This is in addition to our existing plan to continue providing new Mass Effect content and new full games, so rest assured that your journey in the Mass Effect universe can, and will, continue.
New DLC I can understand, but new games?
Regardless of the ending chosen, Galactic civilization as we knew it for the last three games is over. What can the new game be about?
Discussing it with a friend, we decided that the Quarian and Turian fleets around Earth would have to team up (since the Lifeships are the only ships set up to grow appropriate foods, and the Quarians are at least used to living in ships), which sounds like a decent TV show pitch. A rag-tag fleet traveling the galaxy in search of a shining planet known as... Rannoch.
well the idea of an MMO had been thrown around a few years back shortly after me2's release.
Aside from that ..
Thing is, with all that reaper/relay debris lying around I would guess that the civilisations will build their own gates and take it from there.
Earth as the new seat of galactic power. Due to vast depopulation by reapers galaxy largely unpoliced outside of major trade hubs.
economic prosperity and opportunity going hand in hand with large lawless frontiers.
There's loads you could do with that.
Except, everybody is dead. Civilization has collapsed. I am honestly not sure that BW fully grasps this, but that's the set up they've given us at the end of the game. Galactic civilization is in ruins to begin with, and now all trade has been terminated. Everyone the reapers didn't get is starving, and those who are left are going to be at the loincloths and pointed sticks level. Three gets you five that when they decide they want to return to the universe, they'll paper over this, but that's what it comes to; that's the place they left the story.
that's what you're getting from the ending. I disagree.
The only thing the reapers broke were the relays. everything else is still standing. colonies, offworld industry, starship fabricators are all still up and running. there's no infrastructure on the ground, sure, but they can live out of the ships until they get stuff rebuilt. Honestly with geth and rachnii around I don't see what the fuss is about.
Granted, people living on colonies or mining facilities that required regular shipments of food are boned.
I'm not saying it's candy and roses but I really don't see this super grimdark emo-oh-my-god-tickle-me-elmo-is-crying outcome several of you guys keep bringing up.
Now if I can just convince Stephen King to fix the Dark Tower series...
This for sure. Stephen King: "Oh, you want an thrilling conclusion to the series I started 22 years ago? How about No." Man that burned me when I finished the last book. Worst Poop-Cake ever.
Now if I can just convince Stephen King to fix the Dark Tower series...
This for sure. Stephen King: "Oh, you want an thrilling conclusion to the series I started 22 years ago? How about No." Man that burned me when I finished the last book. Worst Poop-Cake ever.
You guys are crazy. That ending had a zillion times more closure than this one.
Also I'm one of the ones that thought that ending was great.
Also, I cannot tell you how happy I am that my Poop-Cake thing has caught on.
Jack and Morinth are the clear winners for "something bad happens to them."
Garrus - no event if dead
Grunt - dies in ME3 if not loyal, replaced if dead
Jack - becomes a Phantom if you skip Grissom Academy, replaced if dead
Jacob - no event if dead
Kasumi - no event if dead, minor differences if not loyal
Legion - replaced if dead, appears as an enemy in Cerberus Base if sold to TIM
Miranda - no idea if she's dead. dies if not loyal / did not give assets.
Mordin - multiple ways to resolve Tuchanka means he's probably worth keeping around
Morinth - Banshee on Earth
Samara - can let her commit suicide, then kill her daughter
Tali - replaced if dead, will commit suicide if the Quarian fleet is destroyed
Thane - replaced if dead (and if his replacement is dead too, the attempted assassination is successful)
Zaeed - no event if dead
I can't imagine ME without Garrus. I'll probably keep Jack and Morinth for the "yikes" factor. I don't think I could shoot Mordin in the back, but I think I'll keep him by destroying the cure and killing Wrex. ...very tempted to let Tali live just so I can see the suicide bit, that sounds incredibly sad.
wait wait wait wait wait
Jack can become a phantom and Morinth becomes a Banshee!? Whaaaa? Do we see this in some cutscene? I need to youtube that shit when I get home. Also, yes, Tali suicide is sad. Killing Legion on Rannoch is also sad. Checked 'em both on Youtube the other night.
Yup. They're both enemies you have to fight. The YouTube of Jack's end is horribly tragic.
I didn't even realize
That I was fighting 'Jack'. I found the recording of her being tortured, went into the next room, heard a Phantom talk smack as I punched her head in and then a squad mate goes "That was Jack?!". And I was like "Oh. Whoops." but Shepard was "Not anymore....". So it was all ok!
KlykaDO you have anySPARE BATTERIES?Registered Userregular
Now if I can just convince Stephen King to fix the Dark Tower series...
This for sure. Stephen King: "Oh, you want an thrilling conclusion to the series I started 22 years ago? How about No." Man that burned me when I finished the last book. Worst Poop-Cake ever.
"The Reaper in metal fled through the stars and the Shepard followed."
