[Hero Academy] Now on Steam with the TF2 Team! (PA League now actually works!)

JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKECreature - SnakeRegistered User regular
edited August 2012 in Games and Technology

Hero Academy is a multiplayer tactics game for iPhone/iPod Touch by Robot Entertainment. Players field a team of fantasy characters in a battle to destroy the other team's crystals or defeat all the other team's reinforcements.

Unlike most tactics games, you only have 5 actions total on your turn, which you could spread out over all the units on the field, or focus on making the most of one powerful unit. It's also asynchronous multiplayer, so it's like Words with Friends but more stomping. It's also got a really fun art style.

The game is free but ad-supported, and is available here. If you want to remove the ads, any in-app purchase will do. I'd recommend buying another team.

GameCenter: ROldford
Switch: nin.codes/roldford
Sterica on


  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    edited August 2012
    PA League!

    League Standings (Last Update: July 26)
    1. @Brew (noguru) - 1561
    2. @MNC Dover - 1514
    3. @Sploozoo (grillaface) - 1493
    4. @hlprmnky (Callow) - 1490
    5. @wonderpug (wonderpug) - 1489
    6. @corin7 (corin7) - 1487
    7. @rockmonkey (rockmonkey) - 1487
    8. @DesertChicken (DesertChicken) - 1484
    9. @initiatefailure (InitiateFailure) - 1478
    10. @kime (kime) - 1477
    11. @schmads (FallenKwisatz) - 1476
    12. @Petasus - 1465
    13. @Jacoby (ROldford) - 1455
    14. @Golf153 (Golf153) - 1424
    Listings are shown as "Forum Name (Hero Academy Name) - Rating".

    Unrated Players
    • @ToddJewell (Edendes) - 3 finished, Wins: Jacoby, Losses: Brew, Sploozoo
    • @Cmdr_Keen (Cmdr_Keen) - 4 finished, Wins: Brew, Losses: Brew, Theodore Floosevelt, Jacoby
    • @amateurhour (amateurhour) - 1 finished, Wins: none, Losses: wonderpug
    • @MadCaddy (MadCaddy) - 0 finished, Wins: none, Losses: none
    • @Darian (DarianPA) - 1 finished, Wins: none, Losses: wonderpug
    • @greebzilla (Greeb) - 0 finished, Wins: none, Losses: none

    Other Hero Academy Players
    Retired League Players
    Current Games
    • schmads vs. ToddJewell
    • rockmonkey vs. schmads
    • Brew vs. corin7
    • Brew vs. wonderpug
    • hlprmnky vs. wonderpug
    • Jacoby vs. MNC Dover
    • Jacoby vs. greebzilla
    • Jacoby vs. kime
    • hlprmnky vs. Jacoby

    Current Games by Player
    • amateurhour - 0
    • Brew - 2
    • Cmdr_Keen - 0
    • corin7 - 1
    • Darian - 0
    • DesertChicken - 0
    • Golf153 - 0
    • greebzilla - 1
    • hlprmnky - 2
    • initiatefailure - 0
    • Jacoby - 4
    • kime - 1
    • MadCaddy - 0
    • MNC Dover - 1
    • Petasus - 0
    • rockmonkey - 1
    • schmads - 2
    • Sploozoo - 0
    • Theodore Floosevelt - 0
    • ToddJewell - 1
    • wonderpug - 2
    Players with 5 or more current games may decline a challenge without penalty.

    Game Results for Next Rating Update
    • MNC Dover beats schmads

    Jacoby on
    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    edited May 2012
    League Info (Last edit: April 24)

    How do I join the League?
    Just make a post in here! Copy and paste this into your post:
    I'd like to [color=green]!join[/color] the League, @Jacoby! My Hero Academy name is XXX.
    replacing XXX with your actual Hero Academy name. I'll be notified, so I can add you when I next check the boards.
    You'll start the League with no rating until you finish 5 games against rated players. The full rating math is below, but the quick version is that your rating starts as the average rating of your first 5 opponents, then it's adjusted based on comparing your record to an expected record of 2.5 out of 5 (since we assume that you're probably average compared to the opponents you choose).

