Uh, you're quoting the March 6th update that increased those pistol weights.
The new update isn't up yet.
E: And now it is!
April 3, 2012
Tech Armor Power
- Base cooldown decreased from 8 to 6 seconds
- Base encumbrance penalty decreased from 80% to 60%
- Base detonation force increased from 750 to 1000
Fortification Power
- Base encumbrance penalty decreased from 60% to 50%
Frag Grenade Power
- Increased base damage from 600 to 650
- Evolution 5 armor damage bonus increased from 50% to 65%
- Evolution 6 shield damage bonus increased from 50% to 65%
Concussive Shot Power
- Increased base damage from 100 to 150
Tech Burst Power Combo
- Damage increased from [75-200] to [100-250]
Fire Explosion Power Combo
- Damage increased from [100-250] to [150-375]
- Damage-over-time duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
Drell Vanguard
- Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 45% to 60%
Human Male/Female Soldier (including Battlefield 3 kit)
- Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 30% to 45%
Turian Soldier
- Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 40% to 55%
Reset Powers Card
- Will no longer drop for you if you have 3 or more of them already
I get the feeling that the fact that the flashlight sections in ME3 didn't have any fights may have been due to engine constraints. Having enemies attacking and bullets and powers flying combined with the requirements on the graphics engine to produce the lighting effects may have bogged down performance too much to give us any fights down there. This is all just a guess, though, and it's still a shame that flashlight encounters didn't happen.
Dude... the Monastery.
That would've been some Dead Space level pants-bricking right there.
Funny, that's exactly what I said during that level.
"They... they put Dead Space in my Mass Effect? O.O"
To be fair, the lighting in that section is way worse than in most of either DS game, and if you think getting stuck on chest high walls was annoying during regular gameplay, imagine trying to navigate when you could only see a third of in front of you. I hope you weren't expecting a dodge roll to save you from much.
Now I'm imagining an edit from that moment in The Matrix, with a Banshee from of screen grabbing Shepard. "Dodge this." *FIST THROUGH THE CHEST*
It would've been terrifying, but I'm not sure it would've been anything but frustrating with the gameplay as it is.
Also, MP related: Operation: Forar Sets Up A Mass Effect Soundtrack On Itunes this past weekend was a resounding success. Granted, I only had like 10-15 tracks in there, so it was maybe an hour of music, but extractions set to Suicide Mission never got old. Especially the time that it synched up perfectly to conclude with the finale of the map, and then Leaving Earth kicked in as the scores were being tallied.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
April 3, 2012
Tech Armor Power
- Base cooldown decreased from 8 to 6 seconds
- Base encumbrance penalty decreased from 80% to 60%
- Base detonation force increased from 750 to 1000
Fortification Power
- Base encumbrance penalty decreased from 60% to 50%
Frag Grenade Power
- Increased base damage from 600 to 650
- Evolution 5 armor damage bonus increased from 50% to 65%
- Evolution 6 shield damage bonus increased from 50% to 65%
Concussive Shot Power
- Increased base damage from 100 to 150
Tech Burst Power Combo
- Damage increased from [75-200] to [100-250]
Fire Explosion Power Combo
- Damage increased from [100-250] to [150-375]
- Damage-over-time duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
Drell Vanguard
- Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 45% to 60%
Human Male/Female Soldier (including Battlefield 3 kit)
- Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 30% to 45%
Turian Soldier
- Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 40% to 55%
Reset Powers Card
- Will no longer drop for you if you have 3 or more of them already
Edit: thank god for that last one. I think I have 3 already, but it's nice to know that future Spectre Packs won't hold any.
Now I definitely won't ever use them.
Forar on
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
Tech Armor Power
- Base cooldown decreased from 8 to 6 seconds
- Base encumbrance penalty decreased from 80% to 60%
- Base detonation force increased from 750 to 1000
Fortification Power
- Base encumbrance penalty decreased from 60% to 50%
Frag Grenade Power
- Increased base damage from 600 to 650
- Evolution 5 armor damage bonus increased from 50% to 65%
- Evolution 6 shield damage bonus increased from 50% to 65%
Concussive Shot Power
- Increased base damage from 100 to 150
Tech Burst Power Combo
- Damage increased from [75-200] to [100-250]
Fire Explosion Power Combo
- Damage increased from [100-250] to [150-375]
- Damage-over-time duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
Drell Vanguard
- Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 45% to 60%
Human Male/Female Soldier (including Battlefield 3 kit)
- Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 30% to 45%
Turian Soldier
- Starting encumbrance capacity increased from 40% to 55%
Reset Powers Card
- Will no longer drop for you if you have 3 or more of them already
Hah, even more powerful Frag Grenades? Yes please!