Now if I can just convince Stephen King to fix the Dark Tower series...
This for sure. Stephen King: "Oh, you want an thrilling conclusion to the series I started 22 years ago? How about No." Man that burned me when I finished the last book. Worst Poop-Cake ever.
"The Reaper in metal fled through the stars and the Shepard followed."
Now if I can just convince Stephen King to fix the Dark Tower series...
This for sure. Stephen King: "Oh, you want an thrilling conclusion to the series I started 22 years ago? How about No." Man that burned me when I finished the last book. Worst Poop-Cake ever.
You guys are crazy. That ending had a zillion times more closure than this one.
Also I'm one of the ones that thought that ending was great.
Also, I cannot tell you how happy I am that my Poop-Cake thing has caught on.
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
Now if I can just convince Stephen King to fix the Dark Tower series...
This for sure. Stephen King: "Oh, you want an thrilling conclusion to the series I started 22 years ago? How about No." Man that burned me when I finished the last book. Worst Poop-Cake ever.
You guys are crazy. That ending had a zillion times more closure than this one.
Also I'm one of the ones that thought that ending was great.
Also, I cannot tell you how happy I am that my Poop-Cake thing has caught on.
We talking about Dark Tower? Yeah, besides the main character, the extended cast at least got some closure.
Jack and Morinth are the clear winners for "something bad happens to them."
Garrus - no event if dead
Grunt - dies in ME3 if not loyal, replaced if dead
Jack - becomes a Phantom if you skip Grissom Academy, replaced if dead
Jacob - no event if dead
Kasumi - no event if dead, minor differences if not loyal
Legion - replaced if dead, appears as an enemy in Cerberus Base if sold to TIM
Miranda - no idea if she's dead. dies if not loyal / did not give assets.
Mordin - multiple ways to resolve Tuchanka means he's probably worth keeping around
Morinth - Banshee on Earth
Samara - can let her commit suicide, then kill her daughter
Tali - replaced if dead, will commit suicide if the Quarian fleet is destroyed
Thane - replaced if dead (and if his replacement is dead too, the attempted assassination is successful)
Zaeed - no event if dead
I can't imagine ME without Garrus. I'll probably keep Jack and Morinth for the "yikes" factor. I don't think I could shoot Mordin in the back, but I think I'll keep him by destroying the cure and killing Wrex. ...very tempted to let Tali live just so I can see the suicide bit, that sounds incredibly sad.
wait wait wait wait wait
Jack can become a phantom and Morinth becomes a Banshee!? Whaaaa? Do we see this in some cutscene? I need to youtube that shit when I get home. Also, yes, Tali suicide is sad. Killing Legion on Rannoch is also sad. Checked 'em both on Youtube the other night.
Yup. They're both enemies you have to fight. The YouTube of Jack's end is horribly tragic.
If you get to Jack in time, though, it's awesome.
I wasn't a fan of Jack in ME2 but I loved her part in ME3. Would have loved to see more of her.
Honestly, Bioware easily made the right decision here.
At the end of the day, choosing between critics and fans is a no-brainer. As evidenced by the overwhelming majority of critics who stood by the ending and criticized anyone who expressed disappointment as "entitled" while completely misrepresenting their arguments, they'll eat up whatever Bioware puts out there next anyways, because Bioware as a rule makes good games.
Meanwhile, if you side with the critics and piss off the fan, you lose hundreds of thousands, or potentially millions of dollars in profit while creating a highly extensive, in-depth network of individuals who would like nothing more than to see you brought to ruin for your perceived transgressions against their favorite series.
I don't understand this whole 'entitlement' thing.
Since when is criticizing a product a bad thing?
Since when is demanding better of a product a bad thing?
If words don't get the results consumers demand of their products, then speaking with their wallets will.
That's how responsible consumers should behave.
One of the speculated scrapped endings for ME3 had this.
After Shepard had killed ILM and Anderson had died, Harbinger would assume control of the corpse of ILM in a horrible manner and you'd have a conversation with him instead of the starchild 8-)
This is why ILM had all that technology inserted into his body, so the Reapers could failsafe him if they had to
This. So much this! The scene then comes full circle on everyone's favorite Turian Spector.
DragkoniasThat Guy Who Does StuffYou Know, There. Registered Userregular
My Salarian Infiltrator carries only the Widow I which leaves him with just +11%, and does pretty well despite the 5 second cooldown on Energy Drain and 6 seconds on Cloak. I'm going to try out the Mantis X and see if that makes him more effective (wish I got the Valiant instead of the Crusader, ah well).
That is exactly the loadout I now use, and the Mantis X does not shoot through schools, shields, walls, other enemies, and planets. Stick with the Widow.
Lets hope they're not talking about a post-end comic
If their DLC is post-game content that smooths over the endings warts, I can live with that.