    What if I want to play, but not in the League?
    Just post your HA name here, and I'll add it to the "Other Players" list.

    How do I start a game with someone?
    • Again, just make a post in here. Copy and paste the following into your post:
      [color=red]!Challenge[/color] for @Jacoby: @Me versus @Opponent!
      replacing Me with your forum name Opponent with your opponent's forum name. (Use quotation marks if your opponent has a space in his name.)
    • If your opponent has less than 5 League games ongoing, you can also go ahead and start the game in Hero Academy. It's good form to use the chat feature to say that it's a PA League game. (Thanks to The Earl for this idea!) You can only use 3 actions on your first turn.
    • If your opponent has 5 or more League games ongoing), you will need to wait for them to allow or decline the challenge. (The "3 action first turn" rule still applies.)

    So when the game is done...
    You make a post here! Copy and paste the following into your post:
    [color=orange]!Result[/color] for @Jacoby: @Won defeated @Lost.
    and replace Won and Lost with the appropriate forum names. (Again, use quotation marks if your opponent has a space in his name.)
    We really like game report details, so feel free to add them! Screenshots and trash talk are also appreciated.

    A little iOS trick: If you hold the Standby button, then press the Home button, you should see a flash and hear the "camera shutter" noise. That means you've taken a screenshot, which you can find in your Camera Roll.

    Any special rules I should know?
    Game Limit:
    • If you're currently playing 4 or less games, you must play a game when you're challenged or forfeit (aka lose).
    • If you're playing 5 or more games, you can choose to deny the challenge.
    Turn Time Limits:
    • A player forfeits their game if their last move was 7 days ago.
    • If this happens to you, take a screenshot of your game list in case we need it as proof
    • If a player thinks they'll need an extension, they need to let me know ahead of time. This can be by PM or just posting here.
    • Remember that games automatically end with you losing if you're inactive for 14 days. Extensions here can't stop that.
    Allowable Teams:
    The following teams are currently allowed.
    • Council
    • Dark Elves
    • Dwarves
    • Tribe
    You don't have to buy a team, but expect to play against them.
    Starting Player:
    • The challenger starts the game.
    • The challenger can only take 3 actions on their first turn.

    How do the ratings work?
    It's based on the Elo chess player ratings system used by FIDE. The difference between ratings gives an idea of the probability of winning or losing, and wins and losses are worth more points if the result is unlikely.
    New players get a rating once they finish 5 games. (Their opponent's ratings are unaffected by those games.) Ratings for rated players are updated every 2 weeks on Saturday based on game reports sent in by midnight Friday night/Saturday morning (Grenwich Mean Time).
    If you want the full math behind the ratings, they're spoilered below.
    Giving Unrated Players A Starting Rating
    Unrated players get their starting rating using the formula R = Ra + 30*(W-2.5) where:
    • R = player rating
    • Ra = average rating of all 5 rated opponents
    • W = number of wins
    Note that ratings are not affected by games against unrated players. This is still true if 2 unrated players play.

    Updating Rated Players' Ratings
    The old rating Rc is found from the last rating period's results.
    For each of the player's rated opponents:
    1. Find the rating difference D using Rc(player) - Rc(opponent). D is 400 at most and -400 at least.
    2. Find the win probability Pd using the table in 8.1.b) in the FIDE Handbook.
    3. Find the score difference ΔS using ΔS=S-Pd, where S is your game score (win = 1, loss = 0).
    The rating change ΔR is found using ΔR=(sum of all ΔS)*K, where K is 15 until reaching a rating of 2400, when it is permanently set to 10.
    The new rating Rn is found by adding Rc and ΔR, then rounding to the nearest whole number (0.5 is rounded up).
    Note that unrated opponents are not used in calculating a rated player's new rating.

    Any future plans for the League?
    If this works out and people want it, I'd like to have a tournament this winter amongst the top players in the League. The details can be decided later, and I'll see about contacting Robot Entertainment for prize support (like T-shirts or something).

