So the interbutts is a great thing I guess. It seems my neck of the woods only just joined Facebook and is on a god damned nostalgia trip.
Today a girl sent me a message saying she was sorry for all the shit she pulled back in primary school. Said she had no excuse for it, wondered why she ever felt the need to bully. The whole thing.
Thing is, I have no clue who she is. There's dozens of bullies I do remember, but this young lady? Not a clue. I sent her a polite short message back about how it was no biggie, because I think I would remember her if she was a gigantic cockhead.
Made me consider my bigger bullies, I don't think I would ever believe them if they said they were sorry. Fuck those assholes.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
in her lady parts
You could also educate her on the fact that it's probably because her home life as a kid wasn't pleasant and people who are predisposed to bully usually have aggressive or abusive relationships with their parents, imprint on that and consider it a social norm.
of course, being a fatty, i took my fair share of stick. most of the time i'd beat the holy living hell out of the kid fucking with me, usually after being smarter than they were and using my words to rile them up, get them to hit me first. then i'd have recourse to "defend myself" and break their fucking heads open.
O I was always on the receiving end of bullying, so there isn't much to feel guilty about in that respect. :U
the women i respect the most are the ones who let me touch their lady baskets
well played.
Commission me at
Yeah seriously. Whenever someone pipes that up it just tells me that they've never seen a child before in their life. Punishing the group for the actions of an individual means that 100% of the time that individual will keep doing that bullshit just to screw the group over.
he was an asshole and his father was a cop
two things that are probably related
it was at soccer practice, when i arrived he and his little brother were picking on the one kid i liked on the team
the kid got knocked down so i walked over between them and helped him up
the bully threatened to fight me and called me a fag etc
except i was a foot taller and a bit less skinny so i just told him to come over and start it
he continued to try to insult me but by this point the whole team was laughing at him and his bitch brother
so he went away and pouted, and when we actually practiced and had to some exercises involving contact he tried to be all hyper aggresive and hurt me. but i just put his punk ass in the dirt
i'm pretty sure that was the first and possibly only time someone stood up to that piece of shit
and that's the one social interaction i ever had
In 8th grade not only was I back with my friends, but there was now someone in the class I felt was lower on the social ladder than me; I took advantage of this for about two weeks until a teacher yelled at me and I realized I was being a colossal piece of shit. I have no idea now what his name was or any way to contact him but I deeply regret that entire series of events to this day.
Later that year I got his spot on the school trip when he threatened to shoot up the school in response to some other people bullying him. This did not do much to assuage my feelings of guilt.
I felt real bad about it but we sat near each other everyday in high school and we were cool with each other and I apologized and he completely forgot about it.
Coran Attack!
Thing is, I don't remember a thing. Now I'm paranoid and wondering if I've got some blocked traumatic memories or some shit.
Oh, and the ginger kids in the school, including me, were all friends and hung out in a group together, and looking back I'm not sure that was a coincidence. The one thing I do remember was that the special ed kids hung around us because we were the only group in the school who were nice to them.
I went to the principal and they called in the kids, and it was basically my lone word against all three of the other kids' words, so you can guess how well that went. Nothing happened and I went on with life. Getting bullied sucked.
In another instance, we had these things called Alphasmarts at my school when I was in 6th grade, where it was basically a little keyboard with a 3 line display that you could type on and save your work. We used them for freewriting when the computer lab was booked up.
One day my friend Cal was being bullied for his walking style (he'd been in an accident several years before and had all sorts of pins and stuff in his hips and legs). I'm still not sure why I did this, but I wrote a letter to the bully on the Alphasmart about how he was going to die and stuff, saved it in slot 9, and forgot about it until the next day, when another class had the Alphasmarts and someone decided to print the document in slot 9.
This was 2 years before Columbine, but I got a half-day of Saturday School. The principal said she understood why I did it and was sorry but she had to give it to me. That was fine. The bully got 3 weeks of Saturday School.
I liked that principal. I was lucky I got her, cause about 2 weeks beforehand the AWFUL principal went on leave. If I'd gotten her, I'd have had the 3 weeks.
people who have it on saturday, thats who
you have it after school, its detention
cause you're being detained
And it has been this way for decades and part of me thinks it'll persist for a couple more before the system learns to think about things.
Coran Attack!
Also, as far as I'm concerned, middle school did not exist for me. I do say this somewhat tongue in cheek, but it's because of middle school that I built up walls around myself that took many years to break down.
Like separating children by the year they were born.
Or having one teacher instruct 30 students at a time, usually for several hours a day in early eduction.
Or even having children in a classroom / school building for the majority of their learning time, rather than in the community.
I'm not sure if there are justifications for the current system, outside of "well that's how it was set up originally, so it's too much work to change it now", or if this style of education actually has demonstrable advantages versus other forms of eduction.
In high school, I don't think he had any real problems. He wasn't exactly popular but he wasn't tormented anymore. He was a nice guy, really and stuck up for me once when some kids were giving me the business.
I was Googling him a few years ago and saw him on a sex offenders database. Seems he was convicted when he was about 23 for having sex with a 12-16 year old. It's a shame and I'm sure it's because he was tormented so badly in school. He'll never be able to get a decent job and he'll be living in that ghetto the rest of his life.
That said, most of the people who gave him crap also have shit jobs and still live in that ghetto. So there's enough misery to go around.
He was on there for something like Aggravated Sodomy with a Minor.
I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
He also has a memorial tattoo of another classmate of mine who died like 10 years ago. She was 22. I didn't know and it's not clear what happened. There's quite a list of my dead former classmates, though.
And there's some other tatted-up junkie former classmate who I regularly check in on. She gets married every so often. Works at a truck stop. Graveyard shift, of course. Cranked out a few kids by various absent fathers.
I wish I hated these people. It would be awesome if they bullied me so that now I can revel in the horrible lives that they have to live. But they were actually alright. That just makes it sad and depressing.