Hey I just started playing, and I went with beg. against bots so I don't piss anyone off. I like it so far. First guy I've tried is Fizz. He's pretty fun. And chum the waters is awesome, when i actually manage to land it in the right spot. As a new guy are there any characters I should stick with or avoid for now?
nah you can pretty much play whoever
try out as many characters as you can when they're free, they rotate which ten are free every week on monday or tuesday
if you liked fizz you will probably like talon, they are both melee range burst assassin-y types with a gap closing move and a move that lets you run away freely
I don't think Malady actually builds faster because the incremental parts of Nashor's tooth build faster and better than the incremental parts of Malady.
Malady: 1825 GP
Stinger: 1090 GP
2400 for Stinger+Feindish = 20% CDR. which is 1.25 more q's perma e which evens out the max 24 MR shred from malady except that you don't have to wait until you've attacked for 4 times in order to get the benefit from . At level 6 4 attacks with Malady will take 4 seconds. Which is half the cooldown on q so either you burn your q early and don't get any benefit from the Malady on q, or you wait for 4 seconds by which time the second q from the Stinger build is about to land and the stinger build has benefitted from increased damage.
The MR shred on Malady is nice, but Malady does not actually build faster than Nashor's Tooth and Nashor's tooth has a better start for sustain (Meki + 2 pots vs Doran's Ring = +200 more HP with the Meki). I can see it being a better choice if you first back at 2300 gold (boots+ Malady). But if you're under it, the best value is by getting Boots+Stinger (maybe start boots/3 pot so if you first back at 2000 you pick up malady and if you first back <2000 you pick up stinger) and then building into Nashor's.
The only champs I'd avoid are the ones whose abilities don't make themselves readily apparent to how they are supposed to work.
Teemo, Evelyn, Twitch, and Twisted Fate are probably bad choices for beginners. Past that, some champs (like Malz or Veigar) are harder to use than others (like Annie), but there's nothing particularly wrong with jumping in the deep end.
BTW, her shield doesn't stop the death laser at the enemy spawn... seems kinda stupid that it doesn't O_o
It used to. Then they realized that having Kayle dive people in their spawn was stupid. (or anyone for that matter) and they made it so the spawn lasers rip through anything and everything.
It was awesome and you should cut out being the wrongest person ever. :x
I stand by my statement!
NNID: delphinidaes Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
I don't think Malady actually builds faster because the incremental parts of Nashor's tooth build faster and better than the incremental parts of Malady.
Malady: 1825 GP
Stinger: 1090 GP
2400 for Stinger+Feindish = 20% CDR. which is 1.25 more q's perma e which evens out the max 24 MR shred from malady except that you don't have to wait until you've attacked for 4 times in order to get the benefit from . At level 6 4 attacks with Malady will take 4 seconds. Which is half the cooldown on q so either you burn your q early and don't get any benefit from the Malady on q, or you wait for 4 seconds by which time the second q from the Stinger build is about to land and the stinger build has benefitted from increased damage.
The MR shred on Malady is nice, but Malady does not actually build faster than Nashor's Tooth and Nashor's tooth has a better start for sustain (Meki + 2 pots vs Doran's Ring = +200 more HP with the Meki). I can see it being a better choice if you first back at 2300 gold (boots+ Malady). But if you're under it, the best value is by getting Boots+Stinger (maybe start boots/3 pot so if you first back at 2000 you pick up malady and if you first back <2000 you pick up stinger) and then building into Nashor's.
Give the stinger start a try for me, would you?
i want mp5 before level 8
after level 8 i honestly dont give a shit about mp5
if i build codex asap i have my mp5 and some other stuff that doesnt help me win my lane
if i build stinger asap i dont have my mp5 and now im locked into buying an item that has stats that dont help me win the game
dorans gives me health and mp5 for more heals if needed
So I'm seeing this whole Shyvana thing. Figured out my jungle so I can now do it safely while still shitting on their jungler.