    Jacoby on
    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    edited August 2012
    The Teams!

    A well-rounded team of human heroes, this team is maybe the most straight-forward of the teams. (Since it's free, you'll also have plenty of time to figure it out.) The Council is naturally good at healing, with the Cleric unit being the best healer in the game, and the Revive Potion item having the ability to raise fallen units anywhere on the board.
    Fighter: Knight - Has the most HP of any unit in the game. Add knockback attacks and you've got one heck of a meat shield.
    Shooter: Archer - Powerful ranged attacks, but really bad close up.
    Caster: Wizard - Shorter range, but his lighting attacks chain onto nearby enemies
    Support: Cleric - Probably the best healer in the game
    Super Unit: Ninja - Fast, plenty of damage, plus he can teleport by switching places with another unit.

    Dark Elves
    A tougher team to master, Dark Elves can seem more fragile, but they make up for it with some nice tricks. All Dark Elves units heal themselves when they damage enemies, and the Necromancer's ability to raise a fallen hero as a Phantom essentially gives them the ability to stomp enemy units at long range.
    Fighter: Monk - A fast unit with splash damage melee attacks.
    Shooter: Impaler - Less range than the Archer, but her attack pulls heroes towards her.
    Caster: Necromancer - Perhaps the star of the team. Long range magic attacks and the Phantom summoning ability gives the Dark Elves a lot of area control ability.
    Support: Priestess - Worse at raw healing, but has some extra range and a nice debuff effect
    Super Unit: Wraith - Starts weak, but gets stronger by eating fallen heroes. Once it's fully grown, it's an absolute beast, and the threat of it growing can mess up your oppponent's plans. (We call him Fluffy.)

    The Dwarves never met an AOE effect they didn't like, with 3 out of 5 unit types able to do splash damage. They also gain extra effect from the special ("premium") squares on the battlefield, with the Engineer pushing that bonus even higher. They're great at hitting the crystal, but aren't so good at actually removing enemy units.
    Fighter: Paladin - The only non-support healer in the game. Really tough for a healer, and they have a defense aura that affects nearby heroes. 2 of these fully upgraded are a real tough nut to crack.
    Shooter: Gunner - High damage when close, damage spread at range. Also shotguns are fun. :)
    Caster: Grenadier - AOE damage at range. Also grenades are fun. :)
    Support: Engineer - Very fragile, but can put shields on other heroes that prevent one attack. They also get even more effect out of a premium square. One of these on a crystal damage boost square is death to enemy crystals.
    Super Unit: Annihilator - AOE damage at long range with permanent defense that knocks nearby enemies away. Also goddamn rocket launchers are the most fun. :D

    The Tribe is a very agressive team, better at winning by killing the enemy team rather than destroying the crystal, but they still need to be tricky. Whittle down your opponent's units, force him to waste time healing, then crush them all!
    Fighter: Warrior - One-shot kill if the enemy is at 50% health or less. Axe Thrower is his bro.
    Shooter: Axe Thrower - Does extra damage to enemies at 50% health or more. Warrior is his best bro.
    Caster: Witch - Explodes fallen heroes at range, causing damage to nearby enemies.
    Support: Shaman - His healing effect chains to nearby heroes, even through full-health heroes
    Super Unit: Chieftain - Can charge attack enemies 3 spaces away, or do damage to all enemies around him. There's also 2 of them!

