Emily Partridge Appreciation Station



  • azith28azith28 Registered User regular
    Personface wrote: »
    Bossking wrote: »
    Be honest, she's just angry there aren't more properly exposed butts floating around out there in webcomic land.

    Well she has a point

    Have you ever considered just going fuck it and doing a serious NSFW comic
    Because there are some great ones out there like Oglaf or Chester 5000 XYV and I bet you could pull one off

    I like jerkcity and hate oglaf

    No fault of mine

    Oglaf is...certainly different.

    The nudity/sex doesnt bother me, and nor do i read it just to see naked women. (In oglafs case your more likely to see naked men anyway which isnt my thing). I just dont get the nudity taboo. Its not like im a nudist or have no modesty, I dont think people should walk around naked all the time, however I don't see how its something to be ashamed of putting into a story via tv or movie or comic. Nor do i get why that suddenly makes the story pornagraphic no matter how tasteful it is done.

    Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, Morituri Sum
  • SyphyreSyphyre A Dangerous Pastime Registered User regular
    There's no real line in my opinion. There are comics out there which are obviously drawn for the author's fantasies. There are others drawn as stories. There are also some fantastic webcomics that have a great story, but you know what the author enjoys drawing ladies so they're "titillating". So? Does it even matter which sense we titillate? Does poking the base instincts of revenge or fear differ from desire or sexuality?

    Your webcomic better boil down to one thing: Keep. Me. Interested.

  • Spectre-xSpectre-x Rating: AWESOME YESRegistered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    FireTruck wrote:
    Spectre-x wrote:
    That's incredibly stupid, not to mention lacking in imagination. I'll agree that it's easy for porn to be vapid and meaningless since a lot of its audience doesn't care about story or characters or any kind of artistic merit, so a lot of porn doesn't even bother with that stuff, but to say that all pornography is inherently boring and vapid and meaningless, no matter what? That's total bullshit.

    Just because the main aim of porn is to titillate doesn't mean that every other aspect of a work of pornography loses its merit. Rolo mentioned Chester 5000 XYV by Jess Fink. That's definitely pornographic, but it is not lacking in artistic merit. The art itself is quite good, so there's merit there, and the story is engaging and clear despite lacking dialogue of any kind. The pornographic aspects of it are also well done and actually help further the story. Dismissing it just because it's porn (it is porn and not just a story with sex in it) is ridiculous and definitely just you being a prude. Not necessarily an american prude, because there's prudes all over, but still just a silly goose of a prude, I'm sorry.

    It's hard to do serious pornographic stories, I'll give you that. Probably not impossible, but pretty difficult. Most of my favourite porn is also hilarious as a result. Slipshine is a good site for that. Probably the majority of their stuff is also really, really funny. It's easier to make jokes during sex than it is to talk about serious, life-changing shit and philosophy, and comedy has artistic merit, so a pornographic comedy or a comedic porn can have artistic merit, too.

    Art is, for a large part, about the artist trying to get something across or to elicit a response in the observer, emotional or physical or whatever. It's not a super exact definition, but it's art, so an exact definition is impossible. But to arbitrarily dictate what kinds of intended responses have merit and which don't is prudish snobbery and a clear sign that you haven't really thought this through very well.

    It's perfectly all right if you dislike pornography, or if you find pornography too distracting for whatever reason to be able to focus any other possible aspects of a thing (this isn't intended to be a joke or anything, I don't mean to imply tat you're too busy tugging it to pay attention). All of that's fine. But to say that it's impossible for pornography of any kind to have any greater artistic merit simply by virtue of it being pornography? That's a really stupid thing to say because it's imposing arbitrary limits on what art is, which is impossible, because it's subjective.


    Sex is gross!!!

    this has absolutely nothing to do with anything that I said, but please, continue being an ass.

    To be fair you haven't actually given us anything to work with beyond "porn can't be art because I arbitrarily decided this"

  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    and sex is really gross

  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    azith28 wrote: »
    Personface wrote: »
    Bossking wrote: »
    Be honest, she's just angry there aren't more properly exposed butts floating around out there in webcomic land.

    Well she has a point

    Have you ever considered just going fuck it and doing a serious NSFW comic
    Because there are some great ones out there like Oglaf or Chester 5000 XYV and I bet you could pull one off

    I like jerkcity and hate oglaf

    No fault of mine

    Oglaf is...certainly different.