Had a fun game where the enemy Udyr decided to start in my top jungle. We met at wraiths and I knocked his shit in. Since he didn't have blue, I decided to go down there after him to get it, figuring he'd have gone back to heal. Oh no, he was doing blue. So I killed him, got my red back and got their blue. The game went downhill from there.
Then through mid-game they dominate because they had a fed Veigar. Then me and Rammus got our tanky shit on. Turns out Veigar can't do much when a dragon is chasing him and the ad carry all over the map while their team gets eaten by fed MF and Teemo on my team.
so I haven't played the big dawg in awhile, I end up last in draft and stuck with top, so I dust off my Nasus
enemy sends Rumble up there
I start with a Null Mantle + pots
proceed to crush his little yordle skull
proceed to farm forever and crush everyone else's skulls in
tank carry, best class
it was funny because their jungler Warwick would try to gank me, meaning Rumble would commit, so I would just kill him and then run away while WW skulked off
but is that how that matchup normally happens? Or was I just up against a babby Rumble
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
i think there are champs who have a higher overall skill cap, like cassio and lee sin
lux just requires so much fucking work to even be on par with other AP mids that she's not worth it
i think lux needs to play every single interaction absolutely perfectly in order to be effective, while cass and lee sin don't use up 1/3 of their mana if they miss with one harrass
i'm not sure where the idea that cassiopeia is hard to play came from
she takes a little bit of practice but once you know what her buttons do she's pretty dang easy to use in laning
i think there are champs who have a higher overall skill cap, like cassio and lee sin
lux just requires so much fucking work to even be on par with other AP mids that she's not worth it
i think lux needs to play every single interaction absolutely perfectly in order to be effective, while cass and lee sin don't use up 1/3 of their mana if they miss with one harrass
i'm not sure where the idea that cassiopeia is hard to play came from
she takes a little bit of practice but once you know what her buttons do she's pretty dang easy to use in laning
teamfights are another story
well that's exactly where skill cap is important is in teamfights!
Lux is safe, does good damage, and may require skill.
But all that doesn't matter because 24 seconds lasers are fucking amazing. PEW PEW PEW.
I'm going to post some vids of me playing Lux because she is amazing and fun. I'm certainly not the best player but I'm fairly confident I can beat most mids sent against me. I don't think I'll ever understand the Lux hate on this forum
NNID: delphinidaes Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
though karthus is deceptively hard to play, more so than lux
you really think so? i'm waaaay more impressed by lux burst than karthus burst
especially on multiple targets
especially because karthus can still cast while dead
So i just did my first round of malzahar, and man is that guy sick. E on minion, W under minion wave, R on Champ is the most hilarious thing i've every seen.
Should he be running around the jungle doing this to the monsters or is just ganking champs his M.O. cause that's fun.
nah you can pretty much play whoever
try out as many characters as you can when they're free, they rotate which ten are free every week on monday or tuesday
if you liked fizz you will probably like talon, they are both melee range burst assassin-y types with a gap closing move and a move that lets you run away freely
I don't think Malady actually builds faster because the incremental parts of Nashor's tooth build faster and better than the incremental parts of Malady.
Malady: 1825 GP
Stinger: 1090 GP
2400 for Stinger+Feindish = 20% CDR. which is 1.25 more q's perma e which evens out the max 24 MR shred from malady except that you don't have to wait until you've attacked for 4 times in order to get the benefit from . At level 6 4 attacks with Malady will take 4 seconds. Which is half the cooldown on q so either you burn your q early and don't get any benefit from the Malady on q, or you wait for 4 seconds by which time the second q from the Stinger build is about to land and the stinger build has benefitted from increased damage.
The MR shred on Malady is nice, but Malady does not actually build faster than Nashor's Tooth and Nashor's tooth has a better start for sustain (Meki + 2 pots vs Doran's Ring = +200 more HP with the Meki). I can see it being a better choice if you first back at 2300 gold (boots+ Malady). But if you're under it, the best value is by getting Boots+Stinger (maybe start boots/3 pot so if you first back at 2000 you pick up malady and if you first back <2000 you pick up stinger) and then building into Nashor's.