    Team Fortress 2
    Soon to be available to anyone who buys Hero Academy on Steam! Lots of variety, so there's going to be plenty of tactics to discover.
    Units - Thanks to MNC_Dover and wonderpug for collecting info on the team!
    Scout - With a range of 4, this is the fastest unit in the game. He also moves back 1 space when hit, and gives 1 AP when you deploy him (so he's basically free!). Low HP and damage, though.
    Soldier - High range and damage, with a knockback effect. Very similar to the Dwarven Annihilator.
    Medic - The team healer, obviously, and can link with another unit to give a 50% damage buff (as long as he stays close).
    Engineer - Can upgrade weapons to give a 30% damage boost.
    Heavy - Lots of HP, but low damage at first. If he keeps attacking without moving, he adds 50 damage each time. The damage spreads out at range, similar to the Dwarven Gunner.
    Pyro - Want to hit that Cleric hiding behind that Knight? Use a Pyro! He (she? it?) hits 2 units in a row, and has a high damage attack! It also hits cloaked units (i.e. the Spy).
    Demoman - Pretty much just like the Dwarven Grenadier, but he does extra crystal damage.
    Sniper - Not a lot of damage, but ridiculous range: He can hit any unit on his row. He also crouches at the end of the turn, so his next attack does more damage. Great for area control!
    Spy - The spy can't be hit by ranged damage (Pyro excepted), and does massive damage if he hits from behind. Not sure if he can't be seen at all by the enemy, though.

    • Hero Academy is available on Steam now! If you buy Hero Academy on Steam, you get a Team Fortress 2 team.

    • The James Review has an excellent series of Hero Academy posts. Well-written and with plenty of tips and tactics.
    • Making and Breaking Games goes a little more in-depth in their posts, but he pretty much called the reduced first turn actions added in the 1.2 update.
    • It's a little old, but this guide from the Hero Academy forums is still useful.
    • For those of you who get really serious about your games, there's a Damage Calculator and Unit Tracker.
    • Oh My Void Monks is a great strategy blog that features turn-by-turn analysis of tournament games and tactics puzzles (like chess puzzles).

    Jacoby on
    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • BrewBrew Registered User regular
    Great stuff Jacoby. Thank you again for putting in the effort to get this organized.

    I purchased the dwarves and tribe yesterday do I'll probably be spending next two days playing those exclusively. I'm having so much fun trying to figure those teams out since they seem like polar opposites.

    1st ever "Penny-Arcade Hero Academy Tournament" Toilet Bowl Champion!
    "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
  • The EarlThe Earl Los AngelesRegistered User regular
    I'm having a blast with the tribe. Favorite thing to happen so far was I rez'd a witch from three tiles away using the Shaman's arc healing, ate some meat, killed the archer that killed me and then blew up the corpse killing 2 other people and finishing off a crystal.

    The player then became disheartened and forfeited.

    Must say, playing against Wonderpug and I'm sure anyone else from PA, is quite the learning experience as he is taking advantage of any opening I leave out there. Then promptly finishing me off in style...recently moving everyone to the far side of the board, yelling "fire in the hole" and then finishing me off with an aoe. Then getting a weird look from my girlfriend when I start laughing and she asks why and I say...I died.

    | Flickr | Steam | KROQ | Game Center The_Earl
  • wonderpugwonderpug Registered User regular
    lol, glad you liked that one. If I've ever got action points to spare for a winning turn, I'll go for as much humor/style as I can get out of the finishing move.

    Well actually, even if I'm about to lose I'll try to spice it up. Just recently vs a regular opponent who was about to win, I ran a monk to the far side of the board and powered him up with items and a pre-scroll and yelled "WHAT'S THAT OVER THERE TO THE LEFT". Alas, the diversion didn't work.

  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    First batch of invites have been sent out. Thanks for all the support!

    I noticed, though, that both @Brew and @wonderpug haven't joined yet. Taking a break? :)

    But seriously thanks for not destroying us yet donthurtme!

    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • wonderpugwonderpug Registered User regular
    lol, just dragging my heels on the "it involves some minimal work on my part" step. I'll PM you in a sec. :0

  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    Just so you know, you can Dare players below you to Challenge you. For example, I'm going to Dare @kime. If I lose, I fully expect to be mocked, and mocked thoroughly, for my foolish hubris. That won't happen, of course, as I am clearly a GODDAMN FORCE OF NATURE!



    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    Dwarves are now on sale. Didn't see the price or when the sale ends, though. If you can, let me know so I can add it to the news section.

    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    The price is $0.99 , dunno the time though.

