I'm worried it might be a tumor.
It is very small, and I have only just noticed it. Afaik tumors grow, and dont suddenly appear overnight. It is maybe less than 1cm in diameter, feels slightly irregular shaped, but is definetly a solid mass, not an accumulation of fluids or something. Very hard and doesnt compress.
Now, here is the thing. First thing I would do, and anyone else is scream 'go to a doctor' which was my first thought too. Problem is, I will be out of the country for 2 weeks starting tomorrow, and thus willl probably not be able to see one until then.
The lump has been there for at least 2 weeks that I know of, over that time I guess it might have gotten smaller, it certainly has not grown. It is right on the surface of the skin, so that the blood to the surface is restricted a little. Looks like when you press hard on your skin for a sec and it goes white. It really is very small and I dont want to be scaremongering when it could be anything, from an insect bite to an infection or anything.
I will be able to go to the doctors tomorrow if I book an emergency appointment, otherwise I will have to wait 2 weeks. In that time it could disappear, or grow or anything I dont know. It is really worrying me but I dont want to have to pay a load of fees if it turns out to be something that is not an emergency (they charge for that kind of thing).
So really, just a quick heads up, should I be worried. Anyone have a guess as to what it could be. It feels like a very tiny ball bearing is lodged right under the surface of my skin. It is hard and hurts a little if I squeeze it (it is so near the surface I can grip it between 2 fingers easily and roll it around to feel it).
I mean, what Im asking isnt 'should I ignore it or not'.
Im going to go to a doctors eventually right away once Im back in 2 weeks even if it is there or not. What Im asking is do you think it is serious, what could it possibly be.
Should I book an emergency appointment to get it checked. As I said, Ive known about its existence for 2 weeks but it could have been there longer (it is not in a place I usually check on my lower abdomen just near my hip) but I dont think it was. When I found it I was totally surprised and didnt know it was there before, quite by chance. Its size perhaps suggests it is new though I have no idea.
The longer you wait the worse your chance is to survive (if it is cancerous). My brother waited on his for like a month, well that month lowered his chances of surviving to less than a 50/50 chance.
I'd say that it can wait two weeks -- but you should get it checked out at some point (soon), and if it's going to ruin your trip you should get it checked out before you leave. Keep in mind that any tests are likely to take a little while to get back to you, so even if you go in tomorrow you're not likely to really know anything before you get back. By which I mean that you're likely to be thinking about it the whole time anyway.
I think I am overthinking this. It could really be anything or nothing, but the C word is pretty scary even though it shouldnt be, especially at my age where even if it is a tumor, chances of it being malignant are pretty low.
Regardless, for my peace of mind Ill get in tomorrow. I mean even if the tests take a week to get back to me, just having the doctor give his guess on it will probably be better than going away not knowing.
Agreed. I have a couple of subaceous cysts that freaked me out when they showed up. My doctor said not to worry about them, but I think I'm going to have them removed, because I don't like having them on me.
Here. So not in my groin, basically further up on the join between my abdomen and my upper leg.
You could call it lower right stomach I suppose.
The worrying thing is I used that diagram from a child abuse website. It was the first one I googled by random. Im not that young so dont fret. Just a quick and dirty way to explain where it was.
My brother was 20 when he was diagnosed with cancer. Albeit was Testicular cancer which is most prominent in 18-35 year olds
That said, it's probably nothing. Tumors themselves are not painful. Sounds to me like an infected hair folicle, honestly. It could be a cyst, it could be a calcified bit of any manner of tissue, but cancer it almost certainly is not. Relax, go to the doctor.
This is exactly what I am going to do.
Thanks for your advice guys. H&A is really pulling its weight last week or so.