Add me on Switch: 7795-5541-4699
BlackDragon480Bluster KerfuffleMaster of Windy ImportRegistered Userregular
Oooh, stronger tech burst and more powerful concussive shot and more encumberance.
Looks like my Turian Soldier will start seeing more Silver play now. Only question is, take the Rev for maximum dakka, or the Phaeston for precision dakka?
No matter where you go...there you are. ~ Buckaroo Banzai
Yeah, I might actually use TA 6 with the CDR. Going to go try it out now.
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
They should rename the packs so everyone isn't confused every week on this. The victory pack is the general objective one which is just hey some free stuff. The commendation pack for personal success has the N7 weapon, and will be delivered by tomorrow night.
No weapons, no classes, not even weapon mods? Just equipment?
Fuck you.
Eh, isn't the Victory Pack the "hey guys, thanks for everyone playing" thing? The Commendation Pack is where the sexiness is found.
Yeah, but still. I at least got a weapon and a weapon mod out of the last Victory pack.
I mean, med-packs and missile launchers are nice since I'm always low on those, but yeah..
Hopefully I don't get the fucking Crusader again in my Commendation pack.
Add me on Switch: 7795-5541-4699
Warlock82Never pet a burning dogRegistered Userregular
BlackDragon480Bluster KerfuffleMaster of Windy ImportRegistered Userregular
Nice, booted up to get my Victory Pack and noticed I was still sitting on nearly 150K credits from grinding my engie and soldier for promotion this weekend.
Picked up a Premier Spectre pack and low and behold, Black Widow! And a GPS upgrade as well
Time to get my Infiltrator on.
No matter where you go...there you are. ~ Buckaroo Banzai
CambiataCommander ShepardThe likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered Userregular
So my third time through the start of SP, and I really can't stand to sit through the opening any more. I'm alt tabbed out waiting for it to finish playing. Say what you will about the start of ME1 and ME2, at least I can still enjoy the start of those games and feel pumped up by them. More fine writing by Mac Walters. Sigh.
Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
On my sleeve, let the runway start
I wouldn't mind snagging one of the common or uncommon mods I still have below V in the Victory pack, but as I find I'm generally low enough on Medi-Gel, Missiles and Shield/Health recharges, I wouldn't mind 5 apiece of those in a free box.
Like, I don't even use them that often, but even just popping one or two of each now and then in heavy Silver play combined with almost strictly buying nothing but Spectres can lead to a dwindling supply pretty easily, especially when one of those 5 slots is too frequently taken up by buffs I don't use much outside of Gold, and Thermal Clips which are rarely necessary with how common ammo boxes are. Pretty much the only time I pop one is when I'm feeling lazy or when my team mates suck about getting to a hack and I find myself re-enacting a famous last stand on my own against hordes of foes.
Which, I'll admit, make me feel pretty badass when I pull it off. But I think I have 100 of those things and like 10-20 tops of the rest, maybe fewer.
I can't see them doing a 'premium recruit pack', so hopefully in the next few weeks they'll start revisiting the previous ones, because at this point I'd probably buy the shit out of the premium veteran one again. Like, I did so the first time around, and I'm still lacking a LOT of uncommon weapon and mod levels.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
Wow, 3 premium spectre packs in a row with krogan sent...which I already had everything unlocked for.
So annoyed.
The unlocks must be related to the way people play, like the game is trying to entice you into using other classes or something. Because the ratio of crappy to acceptable unlocks just seems statistically unlikely.
So I just unlocked the Carnifex but it seems pretty heavy, compared to something like the Avenger or one of the other pistols. Everyone suggested using it for my Salarian engy, but wouldn't it be best to just roll with something lighter if I'm just using powers?
ShimshaiFlush with Success!Isle of EmeraldRegistered Userregular
Having some weird behaviour in multi just now. Tried to join a game from the friends list but apparently we have different version. I guess the patch was causing some interference there.
Joined a silver game where the host was a N7 rank 1 vanguard, nobody else would stay in the lobby so I said lol, let's see how horribly this goes. Two people joined mid way through the first wave but the game was laggy as hell. During the fourth wave everyone else seemed to disconnect, so it was just me.