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • DisrupterDisrupter Registered User regular
    Wow, so they need to make it so spike armor does not hit back on splash. My annihilator is majorly gimped against the Tribe because I can not keep a bubble on him to allow him to properly kill without the risk of an easy ko/stomp back because its almost impossible for my splash to not hit someone with spike. This goes the same for grenaders too. Especially considering how the Tribe heal works causing them to be bunched.

  • SploozooSploozoo Grillaface Richmond VARegistered User regular
    Totally agree with you Disrupter - hate that shield damage breaks the bubble. And man o man do I suck with the tribe. Haven't really figured out how to be successful with them. Keep practicing I guess.

    Jacoby, sent u pm- would love to join the league!

    Mnemonic anamnesis.

    aka Grillaface
  • The EarlThe Earl Los AngelesRegistered User regular
    I'm having terrible fun with the typhoon. Just gonna camp my ass on this here atk boost tile and let a wave of water bring your scared bunch of guys to me. Then I blow up the remaining corpse.

    Has anyone noticed if the damage inflicted by the spiked armor can actually be the killing blow?

    | Flickr | Steam | KROQ | Game Center The_Earl
  • DracilDracil Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Chieftain AOE rocks. Not only does it hit everything around him, it also sucks in anyone just out of range. In this one game, I think I've killed like 4 units with him alone, all while bringing both crystals down to <50% health while camping on his +damage tile. Soon I can just throw in a warrior to auto-kill the crystals.

    Dracil on
    3DS: 2105-8644-6304
    Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
    MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
  • The EarlThe Earl Los AngelesRegistered User regular
    Yep, there's an achievement for doing damage to 5 units (the 2 crystals each count as one apparently) with the chieftain. And I got it in that same spot, killing 3 guys in the process.

    Having both the healing and uber damage in a single action is absolutely brutal. And the rage damage boost you get from having a teammate stomped, it stacks on top of the meat bonus. Can't wait to see how a pissed off chieftain goes against a fully fed wraith.

    | Flickr | Steam | KROQ | Game Center The_Earl
  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    Sploozoo wrote: »
    Jacoby, sent u pm- would love to join the league!

    Check your email. You should have an invite, but let me know if it's not working.

    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • WishpigWishpig Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    UGH! This game is too fucking addictive. I'm wasting way too much time playing it! I'm cutting back my playtime to 5 moves a day (in each of my games).

    A few thoughts on Dwarfs post patch...

    They're much more effective as a "kill them all" team now. Employing a turtle strategy of course. The drill is a HUGE threat to the enemy super-unit. Massive damage combined with the ability to destroy armor leaves any super-unit extremely vulnerable. It's a great way to take out someone getting a little cocky with their Ninja, Wraith, or Chieftain. Dunno how well this would work on a fed Wraith though. Literally in EVERY post patch match I played, I've taken out the super-unit (or a super unit in the case of the orcs) with the sacrifice of a unequipped bomber or gunner. With their super-unit dead, and my annihilator typically VERY safe, if I play it slow and cautious, I can whittle them down.

    Gunners still suck.

    Dwarfs are more LUCK based than any other team. You get a gunner and three engineers in a row... you're fucked. You get two paladin's in a row, holy shit, you're a lucky boy. You get a bomber and a weapon upgrade AND multiple paladins... the enemy team is in for a rough ride. I'm sure this is heavily due to the fact that Dwarfs have the only class that can be considered totally useless without other units.

    On a side-note, orcs are a blast!

    Wishpig on
    WARNING: Picture below may cause spontaneous growth of facial hair and/or body hair.

    Image by Sharpwriter on deviantart.com
  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    edited April 2012
    I've figured out a new method to join the League that might work a little better. I've added it to the League info page.
    1. Register at freeonlineleague.com/.
    2. Once you're registered, PM me for the invite code.
    3. When you get the invite code, go to the user home page and enter the invite code in the League Invitation sidebar.
    4. I'll be notified that you want to join, so you'll need to wait a little while to be approved.
    5. Once you've joined, make sure your alias is your PA name and Hero Academy name. (How else will people challenge you?) You can do this on the Ladder tab.