Give the stinger start a try for me, would you?
Teemo, Evelyn, Twitch, and Twisted Fate are probably bad choices for beginners. Past that, some champs (like Malz or Veigar) are harder to use than others (like Annie), but there's nothing particularly wrong with jumping in the deep end.
Oh, you mean Rageinald?
He went where he pleased.
he is so grumpy
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I stand by my statement!
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
i want mp5 before level 8
after level 8 i honestly dont give a shit about mp5
if i build codex asap i have my mp5 and some other stuff that doesnt help me win my lane
if i build stinger asap i dont have my mp5 and now im locked into buying an item that has stats that dont help me win the game
dorans gives me health and mp5 for more heals if needed
stinger start is pretty terrible
Well yeah, it's ok if he does it though. It's just all those other champs that are the problem.
I mean...he's Mordekaiser.
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
Had a fun game where the enemy Udyr decided to start in my top jungle. We met at wraiths and I knocked his shit in. Since he didn't have blue, I decided to go down there after him to get it, figuring he'd have gone back to heal. Oh no, he was doing blue. So I killed him, got my red back and got their blue. The game went downhill from there.
Then through mid-game they dominate because they had a fed Veigar. Then me and Rammus got our tanky shit on. Turns out Veigar can't do much when a dragon is chasing him and the ad carry all over the map while their team gets eaten by fed MF and Teemo on my team.
enemy sends Rumble up there
I start with a Null Mantle + pots
proceed to crush his little yordle skull
proceed to farm forever and crush everyone else's skulls in
tank carry, best class
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
whiteshark i don't think you can comprehend the antibiotic/opiate cocktail my doctors have me on right now
the last thing you want is for me to actually play league of legends with you
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So how do I Lux, mentlegen.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
step 1.) seek a refund
step 2.) buy akali instead
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this game left me with 6299ip
fuk u
it was funny because their jungler Warwick would try to gank me, meaning Rumble would commit, so I would just kill him and then run away while WW skulked off
but is that how that matchup normally happens? Or was I just up against a babby Rumble
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
There are a couple people on this board who think that Lux isn't terrible. I am not one of them.
right now i think she is bar none the hardest character in the game to play, and playing her at a high skill level isn't worth the risk
lux just requires so much fucking work to even be on par with other AP mids that she's not worth it
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i think lux needs to play every single interaction absolutely perfectly in order to be effective, while cass and lee sin don't use up 1/3 of their mana if they miss with one harrass
i'm not sure where the idea that cassiopeia is hard to play came from
she takes a little bit of practice but once you know what her buttons do she's pretty dang easy to use in laning
teamfights are another story
well that's exactly where skill cap is important is in teamfights!
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i think she's definitely up there
i'm not sure which AP mids need to be in the fight more than cassio does except maybe ahri, who is way more mobile and normally grabs a rylais anyway
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if you don't have anyone able to keep people off of cass and cass is all of your damage, what is the rest of your team :S
my post still stands
it is the best post i've ever made
But all that doesn't matter because 24 seconds lasers are fucking amazing. PEW PEW PEW.
I'm going to post some vids of me playing Lux because she is amazing and fun. I'm certainly not the best player but I'm fairly confident I can beat most mids sent against me. I don't think I'll ever understand the Lux hate on this forum
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
but I wouldn't recommend her
fuck lasers IT'S REQUIEM TIME
though karthus is deceptively hard to play, more so than lux
you really think so? i'm waaaay more impressed by lux burst than karthus burst
especially on multiple targets
especially because karthus can still cast while dead
Should he be running around the jungle doing this to the monsters or is just ganking champs his M.O. cause that's fun.
Crovax.436 Steam: Crovaxan
he's a "hi i'm gonna walk into your team and turn defile on and then you're all gonna die, ok?" champion
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