Kept on going and knocked out waves 4 and 5, but I lost connection to EA servers during 6. And it was going so well!
So I just unlocked the Carnifex but it seems pretty heavy, compared to something like the Avenger or one of the other pistols. Everyone suggested using it for my Salarian engy, but wouldn't it be best to just roll with something lighter if I'm just using powers?
All comes down to personal preference. I have my adepts and engies carry one because I have it upgraded to V and the CDR doesn't affect too much and I love being able to take down things on Silver in 2-3 well placed shots when I'm waiting for Energy Drain or Overload to come off cooldown.
But if you're relying on power spam, you may want to stick with an Avenger X or Predator, as you won't be able to keep things locked with Energy Drain/overload and a quick incinerate follow-up will do just as much, if not more damage.
No matter where you go...there you are. ~ Buckaroo Banzai
No wait, Turian Soldier with my Saber rifle! I saw so many freaking soldiers the last 2 days, I can only imagine whats going to happen over the weekend.
You know what would be awesome? If, like the respec cards, you couldn't get character cards for classes you had all of the appearance unlocks for AND were currently at level 20. So if you opened packs with sub-20's, you might still get a respectable boost of exp (which some people might even want), but if you get a full set of 20's with all unlocks done, you don't have to worry about wasted slots.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
So I just unlocked the Carnifex but it seems pretty heavy, compared to something like the Avenger or one of the other pistols. Everyone suggested using it for my Salarian engy, but wouldn't it be best to just roll with something lighter if I'm just using powers?
Everyone suggests it because it's basically a handheld sniper rifle, plus if you use ammo powers, it's an almost(if not 100%) guaranteed application of said power...which people use in golds for many more combo setups. Also, its nice to headshot some people and explode their faces during power cooldowns. I use it on all my caster types for just this reason.
Edit: I'm slightly miffed at them for upping the paladin's encumbrance higher than the carnifex. My special N7 variant that will be almost impossible for me to ever upgrade, and you gotta go and make it heavier than the carni... rude.
So I just unlocked the Carnifex but it seems pretty heavy, compared to something like the Avenger or one of the other pistols. Everyone suggested using it for my Salarian engy, but wouldn't it be best to just roll with something lighter if I'm just using powers?
Even with the Carnifex, your powers will still be on a relatively low cooldown so that you can spam them at your leisure. You will need the damage the Carnifex does on Silver and especially Gold, though.
E: Want to know what was in my Victory Pack?
5 Thermal Clip Packs (I now have 237)
5 Medi-Gel (42)
5 Cobra Missle Launchers (64)
5 Ops Survival Packs (26)
Cryo Rounds I
Pistol Rail Amp III
Fuck yooooooooooooooooooooou
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Those are old old changes. They've been that way for awhile. Actually Paladin is even heavier now.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
The new update isn't up yet.
E: And now it is!
No GPS or Valiant nerf, hooray!
Funny, that's exactly what I said during that level.
"They... they put Dead Space in my Mass Effect? O.O"
To be fair, the lighting in that section is way worse than in most of either DS game, and if you think getting stuck on chest high walls was annoying during regular gameplay, imagine trying to navigate when you could only see a third of in front of you. I hope you weren't expecting a dodge roll to save you from much.
Now I'm imagining an edit from that moment in The Matrix, with a Banshee from of screen grabbing Shepard. "Dodge this." *FIST THROUGH THE CHEST*
It would've been terrifying, but I'm not sure it would've been anything but frustrating with the gameplay as it is.
Also, MP related: Operation: Forar Sets Up A Mass Effect Soundtrack On Itunes this past weekend was a resounding success. Granted, I only had like 10-15 tracks in there, so it was maybe an hour of music, but extractions set to Suicide Mission never got old. Especially the time that it synched up perfectly to conclude with the finale of the map, and then Leaving Earth kicked in as the scores were being tallied.
Yes, this is a very nice pack. Better than the Vet one last week. It's 240 moon bucks ($3) too if anyone just wants to drop some cashes.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Edit: thank god for that last one. I think I have 3 already, but it's nice to know that future Spectre Packs won't hold any.
Now I definitely won't ever use them.
A lot of Soldier-buffing going on up ins.
