Hi everyone,
This is my first post here as I'm new so I hope I'm not doing anything wrong (like posting in the wrong forum section or forgetting a step like introducing myself), please be indulgent if that's the case and just tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it.
Anyway, I've been looking for this movie and trying to find ways to find it by myself for a long time with no success. Hence this post.
I saw it something like 10 years ago - that's either in 2002 or in 2003 - on french TV.
I just remember parts of it as I didn't see it from its very begining and as it was in english and at that time I didn't get it so well.
The movie
It seemed like an old movie (probably 80's or older).
It was very weird and original, kind of parody.
It takes place in the castle age.
Part 1 :
I remember like two (I think) companions arriving in a castle. The doors opens so they enter. on the side of the street inside the castle, there's this hobbo begging for money with one of his foot cut and put on the floor, near him.
Part 2 :
Still takes place inside the castle, at night. I remember one of the companion getting kidnapped by members of a sect (which I think - but not sure - are dressed like KKK members with white masks or something).
I think they put a bag on his face.
Then they arrive at their destination. It's still inside the castle, close to a wall. They have a catapult in which they put their kidnapped victim.
The Guru of the sect starts making a speech about how they are going to sacrifice the kidnapped man and how amazing his death will look among the shining stars (and blah blah blah).
His speech is so amazing that a member of the sect starts to say "I WANT TO BE THE SACRIFICE, I WANT SO SHINE AMONG THE STARS TOO" (or something similar), then he kicks the kidnapped man out of the catapult, sets himself on fire, and fires the shot.
The guru of the sect watch the fireball man through the the sky of stars and goes "Nice shot...".
Part 3 :
Still takes place inside the castle, on the day. A duel with lance is going on between two knights. I think it is kind of bloody (like one knight loses his arm or something).
Meanwhile, one of the two companions is with a woman, having sex. After his adventure, as he is having a chat with her, someone knocks at the door.
She tells him to hide under the bed, because it is her husband that came back, and indeed.
Her husband does not notice him under the bed but is in a rush to make love to his woman, which he does.
The bed base is very flexible, so as he makes love to her, the guy under the bed dies and you can see his blood on the floor.
Well that's it.
Hope someone can tell me the film's title, because I would love to see it again.
Thanking you in advance.
Not sure which film you're talking about though, and some Googling didn't help. Good luck though.
Dude, that's this one. some memories were confused obviously (they are not wearing kkk clothes) but that's the one. You got all my gratitude.
How did you find it on google ? What key words did you use ? I've been trying to find it.
This one could only be from the writer of monty pyton's...
thank you all ! you did in one day what I could not in years
A search something along the lines of this (pro tip: quoted strings are infinitely more useful than individual words 95% of the time):
"hides under the bed" killed sex movie
Got me this result which caught my eye. Then I simply went back and searched for the catapult scene with that movie title, and figured I'd found it when I came across that youtube video.
your google skill definitely worth some penny. You'd kick ass searching for APIs if you ever make softwares.
Anyhow I found a direct link to download it, gonna watch it now.
Thank you so much, again