    Jacoby on
    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    Someone is trying to join, but I don't recognize the name. Let me know if you've joined the League but are waiting for approval.

    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    i'd kill for the android version to be released. my iphone is dead, and this game seems like it'd be right up my alley.

    League of Legends:Varega
  • SploozooSploozoo Grillaface Richmond VARegistered User regular
    Anyone notice reduced bonus crystal damage from AOE splash? Or is it just me?

    Mnemonic anamnesis.

    aka Grillaface
  • wonderpugwonderpug Registered User regular
    Sploozoo wrote: »
    Anyone notice reduced bonus crystal damage from AOE splash? Or is it just me?

    You're not imagining it; that's one of the (poorly worded) changes in the latest patch.

  • BrewBrew Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    The Earl wrote: »
    I'm having terrible fun with the typhoon. Just gonna camp my ass on this here atk boost tile and let a wave of water bring your scared bunch of guys to me. Then I blow up the remaining corpse.

    Has anyone noticed if the damage inflicted by the spiked armor can actually be the killing blow?

    Strange thing about splash back damage is that it goes down as the attacking units health goes down. At 800 hp you'll get full splash back damage. At 100 you'll get no damage.
    I guess it's intentional but it does not say that anywhere in the description.

    @Jacoby I'm having problems joining the league. I never get the account confirmation email. I tried Comcast and Att accounts and checked spam folders on both :( I'll keep trying.

    EDIT: third try with Gmail was the charm. I'm in as NoguruBrew!

    Brew on
    1st ever "Penny-Arcade Hero Academy Tournament" Toilet Bowl Champion!
    "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
  • wonderpugwonderpug Registered User regular
    I missed that question earlier. Spike armor cannot deal the killing blow. I don't know what the "can't hurt you anymore" cutoff is, but if it's 100hp then that would fit with Brew's observation.

  • BrewBrew Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    @wonderpug 2200 HP crystal execute, eh? EH?

    Also, I'm still not impressed with Dwarves. Although it's fun to put shield upgrade, brew, shield tile and 2 paladins next to a unit. Gives the unit 100% physical immunity for 1 hit :)

    Brew on
    1st ever "Penny-Arcade Hero Academy Tournament" Toilet Bowl Champion!
    "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
  • schmadsschmads Registered User regular
    I have sent out a ladder "challenge" to corin7, as well as started a game, so good luck! It's on the new board with the barbed crystals, which I haven't gotten to try before, so this should be interesting :)

    Am I correct in perceiving that only one ladder "challenge" may be going on at a time? I had thought to challenge a couple of people and play them at the same time, but I suppose that could end up with some weirdness when it comes to scoring and such. I'll happily continue to play against anyone who wishes, ladder or otherwise, just check my sig for the HA name.

    Battle.net/SC2: Kwisatz.868 | Steam/XBL/PSN/Gamecenter: schmads | BattleTag/D3: Schmads#1144 | Hero Academy & * With Friends: FallenKwisatz | 3DS: 4356-0128-9671
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    schmads wrote: »
    I have sent out a ladder "challenge" to corin7, as well as started a game, so good luck! It's on the new board with the barbed crystals, which I haven't gotten to try before, so this should be interesting :)

    Am I correct in perceiving that only one ladder "challenge" may be going on at a time? I had thought to challenge a couple of people and play them at the same time, but I suppose that could end up with some weirdness when it comes to scoring and such. I'll happily continue to play against anyone who wishes, ladder or otherwise, just check my sig for the HA name.

    It looks to me like only one challenge at a time, yeah. That doesn't mean you can't play other people still, though! You can even just keep track of the wins and losses and do quick update challenges when you officially finish that one. I think?

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    schmads wrote: »
    Am I correct in perceiving that only one ladder "challenge" may be going on at a time? I had thought to challenge a couple of people and play them at the same time, but I suppose that could end up with some weirdness when it comes to scoring and such.

    Actually, the site's just added multiple challenge support. Now you just dare whoever you want. You can also use the quick update challenge, but now you won't need to.

