It is clear from his expression and steepled fingers in the last panel that Tycho is already calculating the most unspeakable omissions from Kurtz's proscription list.
So is PVP still popular?
I havn't been on there for a while but I couldn't see any video game related strips for a long time.
On a lighter note, like PVP I would love to see a Penny Arcade animated series but maybe in the form of small shorts with Kid Beyond reprising his role as Tycho.
I have to admit - I love PA but normally only get a smile or smirk or chortle. Panel 3 made me bust out laughing. And NOT in a bullshit internet sense.
I appreciate how the shape of Scott's head has evolved over time.
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
Sabremau, PA historian.
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
I must say that Gabe really, really sold it with Tycho's expression in panel three.
Sold. It.
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
Regarding the newpost, where Tycho states that his next PC will be Windows, in order to play Windows games:
Is this really still a problem with Macs? I don't have one myself, but I figured that either Crossloop, Parallels/VMWare, or Boot Camp (or some combination thereof) would let you play the vast majority of Windows-only games on an Intel Mac. I know Windows PCs may be the better choice for gamers trying to get the maximum in graphics performance and such, but for esoteric indie games, most Macs should be able to handle them.
Anyone have a Mac? What's your preferred method of playing Windows only games?
admanbunionize your workplaceSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
Reading the news post I agree that it's odd. Boot Camp is still easy to setup and will run the kinds of indie games he's talking about flawlessly. If his issues were with high-spec games there are definitely problems in the design of Mac hardware that makes it hard to justify as a gaming platform.
Regarding the newpost, where Tycho states that his next PC will be Windows, in order to play Windows games:
Is this really still a problem with Macs? I don't have one myself, but I figured that either Crossloop, Parallels/VMWare, or Boot Camp (or some combination thereof) would let you play the vast majority of Windows-only games on an Intel Mac. I know Windows PCs may be the better choice for gamers trying to get the maximum in graphics performance and such, but for esoteric indie games, most Macs should be able to handle them.
Anyone have a Mac? What's your preferred method of playing Windows only games?
Sometimes those games are poorly written, and wouldn't run well in a virtual environment. Or perhaps those VM environments are not great at taking advantage of the graphics cards (I know they used to be terrible at it, but perhaps newer versions are better?). Or it may just be too much of a hassle for him to mess with all of that, and he just wants simplicity of running those games without having to reboot into Windows or run it in a VM, so he just goes for a Windows PC.
Why does Scott change so much between these two comics? They're literally next to each other chronologically.
They're not very different at all. Just crazy lighting, and that wild grump-face in the second panel 2.
I agree that this comic works very well with our familiarity with Mr. Kurtz through PATV. I think it's especially effective because in the show he plays up those deadpan gags almost constantly, but in this comic he seems all-joking-aside-stressed about what kinds of things Tycho's going have sexing in his comic while he's away.
Aurich on
faitsa panda eating cakeseattleRegistered Userregular
mike never draws a "real person" the same way twice
I havn't been on there for a while but I couldn't see any video game related strips for a long time.
On a lighter note, like PVP I would love to see a Penny Arcade animated series but maybe in the form of small shorts with Kid Beyond reprising his role as Tycho.
It appears fairly regularly in the webcomic thread, more so after Scott moved in to make Blams and ScottAndKrisKrisAndScotts.
May 12, 2010
May 14, 2010
September 29, 2010
No need
Sold. It.
Butt it's been crossed off the list. :winky:
Good stuff
Next thing you know he'll be saying no antisemitism or rape jokes!
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
EDIT: Also Kurtz really fucking loves the "Tycho enjoys having sex with animals" angle.
Scott and Kris are going to Australia for a week in March. According to the strip (and Twitter) G&T are going to do guest strips for PvP that week.
To be fair, so does Tycho.
Except the pedophilia. That shit's just not cool.
Is this really still a problem with Macs? I don't have one myself, but I figured that either Crossloop, Parallels/VMWare, or Boot Camp (or some combination thereof) would let you play the vast majority of Windows-only games on an Intel Mac. I know Windows PCs may be the better choice for gamers trying to get the maximum in graphics performance and such, but for esoteric indie games, most Macs should be able to handle them.
Anyone have a Mac? What's your preferred method of playing Windows only games?
Sometimes those games are poorly written, and wouldn't run well in a virtual environment. Or perhaps those VM environments are not great at taking advantage of the graphics cards (I know they used to be terrible at it, but perhaps newer versions are better?). Or it may just be too much of a hassle for him to mess with all of that, and he just wants simplicity of running those games without having to reboot into Windows or run it in a VM, so he just goes for a Windows PC.
I spit out my drink for the first time ever reading something on the internet. Absolutely hilarious.
They're not very different at all. Just crazy lighting, and that wild grump-face in the second panel 2.
I agree that this comic works very well with our familiarity with Mr. Kurtz through PATV. I think it's especially effective because in the show he plays up those deadpan gags almost constantly, but in this comic he seems all-joking-aside-stressed about what kinds of things Tycho's going have sexing in his comic while he's away.