(I bet they contradict the ending a little)
Seriously, I don't have a problem with bad endings. So unaltered endings with more answers/explanations to the question is a pretty good "fix". Though one thing I wish for is seeing what happens to everything you've accomplished. Bad ending or not, if curing the genophage, making peace between the quarians and geth and many, many more things I achieved end up not mattering, that's just a kick in the nuts.
Bioware has begun their very own Kobyashi Maru simulation.
I am very amused at this. Continue please!
Mainly I'm just picturing Ray's chair exploding underneath him as reactions pour in ala Spock's in Wrath of Khan.
Poor guys, you know there has to be a few folks in development who just want to shout I told you that ending was a bad idea at someone.
Ha! I have this image of some random animation guy who
just got done with the exploding relay animation, and the writer sees it, approves, and then says "OK, now we need you to do two more with a red and then a green explosion."
Shut up, Mr. Burton! You were not brought upon this world to get it!
Ben Kuchera is certainly not the only dude who writes about video games who has come off as snide during this whole thing
See also: N, IG
the problem with ben kuchera's response is that he's arguing in bad faith when pretending to be the impartial arbiter of Good Videogame Writing, when it's clear to anyone with half of a brain that he doesn't know what he's talking about and doesn't know good storywriting from abel
Especially since video game storytelling is kind of my wheelhouse, it's insulting to hear from a guy whose favorite videogame stories are FF7 and Alan Wake, two of the most generic, lowest common denominator "good videogame stories" in existence (especially when the second is literally Twin Peaks: The Videogame), how much more knowledgeable about good videogame writing he is and how you're all so dumb for hating it, you sad ending haters
You know. Or a moron.
It was badass and all but crashing a shuttle into a reaper...probably didn't hurt the reaper.
"Funny, I was about to say the same thing."
The only thing the reapers broke were the relays. everything else is still standing. colonies, offworld industry, starship fabricators are all still up and running. there's no infrastructure on the ground, sure, but they can live out of the ships until they get stuff rebuilt. Honestly with geth and rachnii around I don't see what the fuss is about.
Granted, people living on colonies or mining facilities that required regular shipments of food are boned.
I'm not saying it's candy and roses but I really don't see this super grimdark emo-oh-my-god-tickle-me-elmo-is-crying outcome several of you guys keep bringing up.
This for sure. Stephen King: "Oh, you want an thrilling conclusion to the series I started 22 years ago? How about No." Man that burned me when I finished the last book. Worst Poop-Cake ever.
So that's what happened to her... although, to be fair pretty much every supporting character gets something of a bum deal this game.
Well I posted a ton of terrible fan art a few pages ago and would post more, but I'm on strike until Orca uploads it.
Though we can always talk about
Tali's sweat.
On my sleeve, let the runway start
Oh no. I'm sure people are going to bitch about the next ending too.
Which is going to be hilarious, especially if it turns out how I think it will turn out.
You guys are crazy. That ending had a zillion times more closure than this one.
Also I'm one of the ones that thought that ending was great.
Also, I cannot tell you how happy I am that my Poop-Cake thing has caught on.
nah now we have to endlessly speculate what they are going to change
and then everyone can build up their hopes for the ending they want then be disappointed all over again
Fine. FINE. I'll go upload it.
The things I do for fun.
I didn't even realize
"The Reaper in metal fled through the stars and the Shepard followed."
I actually liked the way the Dark Tower ended.
Things they're probably going to address...
"Mass Effect 4: Is It a Chick or a Dude Edition"?
I was like: "I wish my femshep had hair that good!"
And then: "Why is she wearing the wrong chest plate?"
On my sleeve, let the runway start
Blade Runner was that weird game where the protagonist turned out to be a robot pedophile, right?
I'm pretty sure that was how the Lets Play went.
Must be soldierShep.
No need for eezo storage.
I wasn't a fan of Jack in ME2 but I loved her part in ME3. Would have loved to see more of her.
At the end of the day, choosing between critics and fans is a no-brainer. As evidenced by the overwhelming majority of critics who stood by the ending and criticized anyone who expressed disappointment as "entitled" while completely misrepresenting their arguments, they'll eat up whatever Bioware puts out there next anyways, because Bioware as a rule makes good games.
Meanwhile, if you side with the critics and piss off the fan, you lose hundreds of thousands, or potentially millions of dollars in profit while creating a highly extensive, in-depth network of individuals who would like nothing more than to see you brought to ruin for your perceived transgressions against their favorite series.
Since when is criticizing a product a bad thing?
Since when is demanding better of a product a bad thing?
If words don't get the results consumers demand of their products, then speaking with their wallets will.
That's how responsible consumers should behave.
Why is this a bad thing?
This. So much this! The scene then comes full circle on everyone's favorite Turian Spector.
That is exactly the loadout I now use, and the Mantis X does not shoot through schools, shields, walls, other enemies, and planets. Stick with the Widow.
Steam ID: 76561198021298113
Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird
Ha! I have this image of some random animation guy who
Well said.