A year and a half ago I had to buy a new mouse, because the Logitech model I had bought was having an issue where my single clicks were counting as multiple clicks. Like, rapidly, and clicking and holding was just doing the same thing. Swapping it out with another mouse I found out right away that it was hardware side, or I assumed.
At any rate, this mouse I have now is starting to have the same issue (only, worse). Last time, it would come ago. The past month, I've seen it happen once in a while, and now it's happening again. And it's annoying as shit and making some tasks (Photoshop) outright impossible.
So H/A, I'm here to ask, is this some sort of issue that can be fixed, or is it just the failure point for modern manufactured mouses? This is two computer mouses I've gone through in recent years, which I consider ridiculous - especially since the last one before the Logitech was a MS Intellimouse I bought sometime in, oh, 2000, and it lasted forever before it crapped out on me.
Is there anything you can do to prevent this sorta thing, or put off it happening?
I mean, there's not much to lose by trying. I recommend a wired 5xx series if you do end out replacing it.
This is actually a great idea. I have heard stories of logitech being awesome with replacements and fixes if it's an especially nice mouse it may save you the cost of a new mouse, if not end out being just the cost of shipping.