    Also, I think I messed things up when I was trying to set this up. I accidentally made another ladder in the league, which I got automatically entered in, so the challenge between myself and @kime got erased. At least, I think that's what happened... I'm going to try to sort it out.

    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • The EarlThe Earl Los AngelesRegistered User regular
    I'd like to make a suggestion that when the challenger creates the game, he send a message in the chat of the game to alert the person that its a PA Ladder challenge. Just for those that might have the maximum number of games going on and also in case you're used to having casual games going on with a PA member regardless as to it being a ladder match.

    | Flickr | Steam | KROQ | Game Center The_Earl
  • schmadsschmads Registered User regular
    The Earl wrote: »
    I'd like to make a suggestion that when the challenger creates the game, he send a message in the chat of the game to alert the person that its a PA Ladder challenge. Just for those that might have the maximum number of games going on and also in case you're used to having casual games going on with a PA member regardless as to it being a ladder match.
    That's a good idea. That way when I win 1 out of 10 games against wonderpug or Brew, I can't just be all "hey, that was the ladder match game, totally!" :)

    Battle.net/SC2: Kwisatz.868 | Steam/XBL/PSN/Gamecenter: schmads | BattleTag/D3: Schmads#1144 | Hero Academy & * With Friends: FallenKwisatz | 3DS: 4356-0128-9671
  • corin7corin7 San Diego, CARegistered User regular
    Just fyi I am getting ready to leave for Coachella. My moves may be hit or miss for a few days. One positive tho is I will probably be mostly drunk for the next week so you may get easy wins from me. :P

  • schmadsschmads Registered User regular
    corin7 wrote: »
    Just fyi I am getting ready to leave for Coachella. My moves may be hit or miss for a few days. One positive tho is I will probably be mostly drunk for the next week so you may get easy wins from me. :P

    I've been making some dumb moves in games lately, so that may just even us out. Have fun!

    Battle.net/SC2: Kwisatz.868 | Steam/XBL/PSN/Gamecenter: schmads | BattleTag/D3: Schmads#1144 | Hero Academy & * With Friends: FallenKwisatz | 3DS: 4356-0128-9671
  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    So I fixed the bugs that showed up when I switched to multiple challenge mode, so everything should work properly. If you're in an existing challenge, you'll have the ability to challenge anyone when you're done your challenge.

    Here's how it works:
    1. Dare someone to a game.
    2. The other player gets a PM that they've been dared. (This should automatically email you, but check your settings.)
    3. When you're done, submit your results.
    That's it!

    They're working on improving this, mainly by adding notifications of who's dared you. Let me know if this is working okay for you or not. It might be a good idea to save pictures of your game at the end so you know who won, in case we need to adjust the results and standings.

    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • JacobyJacoby OHHHHH IT’S A SNAKE Creature - SnakeRegistered User regular
    The Earl wrote: »
    I'd like to make a suggestion that when the challenger creates the game, he send a message in the chat of the game to alert the person that its a PA Ladder challenge. Just for those that might have the maximum number of games going on and also in case you're used to having casual games going on with a PA member regardless as to it being a ladder match.

    Great idea. I'll add it to the OP!

    GameCenter: ROldford
    Switch: nin.codes/roldford
  • wonderpugwonderpug Registered User regular
    I'd also like to make the suggestion that Brew can only use 4 actions per turn for the entirety of each of his matches.

  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    i look forward to getting my ass kicked by people who have played this game much more than I have.

  • BrewBrew Registered User regular
    I can only dare @wonderpug it seems... Can't challenge anyone else. Wanna have at it @wonderpug?

    It also shows a link to "Enter results" next to Norman Tran's name on the ladder even though I am not playing a game against him. Unless I've been challenged and do not know about it. His profile says DesertChicken. Who's Norman Tran? I'll start a game! :)

    1st ever "Penny-Arcade Hero Academy Tournament" Toilet Bowl Champion!
    "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
  • susansusan Registered User regular
    Any word on an Android version of this coming out? Just got me a Tablet and wanna give it a go.

    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
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