    The nudity/sex doesnt bother me, and nor do i read it just to see naked women. (In oglafs case your more likely to see naked men anyway which isnt my thing). I just dont get the nudity taboo. Its not like im a nudist or have no modesty, I dont think people should walk around naked all the time, however I don't see how its something to be ashamed of putting into a story via tv or movie or comic. Nor do i get why that suddenly makes the story pornagraphic no matter how tasteful it is done.

    Oglaf's teenage bent on sex is not what appalls me or I wouldn't be reading Jerkcity.

    I just think Oglaf is unfunny.


  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    only if it's good sex

  • Fire TruckFire Truck I love my SELFRegistered User regular
    Spectre-x wrote:
    Langly wrote: »
    FireTruck wrote:
    Spectre-x wrote:
    That's incredibly stupid, not to mention lacking in imagination. I'll agree that it's easy for porn to be vapid and meaningless since a lot of its audience doesn't care about story or characters or any kind of artistic merit, so a lot of porn doesn't even bother with that stuff, but to say that all pornography is inherently boring and vapid and meaningless, no matter what? That's total bullshit.

    Just because the main aim of porn is to titillate doesn't mean that every other aspect of a work of pornography loses its merit. Rolo mentioned Chester 5000 XYV by Jess Fink. That's definitely pornographic, but it is not lacking in artistic merit. The art itself is quite good, so there's merit there, and the story is engaging and clear despite lacking dialogue of any kind. The pornographic aspects of it are also well done and actually help further the story. Dismissing it just because it's porn (it is porn and not just a story with sex in it) is ridiculous and definitely just you being a prude. Not necessarily an american prude, because there's prudes all over, but still just a silly goose of a prude, I'm sorry.

    It's hard to do serious pornographic stories, I'll give you that. Probably not impossible, but pretty difficult. Most of my favourite porn is also hilarious as a result. Slipshine is a good site for that. Probably the majority of their stuff is also really, really funny. It's easier to make jokes during sex than it is to talk about serious, life-changing shit and philosophy, and comedy has artistic merit, so a pornographic comedy or a comedic porn can have artistic merit, too.

    Art is, for a large part, about the artist trying to get something across or to elicit a response in the observer, emotional or physical or whatever. It's not a super exact definition, but it's art, so an exact definition is impossible. But to arbitrarily dictate what kinds of intended responses have merit and which don't is prudish snobbery and a clear sign that you haven't really thought this through very well.

    It's perfectly all right if you dislike pornography, or if you find pornography too distracting for whatever reason to be able to focus any other possible aspects of a thing (this isn't intended to be a joke or anything, I don't mean to imply tat you're too busy tugging it to pay attention). All of that's fine. But to say that it's impossible for pornography of any kind to have any greater artistic merit simply by virtue of it being pornography? That's a really stupid thing to say because it's imposing arbitrary limits on what art is, which is impossible, because it's subjective.


    Sex is gross!!!

    this has absolutely nothing to do with anything that I said, but please, continue being an ass.

    To be fair you haven't actually given us anything to work with beyond "porn can't be art because I arbitrarily decided this"

    Pretty much.

    I mean, if you define pornography/obscenity as that which is without artistic merit, then axiomatically porn is without merit.

    But there are plenty of works which focus explicitly on sex, which a casual observer would probably identify as pornography, and which do have merit in the eyes of many people.

  • HugmasterGeneralHugmasterGeneral Poopmaster General YobuttRegistered User regular
    edited February 2012
    what do you think of

    Short Bus

    HugmasterGeneral on
  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular
    short bus was great

  • Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular
    oglaf blows

  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    oglaf blows

  • crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    oglaf blows
    looks like you're in good company, tom

  • crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular

  • azith28azith28 Registered User regular

    Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, Morituri Sum
  • Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular
    at least i dont like oglaf

  • crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    what if

    based god liked oglaf

  • UbikUbik oh pete, that's later. maybe we'll be dead by then Registered User regular
    oglaf may not be the greatest thing but let's not throw "blows" around so lightly


  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    crwth wrote: »
    what if

    based god liked oglaf

    what if Skrillex liked oglaf

  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    what if hitler DIDN'T like oglaf

  • SeriouslySeriously Registered User regular
    crwth wrote: »

    I laughed I straight do not give a fuck

  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    what if hitler DIDN'T like oglaf

    godwin's law, that's what

  • Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular
    crwth wrote: »
    what if

    based god liked oglaf

  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    there should be a godwin's law for invoking godwin's law

  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    there should be a godwin's law for invoking godwin's law

    why don't you call it The Professor's Law

  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    what if hitler DIDN'T like oglaf

    godwin's law, that's what
    Beasteh wrote:
    please stop posting

  • crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    oh god damn based god

    you can draw my webcomic based god

  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    because you don't deserve the credit for it you oglaf-hating son of a bitch!!!

  • Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular

  • JoeUserJoeUser Forum Santa Registered User regular

  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    JoeUser just made me quit the Interwub forever

  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    i never knew i could want something this badly

  • Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    JoeUser wrote: »

    if only 8->

  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    Spectre-x wrote: »
    Langly wrote: »
    FireTruck wrote:
    Spectre-x wrote:
    That's incredibly stupid, not to mention lacking in imagination. I'll agree that it's easy for porn to be vapid and meaningless since a lot of its audience doesn't care about story or characters or any kind of artistic merit, so a lot of porn doesn't even bother with that stuff, but to say that all pornography is inherently boring and vapid and meaningless, no matter what? That's total bullshit.

    Just because the main aim of porn is to titillate doesn't mean that every other aspect of a work of pornography loses its merit. Rolo mentioned Chester 5000 XYV by Jess Fink. That's definitely pornographic, but it is not lacking in artistic merit. The art itself is quite good, so there's merit there, and the story is engaging and clear despite lacking dialogue of any kind. The pornographic aspects of it are also well done and actually help further the story. Dismissing it just because it's porn (it is porn and not just a story with sex in it) is ridiculous and definitely just you being a prude. Not necessarily an american prude, because there's prudes all over, but still just a silly goose of a prude, I'm sorry.

    It's hard to do serious pornographic stories, I'll give you that. Probably not impossible, but pretty difficult. Most of my favourite porn is also hilarious as a result. Slipshine is a good site for that. Probably the majority of their stuff is also really, really funny. It's easier to make jokes during sex than it is to talk about serious, life-changing shit and philosophy, and comedy has artistic merit, so a pornographic comedy or a comedic porn can have artistic merit, too.

    Art is, for a large part, about the artist trying to get something across or to elicit a response in the observer, emotional or physical or whatever. It's not a super exact definition, but it's art, so an exact definition is impossible. But to arbitrarily dictate what kinds of intended responses have merit and which don't is prudish snobbery and a clear sign that you haven't really thought this through very well.

    It's perfectly all right if you dislike pornography, or if you find pornography too distracting for whatever reason to be able to focus any other possible aspects of a thing (this isn't intended to be a joke or anything, I don't mean to imply tat you're too busy tugging it to pay attention). All of that's fine. But to say that it's impossible for pornography of any kind to have any greater artistic merit simply by virtue of it being pornography? That's a really stupid thing to say because it's imposing arbitrary limits on what art is, which is impossible, because it's subjective.


    Sex is gross!!!

    this has absolutely nothing to do with anything that I said, but please, continue being an ass.

    To be fair you haven't actually given us anything to work with beyond "porn can't be art because I arbitrarily decided this"

    I didn't go further because I'm not going to get into a huge long winded argument, and listen to you rail for pages against my obvious stupidity and lack of artistic knowledge. Someone mentioned porn comics and whether they could do something more beneficial. I opined that I, specifically me, believe that things that are either completely gratuitously violent or pornographic don't have much artistic or literary merit.

  • Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood My baby's in there someplace She crawled right inRegistered User regular

  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    I love this thread

  • the Professorthe Professor PONY ROMNEY DOES NOT CARE PONY ROMNEY WILL CUT YOUR FUNDINGRegistered User regular
    I love this thread

    i love you bahamutZERO

  • crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    i respectfully disagree with langly's views

  • BosskingBossking Commander President Kingdom of CastlefortRegistered User regular
    edited February 2012
    I could have sworn I'd seen a porn comic by you guys, something about a lesbian russian mafia lady and a turkish bathhouse?

    That's the one!

    Also, you can keep your Oglaf and your Chester. The pinnacle of art, erotica, and humor was reached long, long ago.

    And to this, we give praise to Sexy Losers.

    Bossking on
  • crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    i respectfully want to smooch his handsome face

This discussion has been closed.