Taramoor on Youtube
Looks like my Turian Soldier will start seeing more Silver play now. Only question is, take the Rev for maximum dakka, or the Phaeston for precision dakka?
~ Buckaroo Banzai
EDIT: My victory pack contained entirely consumables. not one single weapon/mod upgrade.
That. is. fucking. lame.
I thought the Victory pack was the "for sure" N7 weapon.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Edit: nvm question answered by other post
Oh god, I just realized where my free time over the next week has gone.
I'm officially on board for any Silver and Gold farming you guys want to do. Let's make this happen.
Ugh. That's gonna be some grinding if there isn't a shiny new Valiant in my store waiting for me tonight.
Yeah, I might actually use TA 6 with the CDR. Going to go try it out now.
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
No weapons, no classes, not even weapon mods? Just equipment?
Fuck you.
Yeah, that sounds like the one I got.
When do we get our special pack for 2 promotions?
Eh, isn't the Victory Pack the "hey guys, thanks for everyone playing" thing? The Commendation Pack is where the sexiness is found.
Yeah, but still. I at least got a weapon and a weapon mod out of the last Victory pack.
I mean, med-packs and missile launchers are nice since I'm always low on those, but yeah..
Hopefully I don't get the fucking Crusader again in my Commendation pack.
Damn, I need to save my monies up for this.
DS Friend code: 3840-6605-3406
So annoyed.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Picked up a Premier Spectre pack and low and behold, Black Widow! And a GPS upgrade as well
Time to get my Infiltrator on.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
On my sleeve, let the runway start
I'd gladly take those Krogan off your hands :P
3 aliens left to unlock for me..Quarian Engineer and both Krogans
Damnit, I want to headbutt and pimpslap some mans!
I have yet to unlock a single Krogan (or Drell)
Like, I don't even use them that often, but even just popping one or two of each now and then in heavy Silver play combined with almost strictly buying nothing but Spectres can lead to a dwindling supply pretty easily, especially when one of those 5 slots is too frequently taken up by buffs I don't use much outside of Gold, and Thermal Clips which are rarely necessary with how common ammo boxes are. Pretty much the only time I pop one is when I'm feeling lazy or when my team mates suck about getting to a hack and I find myself re-enacting a famous last stand on my own against hordes of foes.
Which, I'll admit, make me feel pretty badass when I pull it off. But I think I have 100 of those things and like 10-20 tops of the rest, maybe fewer.
I can't see them doing a 'premium recruit pack', so hopefully in the next few weeks they'll start revisiting the previous ones, because at this point I'd probably buy the shit out of the premium veteran one again. Like, I did so the first time around, and I'm still lacking a LOT of uncommon weapon and mod levels.
The unlocks must be related to the way people play, like the game is trying to entice you into using other classes or something. Because the ratio of crappy to acceptable unlocks just seems statistically unlikely.
Taramoor on Youtube
Joined a silver game where the host was a N7 rank 1 vanguard, nobody else would stay in the lobby so I said lol, let's see how horribly this goes. Two people joined mid way through the first wave but the game was laggy as hell. During the fourth wave everyone else seemed to disconnect, so it was just me.
Kept on going and knocked out waves 4 and 5, but I lost connection to EA servers during 6. And it was going so well!
All comes down to personal preference. I have my adepts and engies carry one because I have it upgraded to V and the CDR doesn't affect too much and I love being able to take down things on Silver in 2-3 well placed shots when I'm waiting for Energy Drain or Overload to come off cooldown.
But if you're relying on power spam, you may want to stick with an Avenger X or Predator, as you won't be able to keep things locked with Energy Drain/overload and a quick incinerate follow-up will do just as much, if not more damage.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Everyone suggests it because it's basically a handheld sniper rifle, plus if you use ammo powers, it's an almost(if not 100%) guaranteed application of said power...which people use in golds for many more combo setups. Also, its nice to headshot some people and explode their faces during power cooldowns. I use it on all my caster types for just this reason.
Edit: I'm slightly miffed at them for upping the paladin's encumbrance higher than the carnifex. My special N7 variant that will be almost impossible for me to ever upgrade, and you gotta go and make it heavier than the carni... rude.
Sixty -40- on Origin for some ME3 goodness.
Even with the Carnifex, your powers will still be on a relatively low cooldown so that you can spam them at your leisure. You will need the damage the Carnifex does on Silver and especially Gold, though.