge up a stun and wade around in the minions, threatening her with a Q->combo that would instagib her, thus zoning.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
sounds like he just needs to get better at dodging skillshots, it should be easy to survive Lux and then murder her at 6 as Annie
Yorick is a pretty safe "ease-in" solo top, imo.
This is what I see people say about him all the time, but it just isn't true. During laning, I go in W for one q at long range then dump it. It costs no mana, doesn't matter if its on cd, and lets me harass. I don't stand still and more than I do with any other AP mid, and his q lets me harass and farm quite well.
In teamfights, I use W a lot to stay far away. Xerath is great for certain team comps. I pick him when the team has 1-2 very solid tanky initiators. That means we jump into THEM and I get get to hang back and blow things up, no one really gets much chance to gap close to me. If we are not a beefy team, I do not pick xerath.
As far as being countered, yeah ahri wrecks him. I have trouble with Brand, but that is probably because I lane poorly against him with every champ. Dunno why, its not like I can't dodge other champ's skill shots.
You go Boots + 3 -> Revolver opener like usual and bully ze fuck out of your lane as if you're going AP Rumble true terror.
But then you can turn that Revolver into GUNBLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAED, get a Wit's End and then go Triforce + Randuin's, then get a Rageblade.
It basically means that overheating is part of your deeps cycle rather than something to be wary of. He's also pretty sweet as a melee bruiser; stacking superslows on his E, movement and shield on his W and more slow and area denial on his ult.
hybrid is for losers
As for my friend and dodging skillshots, it's less 'dodging skillshots' and more 'feels utterly threatened by long range'. Xerath is another dude he hates fighting, though I'd argue that Xerath is far more threatening to Annie than Lux is.
That said, the custom game we set up did seem to help. He dodged some epic skillshot harass, at one point countering with a flash out of a Singularity-slow that was going to guarantee a Binding into Laser combo (to be fair, he probably shouldn't have been in that position, but he got out!) and used that flash OFFENSIVELY to get close enough to stun->Tibbers->flamethrower thingie->ignite that I only survived thanks to pot+shield+my own flash. I congratulated him thoroughly on that one.
But yeah, dodge skill shot, WALK THREATENINGLY TOWARDS TARGET, preferably with a charged stun. This was the advice I was trying to give him. And he zoned the fuck out of me a few times, threatening with an insta-gib combo after catching me with a stunning Q into flamethrower after I wiffed a binding or singularity.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
I wouldn't pick him up if you don't have him though, who knows where he will end up in the near future nerf wise.
Reverse the matchup. Have him play as Lux and you play as his AP mid of choice (Annie). If he's an IRL friend and doesn't own Lux which (I assume he doesn't), you can swap accounts if you trust him enough. Then proceed to dismantle him with Annie in a variety of different ways. After a game or two (well, just the laning phases), swap back and see if he can put it into practice. This is how I learned to fight a lot of my matchups, minus the partner part. By playing as a character, you get to understand their weaknesses and what that character's afraid of. The only thing this doesn't work for is jungle, since it varies so much more based on route.
Orianna and Viktor goooooo
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
Team Science?
Orianna, Viktor, Blitz, Heimer, Singed?
are you getting that new orianna skin
when it comes out
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Ziggs, Viktor, Heimer, Singed, Warwick would be a better team Scientist.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
I agree with Zerg. I've found that the best way to stop hating a champ is to play as them and find their weaknesses. Once you get more familiar with their numbers/ranges/playstyle you kind of know how they'll respond to different things, you'll know when they're setting up to go at you and things like that. LeBlanc was a good example of a character I didn't understand at all, and then I played her a bit and now I know how to deal with her BS early. Singed and Tristana are still ridiculous to me no matter how much I know about them.
Some times you learn a characters weakness doing that. Other times you learn useful info like trist gets a gauranteed kill at or before 6 in mid and then snowballs from there.